function Get-IBMAutopilotDeviceInfos { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the Autopilot device Infos based on specified criteria. .DESCRIPTION The Get-IBMAutopilotDeviceInfos function allows you to retrieve Autopilot managed device Infos by Serialnumber(s). .NOTES Author: Florian Salzmann | @FlorianSLZ | Version: 1.0 Date: 2024-08-11 Changelog: - 2024-08-11: 1.0 Initial version #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the serial number of the device to retrieve.")] [string]$Serialnumber, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the serial numbers of the devices to retrieve.")] [string]$Serialnumbers ) $AutopilotDeviceInfos = $null if($Serialnumbers -or $Serialnumber){ if($Serialnumber){ $Serialnumbers = $Serialnumber } $Serialnumbers = $Serialnumbers.Where({ $_ -ne "" }) $batchingParams = @{ "Objects2Process" = $Serialnumbers "ActionURI" = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities?`$filter=contains(serialNumber,'{0}')" "Method" = "GET" "GraphVersion" = "beta" "BodySingle" = @{} "ActionTitle" = "Get Device by Serial Number" } $AutopilotDeviceInfos = Invoke-IBMGrapAPIBatching @batchingParams }else{ # get all autopilot devices $AutopilotDeviceInfos = Invoke-IBMPagingRequest -Uri "" } return $AutopilotDeviceInfos } |