* @Author: Joseph Iannone * @Date: 2023-02-08 20:36:45 * @Last Modified by: Joseph Iannone * @Last Modified time: 2023-02-08 20:36:45 */#> # Pester v5 required BeforeAll { # Get module root $script:PSModuleRoot = (Get-Item $PSScriptRoot).parent.fullname # Load ConvertIni assembly [void]([System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$($script:PSModuleRoot)\lib\ConvertIni\ConvertIni.dll")) # Load ConvertFrom-Ini Function . $script:PSModuleRoot\Public\ConvertFrom-Ini.ps1 } Describe 'ConvertFrom-Ini' { It 'Converts ini text string to PSobject' { # Get contents of ini test file to convert $iniContents = Get-Content "$($script:PSModuleRoot)\tests\test_input_001.ini" # Expected output object $expectedObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ Test1 = "hello" Test2 = "world" Test3 = 123456 Test4 = 123.456 Profile = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "Joe" Occupation = "Applications Developer" } EmptySection = @{} Address = [PSCustomObject]@{ Street = "123 Main Street" City = "Philadelphia" State = "PA" ZipCode = 123456 } Test5 = "" Test6 = $null } # Test $obj = $iniContents | ConvertFrom-Ini # Assert $obj.Test | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Test $obj.Test2 | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Test2 $obj.Test3 | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Test3 $obj.Test4 | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Test4 $obj.Test5 | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Test5 $obj.Profile.Name | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Profile.Name $obj.Profile.Occupation | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Profile.Occupation $obj.Address.Street | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Address.Street $obj.Address.City | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Address.City $obj.Address.State | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Address.State $obj.Address.ZipCode | Should -BeExactly $expectedObj.Address.ZipCode } } |