#requires -version 4 function ModuleRoot { $MyInvocation.ScriptName | Split-Path -Parent} . $PSScriptRoot\New-ISCrawler.ps1 <# .SYNOPSIS Gets configured ICD crawlers .DESCRIPTION The Get-ISCrawler cmdlet parses a CrawlerConfig.xml file and returns objects representing the configured crawlers. .EXAMPLE Get-ISCrawler "C:\Program Files\IntelliSearch\ESP-1\Config\CrawlerConfig.xml" .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS Crawler #> function Get-ISCrawler { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Parameter Set 1', SupportsShouldProcess=$false, PositionalBinding=$false, ConfirmImpact='None')] [Alias()] Param ( # The path to the CrawlerConfig.xml file [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$false, ParameterSetName='Parameter Set 1')] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias()] [string] $Path ) process { $Path = Resolve-Path $Path $xml = New-Object XML $xml.Load($Path) # Create XML namespaces for use when searching for the correct node to remove. # Prepend "ns:" to the node to search for $XmlNamespace = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable) $XmlNamespace.AddNamespace("ns", $xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI) $Nodes = $xml.SelectNodes("//ns:Crawler", $XmlNamespace) # Removing the namespace for consistency $XmlNamespace.RemoveNamespace("ns", $xml.NamespaceURI) foreach ($XmlCrawler in $Nodes) { Write-Verbose "Processing crawler: $($XmlCrawler.InstanceId)" New-ISCrawler -XmlInput $XmlCrawler } } } |