using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Management.Automation; using ExposedObject; using IntelliTect.Management.Automation.UnitTesting; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace IntelliTect.PSDropbin.Tests { [TestClass] public class DropboxPSProviderTests : PSProviderTestBase<DropboxProvider, DropboxDriveInfo> { public const string TestDriveName = "DropboxTestDrive"; [ClassInitialize] public static void ClassInitialize( TestContext testContext ) { if ( PowerShell == null || PowerShell.HadErrors ) { ClassCleanup(); PowerShell = PowerShell.Create(); } Provider = ImportModule( testContext ); NewDrive(driveName: TestDriveName, testContext: testContext ); } [TestInitialize] public void TestInitialize() { if ( PowerShell.HadErrors ) { PowerShell.Dispose(); ClassInitialize( TestContext ); } } [ClassCleanup] public static void ClassCleanup() { if ( PowerShell != null ) { PowerShell.Dispose(); } } [TestMethod] public void Constructor() { Assert.IsNotNull( Provider ); } // TODO: Undo ignore and use Stub/Fakes to fake the call to Provider.WriteError [TestMethod] // [ExpectedException( typeof(ProviderInvocationException) )] // TODO: figure out why we were originally getting a ProviderInvocationException instead [ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentNullException) )] public void NewDrive_PSDriveInfoIsNull_WritesErrorAndReturnsNull() { dynamic exposedObject = Exposed.From( Provider ); try { Assert.IsNull( exposedObject.NewDrive( (PSDriveInfo) null ) ); } catch { // TODO: Determine why no records are written to Error stream. // Assert.AreEqual<int>(1, PowerShell.Streams.Error.Count); throw; } } [TestMethod] public void ImportModule_SuccessfullyImports() { ICollection<PSObject> results = PowerShellInvoke( "Get-PSProvider " + ProviderName ); Assert.IsNotNull( results ); ProviderInfo providerInfo = (ProviderInfo) results.First().ImmediateBaseObject; //Assert.AreEqual<string>(typeof(ProviderInfo).FullName, results.First().TypeNames[0]); Assert.AreEqual( typeof(DropboxProvider).Assembly.GetName().Name, providerInfo.ModuleName ); Assert.IsNotNull( Provider ); } [TestMethod] public void IsValid_GivenInvalidFileNames_ReturnsFalse() { dynamic exposedProvider = Exposed.From( Provider ); Assert.IsFalse( exposedProvider.IsValidPath( (string) null ) ); Assert.IsFalse( exposedProvider.IsValidPath( "" ) ); Assert.IsFalse( exposedProvider.IsValidPath( string.Format( "te{0}st\test.txt", Path.GetInvalidPathChars()[1] ) ) ); Assert.IsFalse( exposedProvider.IsValidPath( string.Format( "test\te{0}st.txt", Path.GetInvalidPathChars()[0] ) ) ); } [TestMethod] public void IsValid_GivenValidFileNames_ReturnsTrue() { dynamic exposedProvider = Exposed.From( Provider ); Assert.IsTrue( exposedProvider.IsValidPath( @"Test\Test.txt" ) ); Assert.IsTrue( exposedProvider.IsValidPath( "Test/Test.txt" ) ); Assert.IsTrue( exposedProvider.IsValidPath( @"\Test\Test.txt" ) ); Assert.IsTrue( exposedProvider.IsValidPath( @"/Test/Test.txt" ) ); } [Ignore] [TestMethod] // Not sure how to invoke a command using ImportModuleCommand type. public void ImportModule_UsingImportModuleCommand() { //PowerShell = PowerShell.Create(); //string psProviderPath = typeof(DropboxPSProvider).Assembly.Location; //ImportModuleCommand command = new ImportModuleCommand(); //command.Assembly = new[] { typeof(DropboxPSProvider).Assembly }; //command.PassThru = SwitchParameter.Present; //command.Name = new[] { "Import-Module" }; //CmdletInfo cmdletInfo = new CmdletInfo("Import-Module", typeof(ImportModuleCommand)); //PSObject psObject; //PowerShell.AddCommand(cmdletInfo); //psObject = PowerShellInvoke(TestContext).First(); } [TestMethod] public void ItemExists_GivenExistentItem_ReturnsTrue() { Assert.IsTrue( (bool) PowerShellInvoke( string.Format( "Test-Path {0}:/Public", TestDriveName ) ) .First() .ImmediateBaseObject ); } [TestMethod] public void ItemExists_GivenNonExistentItem_ReturnsFalse() { Assert.IsFalse( TestPath( string.Format( "{0}:/DoesNotExist", TestDriveName) ) ); } [TestMethod] public void TestPath_ValidDirectoryPaths_ReturnsTrue() { Assert.IsTrue( TestPath( PrependProviderDefaultDrive( "\\" ) ) ); Assert.IsTrue( TestPath( PrependProviderDefaultDrive( "\\Public" ) ) ); } [TestMethod] public void TestPath_InvalidPaths_ReturnsFalse() { ICollection<PSObject> results = PowerShellInvoke(@"Test-Path ""DropboxTestDrive:\DoesNotExist"""); Assert.IsNotNull( results ); Assert.AreEqual( 1, results.Count ); Assert.IsFalse( (bool) results.First().ImmediateBaseObject ); } [TestMethod] public void SetLocation_RootPath_Successful() { ICollection<PSObject> results = PowerShellInvoke(@"Set-Location ""DropboxTestDrive:\""; Get-Location"); Assert.IsNotNull( results ); Assert.AreEqual( 1, results.Count ); Assert.AreEqual(@"DropboxTestDrive:\", results.First().ImmediateBaseObject.ToString() ); } [TestMethod] public void SetLocation_ValidPaths_Successful() { ICollection<PSObject> results = PowerShellInvoke(@"Set-Location ""DropboxTestDrive:\Public""; Get-Location"); Assert.IsNotNull( results ); Assert.AreEqual( 1, results.Count ); Assert.AreEqual(@"DropboxTestDrive:\Public", results.First().ImmediateBaseObject.ToString() ); } [TestMethod] public void NewItem_CreateDirectoryItem_Success() { const string directoryName = "NewItem_CreateDirectoryItem_Success.delete"; if ( TestPath( directoryName ) ) { PowerShellInvoke( "Remove-Item {0}", directoryName ); } PowerShellInvoke( "New-Item {0} -ItemType