function Add-SandboxShell { <# .SYNOPSIS This tool is for testing Powershell Script which is packed using Win32 Content Prep Tool for installing software using Win32 Deployment profile in Intune. .DESCRIPTION This is a configuration script which will create folder at location C:\Sandbox for storing binaries, icons, scripts and wsb files. It also adds options to system context menu for packing intuewin and testing such package. Such package should contain Install-Script.ps1 and all the neccessary binaries, executables. To correctly create intunewin package, please name parent folder as the same as *.ps1 script within! .NOTES © 2021 Maciej Horbacz #> If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { Write-Output "This function needs to be run As Admin" Break } Clear-Host Write-Host 'Thanks for using this tool!' -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host 'Starting configuration process...' -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host 'Checking for operating folder...' -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline $SandboxOperatingFolder = 'C:\SandboxEnvironment\bin' [string] $module = (Get-Command -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -All).Source $PathModule = (Get-Module -Name $module.Trim() | Select-Object ModuleBase -First 1).ModuleBase If (!(Test-Path -Path $SandboxOperatingFolder -PathType Container)) { Start-Sleep 2 Write-Host 'Not found!' -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host 'Adding operating folder...' -ForegroundColor Yellow New-Item -Path $SandboxOperatingFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Start-Sleep 1 Write-Host 'Folder found!' -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Copying crucial files to $SandboxOperatingFolder" -ForegroundColor Yellow Copy-Item -Path $PathModule\Configuration\* -Recurse -Destination $SandboxOperatingFolder -Force Write-Host "Copying helpers files to C:\SandboxEnvironment" -ForegroundColor Yellow Copy-Item -Path $PathModule\Helpers\* -Recurse -Destination 'C:\SandboxEnvironment' -Force } Write-Host " Contex menu options: 1 - Only 'Run test in Sandbox' 2 - Only 'Pack with IntunewinUtil' 3 - Both " -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host 'Please specify your choice: ' -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline $Option = Read-Host New-PSDrive -PSProvider registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -Name HKCR_SD | Out-Null switch ($Option) { 1 { If (!(Test-Path -Path 'HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell\Run test in Sandbox\Command')) { Write-Host 'Context menu item not present.' -ForegroundColor Green New-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\ -Name '.intunewin' New-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\.intunewin -Name 'Shell' Set-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell -Value Open New-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell -Name 'Run test in Sandbox' New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell\Run test in Sandbox' -Name icon -PropertyType 'String' -Value "$SandboxOperatingFolder\sandbox.ico" New-Item -Path 'HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell\Run test in Sandbox' -Name 'Command' Set-Item -Path 'HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell\Run test in Sandbox\Command' -Value "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command $SandboxOperatingFolder\Invoke-Test.ps1 -PackagePath `"%V`"" } else { Write-Host 'Context menu item already present!' -ForegroundColor Yellow } } 2 { If (!(Test-Path -Path 'HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\Pack with IntunewinUtil\Command')) { Write-Host 'Context menu item not present.' -ForegroundColor Green New-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\ -Name 'Pack with IntunewinUtil' New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\Pack with IntunewinUtil' -Name icon -PropertyType 'String' -Value "$SandboxOperatingFolder\intunewin-Box-icon.ico" New-Item -Path 'HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\Pack with IntunewinUtil' -Name 'Command' Set-Item -Path 'HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\Pack with IntunewinUtil\Command' -Value "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file $SandboxOperatingFolder\Invoke-IntunewinUtil.ps1 -PackagePath `"%V`"" } else { Write-Host 'Context menu item already present!' -ForegroundColor Yellow } } 3 { If (!(Test-Path -Path 'HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell\Run test in Sandbox\Command')) { Write-Host 'Context menu item not present.' -ForegroundColor Green New-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\ -Name '.intunewin' New-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\.intunewin -Name 'Shell' Set-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell -Value Open New-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell -Name 'Run test in Sandbox' New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell\Run test in Sandbox' -Name icon -PropertyType 'String' -Value "$SandboxOperatingFolder\sandbox.ico" New-Item -Path 'HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell\Run test in Sandbox' -Name 'Command' Set-Item -Path 'HKCR_SD:\.intunewin\Shell\Run test in Sandbox\Command' -Value "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command $SandboxOperatingFolder\Invoke-Test.ps1 -PackagePath `"%V`"" } else { Write-Host 'Context menu item already present!' -ForegroundColor Yellow } If (!(Test-Path -Path 'HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\Pack with IntunewinUtil\Command')) { Write-Host 'Context menu item not present.' -ForegroundColor Green New-Item -Path HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\ -Name 'Pack with IntunewinUtil' New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\Pack with IntunewinUtil' -Name icon -PropertyType 'String' -Value "$SandboxOperatingFolder\intunewin-Box-icon.ico" New-Item -Path 'HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\Pack with IntunewinUtil' -Name 'Command' Set-Item -Path 'HKCR_SD:\Directory\Shell\Pack with IntunewinUtil\Command' -Value "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file $SandboxOperatingFolder\Invoke-IntunewinUtil.ps1 -PackagePath `"%V`"" } else { Write-Host 'Context menu item already present!' -ForegroundColor Yellow } } Default { Write-Host 'Wrong option! Bye...' -ForegroundColor Red Break } } Write-Host 'All done!' -ForegroundColor Green Pause } |