# Script should be executed manually by developer $ModuleName = 'InstallModuleFromGit' # check running folder if (!(Test-Path "..\$ModuleName\$ModuleName.psd1")) { throw "We are not in correct folder, please run this tool as .\tools\PublishModule.ps1" } else { "Checking module $(Resolve-Path "..\$ModuleName\$ModuleName.psd1")" } # test manifest try { $Module = Test-ModuleManifest "$ModuleName.psd1" -ea Stop "Module $ModuleName.psd1 is OK" } catch { throw 'Module manifest not in proper format' } # test version, must be x.y.z if (($Module.Version.ToString() -split '\.').Count -lt 3) { throw "Module version must have three segments at least, currently it is $($Module.Version.ToString())" } else { "Module version $($Module.Version.ToString()) is OK" } # test if remote is not the same if (Find-Module -Name $ModuleName -RequiredVersion ($Module.Version) -Repository PSGallery -ea 0) { throw 'Module with same version already exists' } else { "No module with version $($Module.Version) found online" } # get nuget key from somewhere? if ($NugetKey) { "NugetKey found" } else { throw 'Please define $NugetKey variable (run $NugetKey = Read-Host)' } # copy entire folder to temp location if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) {$Destination = '/tmp'} else {$Destination = $Env:TEMP} $Destination2 = Join-Path $Destination $ModuleName "Copying to $Destination2" if (Test-Path $Destination2) {Remove-Item $Destination2 -Recurse -Force} Copy-Item -Path . -Destination $Destination -Recurse # it creates folder $ModuleName # remove not needed files (starting with dot and from .gitignore) "Removing not needed files" [string[]]$Exclude = (Get-Content '.gitignore') Get-ChildItem -Path $Destination2 -Recurse -Force | where Name -Match '^\.' | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force Get-ChildItem -Path $Destination2 -Include $Exclude -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force # publish Read-Host "All prerequisites check. Press Enter to Publish module or Ctrl+C to abort" Publish-Module -Path $Destination2 -Repository PSGallery -NuGetApiKey $NugetKey -Verbose "Module $ModuleName published to PowerShell Gallery" |