#Requires -Version 5.1 ############################################################################################### # Module Variables ############################################################################################### $ModuleVariableNames = ('IMConfiguration') $ModuleVariableNames.ForEach( { Set-Variable -Scope Script -Name $_ -Value $null }) enum InstallManager { Chocolatey; Git; PowerShellGet; Manual; WinGet } ############################################################################################### # Module Removal ############################################################################################### #Clean up objects that will exist in the Global Scope due to no fault of our own . . . like PSSessions $OnRemoveScript = { # perform cleanup Write-Verbose -Message 'Removing Module Items from Global Scope' } $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove += $OnRemoveScript function Export-IMDefinition { <# .SYNOPSIS Export one or more Install Manager Definitions to a json formatted file for import using Import-IMDefinition .DESCRIPTION Export one or more Install Manager Definitions to a json formatted file for import using Import-IMDefinition. Used for export/import scenarios between systems where the same configuration is desired. .EXAMPLE Export-IMDefinition -InstallManager Chocolatey -Path c:\local\IMChocoDefinitions.json Exports all Chocolatey Install Manager definitions to the specifed json file. .EXAMPLE Export-IMDefinition -Name rufus,textmate,UniversalDashboard -Path c:\local\IMDefinitions.json Exports Install Manager definitions for rufus, textmate, and UniversalDashboard to the specifed json file. .EXAMPLE Export-IMDefinition -Path c:\local\IMDefinitions.json Exports all existing Install Manager definitions to the specifed json file. .EXAMPLE Get-IMDefinition Terminal-Icons | Export-IMDefinition -Path c:\local\Terminal-Icons.json Exports the Install Manager definitions for the Terminal-Icons module to the specifed json file. .INPUTS .OUTPUTS .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param ( #Specify the name (or names) of the Install Manager Definition(s) to export. [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [string[]]$Name , #Specify the name (or names) of the Install Manager Definition(s) to export. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'InstallManager', Mandatory)] [InstallManager[]]$InstallManager , #Specify the file path for the output file. The parent container/directory must already exist. File format will be json. File will be overwritten if it exists. [parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('Path')] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $(Split-Path -path $_ -Parent) -PathType Container })] $FilePath , #Allows submission of an IMDefinition object via pipeline or named parameter [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'IMDefinition')] [ValidateScript( { $_.psobject.TypeNames[0] -like '*IMDefinition' })] [psobject]$IMDefinition ) begin { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'IMDefinition') { [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]$DefsToExport = @() } } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'All' { Export-PSFConfig -FullName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName).Definitions.*" -OutPath $FilePath } 'Name' { @( foreach ($n in $Name) { switch ($InstallManager.count) { 0 { Get-PSFConfig -Module $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -Name "Definitions.*.$n" } Default { foreach ($im in $InstallManager) { Get-PSFConfig -Module $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -Name "Definitions.$im.$n" } } } } ) | Export-PSFConfig -OutPath $FilePath } 'InstallManager' { @( foreach ($im in $InstallManager) { Get-PSFConfig -Module $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -Name "Definitions.$im.*" } ) | Export-PSFConfig -OutPath $FilePath } 'IMDefinition' { foreach ($im in $IMDefinition) { [void]$DefsToExport.add($(Get-PSFConfig -Module $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -Name "Definitions.$($im.InstallManager).$($im.Name)")) } } } } end { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'IMDefinition') { $DefsToExport | Export-PSFConfig -OutPath $FilePath } } } Function Get-IMChocoInstall { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets an installation information object for all or specified choco packages .DESCRIPTION Gets an installation information object for all or specified choco packages .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-IMChocoInstall -Name docker-desktop Name : docker-desktop Version : IsLatestVersion : True LatestRepositoryVersion : LatestVersionInstalled : True Returns an object with information about the installed version of the package, if any, along with information about the latest version available in the repository. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-IMChocoInstall Returns an object with information for each choco installed package, if any, along with information about the latest version available in the repository. Does not return any information for not installed packages. .INPUTS Inputs [string] .OUTPUTS Output [PSCustomObject] .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param( # Use to specify the name of the chocolatey package install information to return. If omitted, returns all available installation information. Accepts installed or not installed package names. [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Named', Position = 1)] [string[]]$Name #, #[string]$Repository #, #[switch]$PerInstalledVersion ) begin { } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Named' { foreach ($n in $Name) { $ip = $( Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("choco list $n --LocalOnly --LimitOutput --Exact")) | ForEach-Object { $packageName, $installedVersion = $_.split('|') [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "$packageName" InstalledVersion = $installedVersion } } ) $ap = $( Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("choco list $n --LimitOutput --Exact")) | ForEach-Object { $packageName, $availableVersion = $_.split('|') [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "$packageName" AvailableVersion = $availableVersion } } ) [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $n Version = $ip.InstalledVersion IsLatestVersion = $ip.InstalledVersion -eq $ap.AvailableVersion #AllInstalledVersions = #Repository #PublishedDate LatestRepositoryVersion = $ap.AvailableVersion #LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate LatestVersionInstalled = $ip.InstalledVersion -eq $ap.AvailableVersion } } } } } end { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'All' { $ChocoInstalledPackages = @( Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create('choco list --LocalOnly --LimitOutput')) | ForEach-Object { $packageName, $installedVersion = $_.split('|') [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "$packageName" InstalledVersion = $installedVersion } } ) $ChocoOutdatedPackages = @( Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create('choco outdated --LimitOutput')) | ForEach-Object { $packageName, $installedVersion, $latestRepositoryVersion, $pinned = $_.split('|') [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "$packageName" InstalledVersion = $installedVersion LatestRepositoryVersion = $latestRepositoryVersion Pinned = switch ($pinned) { 'true' { $true } 'false' { $false } Default { $null } } } } ) $ChocoOutdatedPackagesNames = @($ChocoOutdatedPackages.ForEach( { $_.Name })) Foreach ($cip in $ChocoInstalledPackages) { if ($ChocoOutdatedPackagesNames -contains $cip.Name) { $cop = $($ChocoOutdatedPackages.Where( { $_.Name -eq $cip.Name }) | Select-Object -First 1) [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $cip.Name Version = $cip.InstalledVersion IsLatestVersion = $false #AllInstalledVersions = #Repository #PublishedDate LatestRepositoryVersion = $cop.LatestRepositoryVersion #LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate LatestVersionInstalled = $false } } else { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $cip.Name Version = $cip.InstalledVersion IsLatestVersion = $true #AllInstalledVersions = #Repository #PublishedDate LatestRepositoryVersion = $cip.InstalledVersion #LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate LatestVersionInstalled = $true } } } } } } } Function Get-IMPowerShellGetInstall { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets an object with information about a Powershell Module, combining information from the module itself (if installed) and PowerShellGet. .DESCRIPTION Gets an object with information about a Powershell Module, combining information from the module itself (if installed) and PowerShellGet. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-IMPowerShellGetInstall -Name Configuration Name : Configuration Version : 1.3.1 IsLatestVersion : True AllInstalledVersions : {1.3.1} InstalledFromRepository : True Repository : PSGallery InstalledLocation : C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules\Configuration\1.3.1 InstalledDate : 12/11/2019 5:31:28 PM PublishedDate : 7/12/2018 4:45:53 AM LatestRepositoryVersion : 1.3.1 LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate : 7/12/2018 4:45:53 AM LatestVersionInstalled : True Gets an object with information about the Configuration module, a module that was installed with PowerShellGet module .EXAMPLE Get-IMPowerShellGetInstall pscloudflare Name : pscloudflare Version : 0.0.8 IsLatestVersion : False AllInstalledVersions : {0.0.5, 0.0.4, 0.0.8} InstalledFromRepository : False Repository : InstalledLocation : ...\GitRepos\PSModules\PSCloudflare InstalledDate : PublishedDate : LatestRepositoryVersion : 0.0.7 LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate : 1/11/2018 7:25:53 PM LatestVersionInstalled : Gets an object with information about the PSCloudflare module, a module that has multiple versions installed and also has a version from a local git repository. .EXAMPLE Get-IMPowerShellGetInstall pscloudflare -PerInstalledVersion Name : pscloudflare Version : 0.0.5 IsLatestVersion : False AllInstalledVersions : {0.0.5, 0.0.4, 0.0.8} InstalledFromRepository : True Repository : PSGallery InstalledLocation : C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules\PSCloudFlare\0.0.5 InstalledDate : 1/22/2020 8:04:27 PM PublishedDate : 12/14/2017 4:00:44 AM LatestRepositoryVersion : 0.0.7 LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate : 1/11/2018 7:25:53 PM LatestVersionInstalled : False Name : pscloudflare Version : 0.0.4 IsLatestVersion : False AllInstalledVersions : {0.0.5, 0.0.4, 0.0.8} InstalledFromRepository : True Repository : PSGallery InstalledLocation : C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules\PSCloudFlare\0.0.4 InstalledDate : 1/22/2020 8:04:24 PM PublishedDate : 12/22/2016 6:02:37 PM LatestRepositoryVersion : 0.0.7 LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate : 1/11/2018 7:25:53 PM LatestVersionInstalled : False Name : pscloudflare Version : 0.0.8 IsLatestVersion : False AllInstalledVersions : {0.0.5, 0.0.4, 0.0.8} InstalledFromRepository : False Repository : InstalledLocation : C:\Users\MikeCampbell\GitRepos\PSModules\PSCloudflare InstalledDate : PublishedDate : LatestRepositoryVersion : 0.0.7 LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate : 1/11/2018 7:25:53 PM LatestVersionInstalled : Gets an object with information about each installed version the PSCloudFlare module, a module that has multiple versions installed and also has a version from a local git repository. .INPUTS Inputs [string] .OUTPUTS Output [PSCustomObject] .