
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.CanBeNullAttribute">
            Indicates that the value of the marked element could be <c>null</c> sometimes,
            so checking for <c>null</c> is required before its usage.
            [CanBeNull] object Test() => null;
            void UseTest() {
              var p = Test();
              var s = p.ToString(); // Warning: Possible 'System.NullReferenceException'
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.NotNullAttribute">
            Indicates that the value of the marked element can never be <c>null</c>.
            [NotNull] object Foo() {
              return null; // Warning: Possible 'null' assignment
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ItemNotNullAttribute">
            Can be applied to symbols of types derived from IEnumerable as well as to symbols of Task
            and Lazy classes to indicate that the value of a collection item, of the Task.Result property
            or of the Lazy.Value property can never be null.
            public void Foo([ItemNotNull]List&lt;string&gt; books)
              foreach (var book in books) {
                if (book != null) // Warning: Expression is always true
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ItemCanBeNullAttribute">
            Can be applied to symbols of types derived from IEnumerable as well as to symbols of Task
            and Lazy classes to indicate that the value of a collection item, of the Task.Result property
            or of the Lazy.Value property can be null.
            public void Foo([ItemCanBeNull]List&lt;string&gt; books)
              foreach (var book in books)
                // Warning: Possible 'System.NullReferenceException'
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.StringFormatMethodAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked method builds string by the format pattern and (optional) arguments.
            The parameter, which contains the format string, should be given in the constructor. The format string
            should be in <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])"/>-like form.
            void ShowError(string message, params object[] args) { /* do something */ }
            void Foo() {
              ShowError("Failed: {0}"); // Warning: Non-existing argument in format string
        <member name="M:JetBrains.Annotations.StringFormatMethodAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
            <param name="formatParameterName">
            Specifies which parameter of an annotated method should be treated as the format string
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.StructuredMessageTemplateAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked parameter is a message template where placeholders are to be replaced by the following arguments
            in the order in which they appear
            void LogInfo([StructuredMessageTemplate]string message, params object[] args) { /* do something */ }
            void Foo() {
              LogInfo("User created: {username}"); // Warning: Non-existing argument in format string
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ValueProviderAttribute">
             Use this annotation to specify a type that contains static or const fields
             with values for the annotated property/field/parameter.
             The specified type will be used to improve completion suggestions.
             namespace TestNamespace
               public class Constants
                 public static int INT_CONST = 1;
                 public const string STRING_CONST = "1";
               public class Class1
                 [ValueProvider("TestNamespace.Constants")] public int myField;
                 public void Foo([ValueProvider("TestNamespace.Constants")] string str) { }
                 public void Test()
                   Foo(/*try completion here*/);//
                   myField = /*try completion here*/
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ValueRangeAttribute">
            Indicates that the integral value falls into the specified interval.
            It's allowed to specify multiple non-intersecting intervals.
            Values of interval boundaries are inclusive.
            void Foo([ValueRange(0, 100)] int value) {
              if (value == -1) { // Warning: Expression is always 'false'
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.NonNegativeValueAttribute">
            Indicates that the integral value never falls below zero.
            void Foo([NonNegativeValue] int value) {
              if (value == -1) { // Warning: Expression is always 'false'
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.InvokerParameterNameAttribute">
            Indicates that the function argument should be a string literal and match
            one of the parameters of the caller function. This annotation is used for paramerers
            like 'string paramName' parameter of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"/> constuctor.
            void Foo(string param) {
              if (param == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("par"); // Warning: Cannot resolve symbol
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.NotifyPropertyChangedInvocatorAttribute">
             Indicates that the method is contained in a type that implements
             <c>System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged</c> interface and this method
             is used to notify that some property value changed.
             The method should be non-static and conform to one of the supported signatures:
             <item><c>NotifyChanged(params string[])</c></item>
             <item><c>SetProperty{T}(ref T, T, string)</c></item>
             public class Foo : INotifyPropertyChanged {
               public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
               protected virtual void NotifyChanged(string propertyName) { ... }
               string _name;
               public string Name {
                 get { return _name; }
                 set { _name = value; NotifyChanged("LastName"); /* Warning */ }
             Examples of generated notifications:
             <item><c>NotifyChanged(() =&gt; Property)</c></item>
             <item><c>NotifyChanged((VM x) =&gt; x.Property)</c></item>
             <item><c>SetProperty(ref myField, value, "Property")</c></item>
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ContractAnnotationAttribute">
            Describes dependency between method input and output.