Directory ", directoryName ); AttemptAssertion( () => TestPath( directoryName ) ); Assert.IsTrue( IsItemContainer( directoryName ) ); PowerShellInvoke( "Remove-Item {0}", directoryName ); } [TestMethod] public void NewItem_CreateFileItem_Success() { const string path = "NewItem_CreateFileItem_Success.delete"; try { NewItem( path ); Assert.IsTrue( TestPath( path ) ); Assert.IsFalse( IsItemContainer( path ) ); } finally { RemoveItem( path, true ); } } protected string PrependProviderDefaultDrive( string path ) { // TODO: Leverage Microsoft.PowerShell.Management.Activities.JoinPath rather than hard coding the '/' return string.Format( "{0}:\\{1}", TestDriveName, path ); } [TestMethod] public void CopyItem_GivenExistingItemInDropbox_Success() { string path = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( "CopyItem_GivenExistingItemInDropbox_Success.delete" ); string destination = path + "-Copied"; CopyItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] public void CopyDirectory_GivenExistingDirectoryInDropbox_Success() { const string name = "CopyDirectory_GivenExistingDirectoryItemInDropbox_Success.delete"; string path = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( name + "\\" ); string destination = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( "Copied-" + name + "\\" ); CopyItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] public void CopyDirectory_GivenExistingDirectoryOnLfs_CopyItemToDropbox() { const string name = "CopyDirectory_GivenExistingDirectoryOnLocalFileSystem_Success-delete"; string path = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), name + "\\" ); string destination = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( "Copied-" + name + "\\" ); CopyItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] public void CopyDirectory_GivenMultilevelDirectoryOnLfs_CopyItemToDropbox() { const string name = "CopyDirectory_GivenMultilevelDirectoryOnLfs_CopyItemToDropbox-delete\\Subdirectory"; string path = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), name + "\\" ); string destination = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( "Copied-" + name + "\\" ); CopyItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] public void CopyDirectory_GivenExistingDirectoryInDropbox_CopyItemToLfs() { const string name = "CopyDirectory_GivenExistingDirectoryInDropbox_CopyItemToLfs-delete"; string path = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( name + "\\" ); string destination = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), name + "-Copied\\" ); CopyItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] public void CopyItem_GivenExistingItemOnLocalFileSystem_CopyItemToDropbox() { const string fileName = "CopyItem_GivenExistingItemOnLocalFileSystem_CopyItemToDropbox.delete"; string path = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), fileName ); string destination = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( fileName + "-Copied" ); CopyItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] public void CopyItem_GivenExistingItemInDropbox_CopyItemToLocalFileSystem() { const string name = "CopyItem_GivenExistingItemInDropbox_CopyItemToLocalFileSystem.delete"; string path = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( name ); string destination = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), name + "-Copied" ); CopyItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] public void MoveItem_GivenExistingItemInDropbox_Success() { const string name = "MoveItem_GivenExistingItemInDropbox_Success.delete"; string path = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( name + "\\" ); string destination = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( "Moved-" + name + "\\" ); MoveItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] [Ignore] // This functionality is not yet implemented. This test SHOULD fail. public void MoveItem_GivenExistingItemInDropbox_MoveItemToLocalFileSystem() { const string name = "MoveItem_GivenExistingItemInDropbox_Move"; string path = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( name ); string destination = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), name + "-Moved" ); MoveItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] [Ignore] // This functionality is not yet implemented. This test SHOULD fail. public void MoveItem_GivenExistingItemInLocalFileSystem_MoveItemToDropbox() { const string name = "MoveItem_GivenExistingItemInDropbox_Move"; string path = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), name ); string destination = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( name + "-Moved" ); MoveItemTest( path, destination ); } [TestMethod] public void RemoveItem_NonExistent_Fails() { const string itemName = "NonExistentItem.delete"; string path = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( itemName ); RemoveItem( path, true ); Assert.IsTrue( PowerShell.HadErrors ); IEnumerable<ErrorRecord> errors = PowerShell.Streams.Error.ReadAll(); string errorText = string.Join( Environment.NewLine, errors ); Assert.AreEqual( string.Format( "Path '/{0}' not found", itemName ), errorText ); } [TestMethod] public void RemoveItem_ExistingItem_Success() { string path = PrependProviderDefaultDrive( "IntelliTect.PSDropbin.Testing.delete" ); NewItem( path ); AttemptAssertion( () => TestPath( path ) ); RemoveItem( path ); AttemptAssertion( () => TestPath( path ), false ); } } } |