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param( # Use to specify the name of one or more modules for which to get installation information [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Named', Position = 1)] [string[]]$Name , # use to specify an alternative repository. The repository should already be registered on the system. [string]$Repository , # use to get an object per installed version of the specified module(s) [switch]$PerInstalledVersion ) begin { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$LocalModules = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$LocalPowerShellGetModules = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$LatestRepositoryModules = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$NamedModules = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$RepoFoundModules = @() $FindModuleParams = @{ ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Repository')) { $FindModuleParams.Repository = $PSBoundParameters.Repository } $GetInstalledModuleParams = @{ ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'All' { #Get the locally available modules on this system for the current user based on entries in $env:Psmodulepath $null = @(Get-Module -ListAvailable).foreach( { $LocalModules.add($_) }) #Get the locally available modules that were installed using PowerShellGet Module commands $null = $LocalModules.where( { $null -ne $_.RepositorySourceLocation }).foreach( { Get-InstalledModule -Name $_.Name -RequiredVersion $_.Version @GetInstalledModuleParams }).foreach( { $LocalPowerShellGetModules.add($_) }) $null = ($LocalModules.ForEach( { $_.Name }) | Sort-Object -Unique).foreach( { $NamedModules.add([pscustomobject]@{Name = $_ }) }) $LocalPowerShellGetModules.ForEach( { if (-not $RepoFoundModules.Contains($ { $FindModuleParams.Name = $ $RepositoryModule = Find-Module @FindModuleParams $null = $LatestRepositoryModules.add($RepositoryModule) $null = $RepoFoundModules.add($ } }) } 'Named' { foreach ($n in $Name) { #Get the locally available named module(s) on this system for the current user based on entries in $env:Psmodulepath $null = $LocalModules.add($(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $n -ErrorAction Stop)) #Get the locally available named module(s) that were installed using PowerShellGet Module commands $GetInstalledModuleParams.Name = $n $GetInstalledModuleParams.AllVersions = $true $null = $LocalPowerShellGetModules.add($(Get-InstalledModule @GetInstalledModuleParams)) #Get the PSGallery Module for the named module $FindModuleParams.Name = $n $LatestRepositoryModule = Find-Module @FindModuleParams $null = $LatestRepositoryModules.add($LatestRepositoryModule) $null = $NamedModules.add($([pscustomobject]@{Name = $n })) } } } } End { $LocalModulesLookupNV = @{ } $LocalModules.foreach( { $_ }) | Select-Object -Property Name, Version, Path, GUID, ModuleBase, LicenseUri, ProjectUri, @{n = 'NameVersion'; e = { [string]$($_.Name + $_.Version) } } | ForEach-Object -Process { $LocalModulesLookupNV.$($_.NameVersion) = $_ } #$LocalModulesLookupN = $LocalModules.foreach({$_}) | Select-Object -Property Name,Version,Path,GUID,ModuleBase,LicenseUri,ProjectUri,@{n='NameVersion';e={$_.Name + $_.Version}} | Group-Object -AsHashTable -Property Name $LocalPowerShellGetModulesLookup = @{ } $LocalPowerShellGetModules.foreach( { $_ }) | Select-Object -Property Name, Version, Author, PublishedDate, InstalledDate, UpdatedDate, LicenseUri, InstalledLocation, Repository, @{n = 'NameVersion'; e = { $_.Name + $_.Version } } | ForEach-Object -Process { $LocalPowerShellGetModulesLookup.$($_.NameVersion) = $_ } $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup = @{ } $LatestRepositoryModules.foreach( { $_ }) | Select-Object -Property Name, Version, Author, PublishedDate, LicenseUri, ProjectUri, Repository | ForEach-Object -Process { $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($_.Name) = $_ } switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'All' { $PerInstalledVersionOutput = @( foreach ($lm in $LocalModules.foreach( { $_ })) { $lookup = $lm.Name + $lm.Version [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $lm.Name Version = $lm.Version IsLatestVersion = if ($null -ne $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ { $lm.version -eq $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ } else { $null } AllInstalledVersions = @($LocalModules.foreach( { $_ }).where( { $_.Name -ieq $lm.Name }).foreach( { $_.Version.tostring() })) InstalledFromRepository = $null -ne $lm.RepositorySourceLocation Repository = $LocalPowerShellGetModulesLookup.$lookup.Repository InstalledLocation = $lm.ModuleBase InstalledDate = $LocalPowerShellGetModulesLookup.$lookup.InstalledDate PublishedDate = $LocalPowerShellGetModulesLookup.$lookup.PublishedDate LatestRepositoryVersion = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ LatestVersionInstalled = if ($null -eq $lm.RepositorySourceLocation) { $null } else { $LocalModulesLookupNV.ContainsKey($lm.Name + $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ } } } ) } 'Named' { $PerInstalledVersionOutput = @( foreach ($nm in $NamedModules) { if ($LocalModules.foreach( { $_ }).where( { $_.Name -ieq $nm.Name }).count -ge 1) { foreach ($lm in $LocalModules.foreach( { $_ }).where( { $_.Name -ieq $nm.Name })) { $lookup = $nm.Name + $lm.Version [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $nm.Name Version = $lm.Version IsLatestVersion = if ($null -ne $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ { $lm.version -eq $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ } else { $null } AllInstalledVersions = @($LocalModules.foreach( { $_ }).where( { $_.Name -ieq $nm.Name }).foreach( { $_.Version })) InstalledFromRepository = $null -ne $lm.RepositorySourceLocation Repository = $LocalPowerShellGetModulesLookup.$lookup.Repository InstalledLocation = $lm.ModuleBase InstalledDate = $LocalPowerShellGetModulesLookup.$lookup.InstalledDate PublishedDate = $LocalPowerShellGetModulesLookup.