
function Start-IntuneRestoreAssignments() {
    Restore Intune Configuration Assignments
    Restore Intune Configuration Assignments
    Path where backup (JSON) files are located.
    Start-IntuneRestoreAssignments -Path C:\temp -RestoreById $false
    Requires the MSGraphFunctions PowerShell Module
    Connect to MSGraph first, using the 'Connect-Graph' cmdlet.
    Set $RestoreById to $true, if the Configuration itself was not restored from backup. Set $RestoreById to $false if the configurations have been re-created (new unique ID's).

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$RestoreById = $false

        "Action" = "Restore"
        "Type"   = "Intune Backup and Restore Action"
        "Name"   = "IntuneBackupAndRestore - Start Intune Restore Assignments"
        "Path"   = $Path

    Invoke-IntuneRestoreConfigurationPolicyAssignment -Path $path -RestoreById $restoreById
    Invoke-IntuneRestoreClientAppAssignment -Path $path -RestoreById $restoreById
    Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment -Path $path -RestoreById $restoreById
    Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceConfigurationAssignment -Path $path -RestoreById $restoreById
    Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceManagementScriptAssignment -Path $path -RestoreById $restoreById
    Invoke-IntuneRestoreGroupPolicyConfigurationAssignment -Path $path -RestoreById $restoreById