* @Author: Joseph Iannone * @Date: 2023-02-10 22:52:35 * @Last Modified by: Joseph Iannone * @Last Modified time: 2023-02-10 22:52:35 */#> Function Add-IniProperty { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds or Updates properties from an input object to a specified ini file .DESCRIPTION Adds or Updates properties from an input object to a specified ini file .PARAMETER InputObject Object containing properties to add or update .EXAMPLE PS > .\test001.ini | Add-IniProperty -InputObject $myObj PS > Add-IniProperty -Path .\test001.ini -InputObject $myObj .EXAMPLE PS > type .\test.ini Test1 = hello Test2 = world [TestSection] test1 = hello test2 = world PS > $myobj = @{ TestSection = @{ test1 = "updated"; }; TestSection2 = @{ hello = "world"; } } PS > .\test.ini | Add-IniProperty -InputObject $myobj PS > type .\test.ini Test1 = hello Test2 = world [TestSection] test1 = updated test2 = world [TestSection2] hello = world PS > #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][string]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)][Object]$InputObject ) Process { # Get ini contenet as object from specified path [PSCustomObject]$obj = Get-Content $Path | ConvertFrom-Ini # normalize input object [PSCustomObject]$InputObject = $InputObject | ConvertTo-Ini | ConvertFrom-Ini # iterate over each input property $InputObject.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { # if input property already exists If ($obj.PSObject.Properties[$_.Name]) { $currentObjName = $_.Name $objItemType = $obj.$currentObjName.GetType() # if the input property and file property values are same type but not string If ($objItemType -eq $_.Value.GetType() -and $objItemType.Name -ne "String") { # iterate over each property of the child object $_.Value.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { # update existing property with matching input porperty value $obj.$currentObjName.PSObject.Properties[$_.Name].Value = $_.Value } } Else { # when the type is different just overwrite # In this case either an object is being replaced with a string or a string with an object $obj.PSObject.Properties[$_.Name].Value = $_.Value } } Else { # add new property $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value } # Write changes to specified ini file $obj | ConvertTo-Ini > $Path } } } |