$lookup.PublishedDate LatestRepositoryVersion = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ LatestVersionInstalled = if ($null -eq $lm.RepositorySourceLocation) { $null } else { $LocalModulesLookupNV.ContainsKey($lm.Name + $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ } #LatestVersionInstalled = $LocalModulesLookupNV.ContainsKey($nm.Name + $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($ } } } else { $lookup = $nm.Name [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $lookup Version = $null IsLatestVersion = $null AllInstalledVersions = $null InstalledFromRepository = $null Repository = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$lookup.Repository InstalledLocation = $null InstalledDate = $null PublishedDate = $null LatestRepositoryVersion = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$lookup.Version LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$lookup.PublishedDate LatestVersionInstalled = $false } } } ) } } switch ($PerInstalledVersion) { $true { $PerInstalledVersionOutput } $false { $PerModuleGroups = $PerInstalledVersionOutput | Group-Object -Property Name foreach ($pmg in $PerModuleGroups) { $lvInstalled = $pmg.Group.Version.foreach( { $_.tostring() }) | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 switch ($null -eq $lvInstalled) { $false { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $pmg.Name Version = $lvInstalled IsLatestVersion = $pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).IsLatestVersion | Select-Object -Unique AllInstalledVersions = @($pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).AllInstalledVersions | Select-Object -Unique) InstalledFromRepository = $pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).InstalledFromRepository | Select-Object -Unique Repository = $pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).Repository | Select-Object -Unique InstalledLocation = $pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).InstalledLocation InstalledDate = $pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).InstalledDate | Select-Object -Unique PublishedDate = $pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).PublishedDate | Select-Object -Unique LatestRepositoryVersion = $pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).LatestRepositoryVersion | Select-Object -Unique LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate = $pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate | Select-Object -Unique LatestVersionInstalled = $pmg.Group.where( { $_.version.tostring() -eq $lvInstalled }).LatestVersionInstalled | Select-Object -Unique } } $true { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $pmg.Name Version = $null IsLatestVersion = $null AllInstalledVersions = $null InstalledFromRepository = $null Repository = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($pmg.Name).Repository InstalledLocation = $null InstalledDate = $null PublishedDate = $null LatestRepositoryVersion = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($pmg.Name).Version LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate = $LatestRepositoryModulesLookup.$($pmg.Name).PublishedDate LatestVersionInstalled = $False } } } } } } } } Function Get-IMWinGetInstall { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets an installation information object for all or specified WinGet packages .DESCRIPTION Gets an installation information object for all or specified WinGet packages .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-IMWinGetInstall -Name docker-desktop Name : docker-desktop Version : IsLatestVersion : True LatestRepositoryVersion : LatestVersionInstalled : True Returns an object with information about the installed version of the package, if any, along with information about the latest version available in the repository. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-IMWinGetInstall Returns an object with information for each WinGet installed package, if any, along with information about the latest version available in the repository. Does not return any information for not installed packages. .INPUTS Inputs [String] .OUTPUTS Output [PSCustomObject] .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param( # Use to specify the name of the WinGet package install information to return. If omitted, returns all available installation information. Accepts installed or not installed package names. [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Named', Position = 1)] [string[]]$Name #, #[string]$Repository #, #[switch]$PerInstalledVersion ) begin { } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Named' { foreach ($n in $Name) { #list the installed package $rawLines = @(Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("winget list $n --exact --count 1")) | Out-String -Stream) switch ($rawLines[2]) { 'No installed package found matching input criteria.' { #show the package information from repo $rawLine = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("winget show $n --exact")) | Select-String -Pattern 'Version:\s[\d]' $aVersionStart = $rawLine.tostring().IndexOf(':') + 1 $ap = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Id AvailableVersion = $rawLine.tostring().Substring($aVersionStart).Trim() } [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $n Version = $null IsLatestVersion = $false LatestRepositoryVersion = $ap.AvailableVersion LatestVersionInstalled = $false } } default { $header = $rawLines[2] $row = $rawLines[4] $IdStart = $header.IndexOf('Id') $VersionStart = $header.IndexOf('Version') $SourceStart = $header.IndexOf('Source') $Id = $row.Substring($idStart, $versionStart - $idStart).Trim() $Version = $row.Substring($versionStart, $SourceStart - $versionStart).Trim() #$Source = $line.Substring($SourceStart, $VersionStartStart - $SourceStart).TrimEnd() $ip = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Id InstalledVersion = $Version } #show the package information from repo $rawLine = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("winget show $Id --Exact")) | Select-String -Pattern 'Version:\s[\d]' $aVersionStart = $rawLine.tostring().IndexOf(':') + 1 $ap = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Id AvailableVersion = $rawLine.tostring().Substring($aVersionStart).Trim() } [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Id Version = $ip.InstalledVersion IsLatestVersion = $ip.InstalledVersion -eq $ap.AvailableVersion #AllInstalledVersions = #Repository #PublishedDate LatestRepositoryVersion = $ap.AvailableVersion #LatestRepositoryVersionPublishedDate LatestVersionInstalled = $ip.InstalledVersion -eq $ap.AvailableVersion } } } } } } } end { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'All' { $rawLines = @(Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create('winget list')) | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -Pattern 'Version\s+Source|\s+winget') $header = $rawLines[0].tostring() $rows = @($rawLines[1..