            <p>Function Definition Table syntax:</p>
            <item>FDT ::= FDTRow [;FDTRow]*</item>
            <item>FDTRow ::= Input =&gt; Output | Output &lt;= Input</item>
            <item>Input ::= ParameterName: Value [, Input]*</item>
            <item>Output ::= [ParameterName: Value]* {halt|stop|void|nothing|Value}</item>
            <item>Value ::= true | false | null | notnull | canbenull</item>
            If the method has a single input parameter, its name could be omitted.<br/>
            Using <c>halt</c> (or <c>void</c>/<c>nothing</c>, which is the same) for the method output
            means that the method doesn't return normally (throws or terminates the process).<br/>
            Value <c>canbenull</c> is only applicable for output parameters.<br/>
            You can use multiple <c>[ContractAnnotation]</c> for each FDT row, or use single attribute
            with rows separated by the semicolon. There is no notion of order rows, all rows are checked
            for applicability and applied per each program state tracked by the analysis engine.<br/>
            [ContractAnnotation("=&gt; halt")]
            public void TerminationMethod()
            [ContractAnnotation("null &lt;= param:null")] // reverse condition syntax
            public string GetName(string surname)
            [ContractAnnotation("s:null =&gt; true")]
            public bool IsNullOrEmpty(string s) // string.IsNullOrEmpty()
            // A method that returns null if the parameter is null,
            // and not null if the parameter is not null
            [ContractAnnotation("null =&gt; null; notnull =&gt; notnull")]
            public object Transform(object data)
            [ContractAnnotation("=&gt; true, result: notnull; =&gt; false, result: null")]
            public bool TryParse(string s, out Person result)
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.LocalizationRequiredAttribute">
            Indicates whether the marked element should be localized.
            class Foo {
              string str = "my string"; // Warning: Localizable string
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.CannotApplyEqualityOperatorAttribute">
            Indicates that the value of the marked type (or its derivatives)
            cannot be compared using '==' or '!=' operators and <c>Equals()</c>
            should be used instead. However, using '==' or '!=' for comparison
            with <c>null</c> is always permitted.
            class NoEquality { }
            class UsesNoEquality {
              void Test() {
                var ca1 = new NoEquality();
                var ca2 = new NoEquality();
                if (ca1 != null) { // OK
                  bool condition = ca1 == ca2; // Warning
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.BaseTypeRequiredAttribute">
            When applied to a target attribute, specifies a requirement for any type marked
            with the target attribute to implement or inherit specific type or types.
            [BaseTypeRequired(typeof(IComponent)] // Specify requirement
            class ComponentAttribute : Attribute { }
            [Component] // ComponentAttribute requires implementing IComponent interface
            class MyComponent : IComponent { }
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitlyAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked symbol is used implicitly (e.g. via reflection, in external library),
            so this symbol will be ignored by usage-checking inspections. <br/>
            You can use <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseKindFlags"/> and <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseTargetFlags"/>
            to configure how this attribute is applied.
            public class TypeConverter {}
            public class SummaryData
              public SummaryData() {}
            [UsedImplicitly(ImplicitUseTargetFlags.WithInheritors | ImplicitUseTargetFlags.Default)]
            public interface IService {}
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.MeansImplicitUseAttribute">
            Can be applied to attributes, type parameters, and parameters of a type assignable from <see cref="T:System.Type"/> .
            When applied to an attribute, the decorated attribute behaves the same as <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitlyAttribute"/>.
            When applied to a type parameter or to a parameter of type <see cref="T:System.Type"/>,
            indicates that the corresponding type is used implicitly.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseKindFlags">
            Specifies the details of implicitly used symbol when it is marked
            with <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.MeansImplicitUseAttribute"/> or <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitlyAttribute"/>.
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseKindFlags.Access">
            <summary>Only entity marked with attribute considered used.</summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseKindFlags.Assign">
            <summary>Indicates implicit assignment to a member.</summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseKindFlags.InstantiatedWithFixedConstructorSignature">
            Indicates implicit instantiation of a type with fixed constructor signature.
