$verbosepreference = "SilentlyContinue" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) { Write-Verbose "Installing PSScriptAnalyzer & Pester" $AnalyzerModuleNames = "PSScriptAnalyzer","Pester" Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force Install-Module -Name $AnalyzerModuleNames -Scope CurrentUser -Force $PSScriptAnalyzerModule = get-module -Name $AnalyzerModuleNames -ListAvailable if ($PSScriptAnalyzerModule) { # Import the module if it is available Import-Module $AnalyzerModuleNames -Force } else { # Module could not/would not be installed - so warn user that tests will fail. Write-Warning -Message ( @( "The 'PSScriptAnalyzer' module is not installed. " "The 'PowerShell modules scriptanalyzer' Pester test will fail " ) -Join '' ) } } else { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Skipping installation of PSScriptAnalyzer since it requires PSVersion 5.0 or greater. Used PSVersion: $($PSVersion)" } write-verbose -Message "Running ScriptAnalyzer for code quality tests" Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $PSScriptRoot $Output = Join-Path "$PSScriptRoot\Tests" TestsResults.xml write-verbose -Message "Running Pester for unit tests" $res = Invoke-Pester -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Tests" -OutputFormat NUnitXml -OutputFile $Output -PassThru if ($res.FailedCount -gt 0) { throw "$($res.FailedCount) unit tests failed." } |