$($rawLines.Count -1)].foreach({$_.tostring()})) $IdStart = $header.IndexOf('Id') $VersionStart = $header.IndexOf('Version') $SourceStart = $header.IndexOf('Source') $WingetInstalledPackages = @( foreach ($r in $rows) { #$n = $r.substring(0,$IdStart).TrimEnd() $Id = $r.Substring($idStart, $versionStart - $idStart).Trim() $Version = $r.Substring($versionStart, $SourceStart - $versionStart).Trim() [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Id InstalledVersion = $Version } } ) foreach ($wip in $WingetInstalledPackages) { $rawLine = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("winget show $($ --Exact")) | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -Pattern 'Version:\s[\d]' $aVersionStart = $rawLine.tostring().IndexOf(':') + 1 $availableVersion = $rawLine.tostring().Substring($aVersionStart).Trim() [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $wip.Name Version = $wip.InstalledVersion IsLatestVersion = $wip.InstalledVersion -eq $availableVersion LatestRepositoryVersion = $availableVersion LatestVersionInstalled = $wip.InstalledVersion -eq $availableVersion } } } } } } Function Get-IMSystemUninstallEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets all uninstall entries from the windows registry .DESCRIPTION Gets all uninstall entries from the windows registry .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-IMSystemUninstallEntry Gets a powershell object with a specified set of properties for each uninstall entry found in the windows registry. Change the set of properties with the SpecifiedProperties parameter. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-IMSystemUninstallEntry -raw Gets a powershell object with all available properties for each uninstall entry found in the windows registry .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES General notes #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'SpecifiedProperties')] param( # Use to return all available properties for each uninstall entry [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Raw')] [switch]$Raw , # Use to override the default set of properties included with the uninstall entry output objects [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecifiedProperties')] [string[]]$Property = @('DisplayName', 'DisplayVersion', 'InstallDate', 'Publisher') ) # paths: x86 and x64 registry keys are different if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) { $path = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' } else { $path = @( 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' 'HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' ) } $UninstallEntries = Get-ItemProperty $path # use only with name and unistall information #.{process{ if ($_.DisplayName -and $_.UninstallString) { $_ } }} | # select more or less common subset of properties #Select-Object DisplayName, Publisher, InstallDate, DisplayVersion, HelpLink, UninstallString | # and finally sort by name #Sort-Object DisplayName if ($Raw) { $UninstallEntries | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName } else { $UninstallEntries | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName | Select-Object -Property $Property } } Function Get-IMDefinition { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the Install Manager Definitions. If no definitions have been imported yet, returns nothing. Use Import-IMDefinition to import Install Manager Definitions. .DESCRIPTION Gets the Install Manager Definitions. If no definitions have been imported yet, returns nothing. Use Import-IMDefinition to import Install Manager Definitions. .EXAMPLE Get-IMDefinition -Name Terminal-Icons Name : Terminal-Icons InstallManager : PowerShellGet RequiredVersion : AutoUpgrade : True AutoRemove : True ExemptMachine : Parameter : Repository : PSGallery Gets the InstallManager definition for the Terminal-Icons PowerShell Module .EXAMPLE Get-IMDefinition -InstallManager PowerShellGet Name : Terminal-Icons InstallManager : PowerShellGet RequiredVersion : 0.0.4;0.0.5 AutoUpgrade : True AutoRemove : True ExemptMachine : Parameter : Repository : PSGallery Gets the InstallManager definitions for all definitions where InstallManager is PowerShellGet .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES General notes #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param( # Use to specify the name of the InstallManager Definition(s) to get. Accepts Wildcard. [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Name', Position = 1)] [string[]]$Name , # Use to specify the Install Manager for the Definition(s) to get. Used primarily for filtering in bulk operations or when multiple [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 2)] [InstallManager[]]$InstallManager ) process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Name' { foreach ($n in $Name) { switch ($InstallManager.count) { 0 { (Get-PSFConfig -Module InstallManager -Name Definitions.*.$($n)).foreach( { Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName $_.FullName }) } Default { foreach ($im in $InstallManager) { (Get-PSFConfig -Module InstallManager -Name Definitions.$($im).$($n)).foreach( { Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName $_.FullName }) } } } } } 'All' { switch ($InstallManager.count) { 0 { (Get-PSFConfig -Module InstallManager -Name Definitions.*).foreach( { Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName $_.FullName }) } Default { foreach ($im in $InstallManager) { (Get-PSFConfig -Module InstallManager -Name Definitions.$($im).*).foreach( { Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName $_.FullName }) } } } } } } } Function Import-IMDefinition { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports definitions from a file produced by Export-IMDefition. WARNING: Overwrites any existing definition with the same name and InstallManager as an imported definition. .DESCRIPTION Imports definitions from a file produced by Export-IMDefition. WARNING: Overwrites any existing definition with the same name and InstallManager as an imported definition. .EXAMPLE Import-IMDefinition -FilePath c:\LocalOnly\cdefinitions.json Imports all the definitions in the specified file. .INPUTS .OUTPUTS .NOTES #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( #Specify the file to Import, should be json format, exported with Export-IMDefinition. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path $_ })] $FilePath , #If specified, only Definitions with names that are similar (-like) to names in this list will be imported. [parameter()] [string[]]$IncludeFilter , #Definitions that are similar (-like) to names in this list will NOT be imported. [parameter()] [string[]]$ExcludeFilter ) #$RequiredProperties = @('Name', 'InstallManager', 'RequiredVersion', 'AutoUpgrade', 'AutoRemove', 'ExemptMachine', 'Parameter', 'Repository', 'Scope') #Write-Information -MessageData "The required properties for IMDefinition(s) are: $($RequiredProperties -join ',')" $impConfigParams = @{ AllowDelete = $true Path = $FilePath PassThru = $true } if ($IncludeFilter.count -ge 1) { $impConfigParams.IncludeFilter = $IncludeFilter } if ($ExcludeFilter.count -ge 1) { $impConfigParams.ExcludeFilter = $ExcludeFilter } Import-PSFConfig @impConfigParams | Register-PSFConfig } function Import-IMConfiguration { $script:IMConfiguration = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName).Preferences" } function Update-IMInstall { <# .SYNOPSIS Processes an IMDefinition to install, update, or remove (future) the associated package, module, or repo (future) .DESCRIPTION Processes an IMDefinition to install, update, or remove (future) the associated package, module, or repo (future) .EXAMPLE Set-IMDefinition -Name rufus -InstallManager Chocolatey Get-IMDefinition -Name rufus | Update-IMinstall processes the newly created IMDefinition for the rufus package and installs or updates the package as appropriate .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'IMDefinition')] param ( #Allows submission of an IMDefinition object via pipeline or named parameter [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'IMDefinition')] [ValidateScript( { $_.psobject.TypeNames[0] -like '*IMDefinition' })] [psobject]$IMDefinition , # Specify the Name of the Module or Package for which to update the Install [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [string[]]$Name , # Specify the name of the Install Manager for the Definition to Install - usually only necessary in the rare case where you have a name that exists in more then one Install Manager. [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [InstallManager] $InstallManager ) begin { $localmachinename = [System.Environment]::MachineName } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'IMDefinition' { } 'Name' { $IMDefinition = @(Get-IMDefinition -Name $Name -InstallManager $InstallManager) } } foreach ($imd in $IMDefinition) { $InstallManager = $imd.InstallManager $Name = $imd.Name $RequiredVersion = @($imd.RequiredVersion) $AutoUpgrade = $imd.AutoUpgrade $AutoRemove = $imd.AutoRemove $ExemptMachine = $imd.ExemptMachine $Parameter = $imd.Parameter $Scope = $imd.Scope if ($localmachinename -notin $ExemptMachine) { Write-Information -MessageData "Using $InstallManager to Process Install Definition: $Name" switch ($InstallManager) { 'PowerShellGet' { $installedModuleInfo = Get-IMPowerShellGetInstall -Name $Name $installModuleParams = @{ Name = $Name Scope = switch ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Scope)) { $true { 'CurrentUser' } $false { $Scope } } Force = $true AcceptLicense = $true AllowClobber = $true } if ($Parameter.count -ge 1) { foreach ($key in $Parameter.keys) { $installModuleParams.$key = $Parameter.$key } } switch ($true -eq $AutoUpgrade) { $true { if ($false -eq $installedModuleInfo.IsLatestVersion -or $null -eq $installedModuleInfo.IsLatestVersion) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Install-Module ' + $($installModuleParams.GetEnumerator().foreach( { '-' + $_.Name + ' ' + $_.Value }) -join ' '))) { Install-Module @installModuleParams } } } $false { #notification/logging that a new version is available } } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RequiredVersion)) { $installedModuleInfo = Get-IMPowerShellGetInstall -Name $Name foreach ($rv in $RequiredVersion) { if ($rv -notin $installedModuleInfo.AllInstalledVersions) { $installModuleParams.RequiredVersion = $rv if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Install-Module ' + $($installModuleParams.GetEnumerator().foreach( { '-' + $_.Name + ' ' + $_.Value }) -join ' '))) { Install-Module @installModuleParams } } } } if ($true -eq $AutoRemove) { $installedModuleInfo = Get-IMPowerShellGetInstall -Name $Name [System.Collections.ArrayList]$keepVersions = @() $null = $RequiredVersion.ForEach( { $keepVersions.add($_) }) if ($true -eq $autoupgrade) { $null = $keepVersions.add($installedModuleInfo.LatestRepositoryVersion) } $removeVersions = @($installedModuleInfo.AllInstalledVersions | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -notin $keepVersions }) if ($removeVersions.Count -ge 1) { $UninstallModuleParams = @{ Name = $Name Force = $true } } foreach ($rV in $removeVersions) { $UninstallModuleParams.RequiredVersion = $rV if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Uninstall-Module ' + $($uninstallModuleParams.GetEnumerator().foreach( { '-' + $_.Name + ' ' + $_.Value }) -join ' '))) { Uninstall-Module @UninstallModuleParams } } } } 'chocolatey' { $installedModuleInfo = Get-IMChocoInstall -Name $Name $options = '' if ($Parameter.count -ge 1) { foreach ($key in $Parameter.keys) { $options += "--$key" if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Parameter.$key)) { $options += "=`"'$Parameter.$key'`" " } else { $options += ' ' } } } switch ($true -eq $AutoUpgrade) { $true { if ($false -eq $installedModuleInfo.IsLatestVersion -or $null -eq $installedModuleInfo.IsLatestVersion) { Write-Information -MessageData "Running Command: 'choco upgrade $Name --Yes --LimitOutput $options'" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("choco upgrade $Name --Yes --LimitOutput $options")) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("choco upgrade $Name --Yes --LimitOutput $options")) } } } $false { if ($null -eq $installedModuleInfo) { Write-Information -MessageData "Running Command: 'choco upgrade $Name --Yes --LimitOutput $options'" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("choco upgrade $Name --Yes --LimitOutput $options")) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("choco upgrade $Name --Yes --LimitOutput $options")) } } #notification/logging that a new version is available } } } 'WinGet' { $installedModuleInfo = Get-IMWinGetInstall -Name $Name $options = '' if ($Parameter.count -ge 1) { foreach ($key in $Parameter.keys) { $options += "--$key" if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Parameter.$key)) { $options += "=`"'$Parameter.$key'`" " } else { $options += ' ' } } } switch ($null -eq $installedModuleInfo.Version) { $true { Write-Information -MessageData "Running Command: 'winget install $Name --exact --silent $options'" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("winget install $Name --exact --silent $options")) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("winget install $Name --exact --silent $options")) } } $false { switch ($true -eq $AutoUpgrade) { $true { if ($false -eq $installedModuleInfo.IsLatestVersion -or $null -eq $installedModuleInfo.IsLatestVersion) { Write-Information -MessageData "Running Command: 'winget upgrade $Name --exact --silent $options'" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("winget upgrade $Name --exact --silent $options")) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("winget upgrade $Name --exact --silent $options")) } } } $false { if ($null -eq $installedModuleInfo) { Write-Information -MessageData "Running Command: 'winget upgrade $Name --exact --silent $options'" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("winget upgrade $Name --exact --silent $options")) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([scriptblock]::Create("winget upgrade $Name --exact --silent $options")) } } #notification/logging that a new version is available } } } } } } } else { Write-Information -MessageData "$localmachinename is present in ExemptMachines for Install Definition $Name" } } } end { } } function New-IMDefinition { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Install Manager Definition and stores it in the current user's configuration .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Install Manager Definition and stores it in the current user's configuration .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-IMDefinition -Name sumatrapdf.install -InstallManager Chocolatey Adds an Install Manager Definition for the sumatrapdf.install Chocolatey package and sets it to the defaults for Chocolatey .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( # Specify the Name of the Module or Package [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)] [String] $Name , # Specify the name of the Install Manager to use for the Module (PowerShellGet) or Package (WinGet or Chocolatey) [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 2)] [InstallManager] $InstallManager , # Use to Specify one or more required versions for PowerShell Modules or a single version to pin for Chocolatey or WinGet packages [parameter(Position = 3)] [string[]]$RequiredVersion , # Use to specify that InstallManager should automatically install newer versions when update-IMInstall is used with this definition [parameter(Position = 4)] [bool]$AutoUpgrade = $true , # Use to specify that InstallManager should automatically remove older versions when update-IMInstall installs a new version for this definition (for PowerShellGet modules, RequiredVersions are kept) [parameter(Position = 5)] [bool]$AutoRemove = $true , # Use to specify a hashtable of additional parameters required by the Install Manager (PowerShellGet, WinGet, or Chocolatey) when processing this definition. Do NOT Include the leading '-' or '--' when specifying parameter names. For Chocolatey options that require no value, use $null. For PowerShellGet params such as bool or switch, use $true or $false as the value. [parameter(Position = 6)] [hashtable]$Parameter , # Use to specify machines (by machinename/hostname) that should not process this Install Manager definition [parameter(Position = 7)] [string[]]$ExemptMachine , # Use to Specify the name of the Repository to use for the Definition - like PSGallery, or chocolatey, or chocolatey.licensed [parameter(Position = 8)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Repository , # Use to specify the Scope for a PowerShellGet Module [parameter(Position = 9)] [ValidateSet('AllUsers', 'CurrentUser')] [string]$Scope ) begin { } process { if ((Get-IMDefinition -Name $Name -InstallManager $InstallManager).count -eq 0) { $Definition = [pscustomobject]@{ PSTypeName = 'IMDefinition' Name = $Name InstallManager = $InstallManager -as [String] #avoid an enum serialization warning from Configuration module Repository = if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($repository)) { switch ($InstallManager) { #'Chocolatey' { '' } #'WinGet' {''} 'PowerShellGet' { 'PSGallery' } Default { '' } } } else { $Repository } RequiredVersion = switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RequiredVersion')) { $true { $RequiredVersion } $false { @() } } AutoUpgrade = $AutoUpgrade AutoRemove = $AutoRemove Parameter = switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Parameter')) { $true { $Parameter } $false { @{ } } } ExemptMachine = switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ExemptMachine')) { $true { $ExemptMachine } $false { @() } } Scope = $Scope } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Definition")) { $SetConfigParams = @{ Module = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName AllowDelete = $true Passthru = $true Name = "Definitions.$Installmanager.$Name" Value = $Definition } Set-PSFConfig @SetConfigParams | Register-PSFConfig } } else { throw("Definition for $Name with $InstallManager as the InstallManager already exists. To modify it, use Set-IMDefinition") } } end { } } function Remove-IMDefinition { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an Install Manager Definition and updates the current user's configuration .DESCRIPTION Removes an Install Manager Definition and updates the current user's configuration .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-IMDefinition -Name textpad -InstallManager Chocolatey Removes the Install Manager Definition for the textpad Chocolatey package .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Name')] param ( # Specify the Name of the Module or Package [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [String] $Name , # Specify the name of the Install Manager to use for the Module (PowerShellGet) or Package (WinGet or Chocolatey) [Parameter(Position = 2, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [InstallManager] $InstallManager , # Allows submission of an IMDefinition object via pipeline or named parameter [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'IMDefinition')] [ValidateScript( { $_.psobject.TypeNames[0] -like '*IMDefinition' })] $IMDefinition ) begin { } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Name' { $IMDefinition = @(Get-IMDefinition -Name $Name -InstallManager $InstallManager) switch ($IMDefinition.count) { 0 { Write-Warning -Message "Not Found: InstallManager Definition for $Name" Return } 1 { #All OK - found just one Definition to Remove } Default { throw("Ambiguous: InstallManager Definition for $Name. Try being more specific by specifying the InstallManager.") } } } } foreach ($imd in $IMDefinition) { $remConfigParams = @{ Module = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName Name = "Definitions.$($imd.InstallManager).$($imd.Name)" } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Name = $($imd.Name); InstallManager = $($imd.InstallManager)")) { Set-PSFConfig @remConfigParams -AllowDelete $remConfigParams.Confirm = $false Remove-PSFConfig @remConfigParams } } } end { } } function Set-IMDefinition { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets an InstallManager Definition and updates the current user's configuration .DESCRIPTION Sets an InstallManager Definition and updates the current user's configuration .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-IMDefinition -Name textpad -RequiredVersion 8.1.2 Sets the InstallManager Definition for textpad to require version 8.1.2 .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Name')] param ( # Specify the Name of the Module or Package for which to set the IMDefintion [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [String] $Name , # Specify the name of the Install Manager for the Definition to set - usually only necessary in the rare case where you have a name that exists in more then one Install Manager. [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [InstallManager] $InstallManager , #Allows submission of an IMDefinition object via pipeline or named parameter [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'IMDefinition')] [ValidateScript( { $_.psobject.TypeNames[0] -like '*IMDefinition' })] [psobject]$IMDefinition , # Use to Specify one or more required versions for PowerShell Modules or a single version to pin for WinGet or chocolatey packages [parameter(Position = 3)] [string[]]$RequiredVersion , # Use to specify that InstallManager should automatically install newer versions when update-IMInstall is used with this definition [parameter(Position = 4)] [bool]$AutoUpgrade , # Use to specify that InstallManager should automatically remove older versions when update-IMInstall installs a new version for this definition (for PowerShellGet modules, RequiredVersions are kept) [parameter(Position = 5)] [bool]$AutoRemove , # Use to specify a hashtable of additional parameters required by the Install Manager (PowerShellGet, WinGet, or Chocolatey) when processing this definition. Do NOT Include the leading '-' or '--' when specifying parameter names. [parameter(Position = 6)] [hashtable]$Parameter , # Use to specify machines (by machinename/hostname) that should not process this Install Manager definition [parameter(Position = 7)] [string[]]$ExemptMachine , # Use to Specify the name of the Repository to use for the Definition - like PSGallery, or chocolatey, or chocolatey.licensed [parameter(Position = 8)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Repository , # Use to specify the Scope for a PowerShellGet Module [parameter(Position = 9)] [ValidateSet('AllUsers', 'CurrentUser')] [string]$Scope ) begin { } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Name' { $IMDefinition = @(Get-IMDefinition -Name $Name -InstallManager $InstallManager) switch ($IMDefinition.count) { 0 { Write-Warning -Message "Not Found: InstallManager Definition for $Name" Return } 1 { #All OK - found just one Definition to Set } Default { throw("Ambiguous: InstallManager Definition for $Name. Try being more specific by specifying the InstallManager.") } } } } foreach ($imd in $IMDefinition) { $keys = $PSBoundParameters.keys.ForEach( { $_ }) #avoid enumerating and modifying foreach ($k in $keys) { switch ($k -in ('RequiredVersion', 'AutoUpgrade', 'AutoRemove', 'Parameter', 'ExemptMachine', 'Repository', 'Scope')) { $true { $imd.$k = $PSBoundParameters.$k } $false { } } } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$imd")) { $SetConfigParams = @{ Module = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName AllowDelete = $true Passthru = $true Name = "Definitions.$($imd.InstallManager).$($imd.Name)" Value = $imd } Set-PSFConfig @SetConfigParams | Register-PSFConfig } } } end { } } ############################################################################################### # Import User's Configuration ############################################################################################### Import-IMConfiguration ############################################################################################### # Setup Tab Completion ############################################################################################### # Tab Completions for IM Definition Names $ImDefinitionsScriptBlock = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter) $MyParams = @{ } if ($null -ne $fakeBoundParameter.InstallManager) { $MyParams.InstallManager = $fakeBoundParameter.InstallManager } if ($null -ne $wordToComplete) { $MyParams.Name = $wordToComplete + '*' } $MyNames = Get-IMDefinition @MyParams | Select-Object -expandProperty Name foreach ($n in $MyNames) { [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($n, $n, 'ParameterValue', $n) } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName @( 'Get-IMDefinition' 'Set-IMDefinition' 'Remove-IMDefinition' 'Update-IMInstall' ) -ParameterName 'Name' -ScriptBlock $ImDefinitionsScriptBlock |