            That means any unused constructor parameters won't be reported as such.
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseKindFlags.InstantiatedNoFixedConstructorSignature">
            <summary>Indicates implicit instantiation of a type.</summary>
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseTargetFlags">
            Specifies what is considered to be used implicitly when marked
            with <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.MeansImplicitUseAttribute"/> or <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitlyAttribute"/>.
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseTargetFlags.Members">
            <summary>Members of the type marked with the attribute are considered used.</summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseTargetFlags.WithInheritors">
            <summary> Inherited entities are considered used. </summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseTargetFlags.WithMembers">
            <summary>Entity marked with the attribute and all its members considered used.</summary>
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.PublicAPIAttribute">
            This attribute is intended to mark publicly available API,
            which should not be removed and so is treated as used.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.InstantHandleAttribute">
            Tells the code analysis engine if the parameter is completely handled when the invoked method is on stack.
            If the parameter is a delegate, indicates that delegate can only be invoked during method execution
            (the delegate can be invoked zero or multiple times, but not stored to some field and invoked later,
            when the containing method is no longer on the execution stack).
            If the parameter is an enumerable, indicates that it is enumerated while the method is executed.
            If <see cref="P:JetBrains.Annotations.InstantHandleAttribute.RequireAwait"/> is true, the attribute will only takes effect if the method invocation is located under the 'await' expression.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.InstantHandleAttribute.RequireAwait">
            Require the method invocation to be used under the 'await' expression for this attribute to take effect on code analysis engine.
            Can be used for delegate/enumerable parameters of 'async' methods.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.PureAttribute">
            Indicates that a method does not make any observable state changes.
            The same as <c>System.Diagnostics.Contracts.PureAttribute</c>.
            [Pure] int Multiply(int x, int y) => x * y;
            void M() {
              Multiply(123, 42); // Warning: Return value of pure method is not used
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.MustUseReturnValueAttribute">
            Indicates that the return value of the method invocation must be used.
            Methods decorated with this attribute (in contrast to pure methods) might change state,
            but make no sense without using their return value. <br/>
            Similarly to <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.PureAttribute"/>, this attribute
            will help to detect usages of the method when the return value is not used.
            Optionally, you can specify a message to use when showing warnings, e.g.
            <code>[MustUseReturnValue("Use the return value to...")]</code>.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.RequireStaticDelegateAttribute">
            This annotation allows to enforce allocation-less usage patterns of delegates for performance-critical APIs.
            When this annotation is applied to the parameter of delegate type, IDE checks the input argument of this parameter:
            * When lambda expression or anonymous method is passed as an argument, IDE verifies that the passed closure
              has no captures of the containing local variables and the compiler is able to cache the delegate instance
              to avoid heap allocations. Otherwise the warning is produced.
            * IDE warns when method name or local function name is passed as an argument as this always results
              in heap allocation of the delegate instance.
            In C# 9.0 code IDE would also suggest to annotate the anonymous function with 'static' modifier
            to make use of the similar analysis provided by the language/compiler.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.ProvidesContextAttribute">
            Indicates the type member or parameter of some type, that should be used instead of all other ways
            to get the value of that type. This annotation is useful when you have some "context" value evaluated
            and stored somewhere, meaning that all other ways to get this value must be consolidated with existing one.
            class Foo {
              [ProvidesContext] IBarService _barService = ...;
              void ProcessNode(INode node) {
                DoSomething(node, node.GetGlobalServices().Bar);
                // ^ Warning: use value of '_barService' field
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.PathReferenceAttribute">
            Indicates that a parameter is a path to a file or a folder within a web project.
            Path can be relative or absolute, starting from web root (~).
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.SourceTemplateAttribute">
            An extension method marked with this attribute is processed by code completion
            as a 'Source Template'. When the extension method is completed over some expression, its source code
            is automatically expanded like a template at call site.
            Template method body can contain valid source code and/or special comments starting with '$'.
            Text inside these comments is added as source code when the template is applied. Template parameters
            can be used either as additional method parameters or as identifiers wrapped in two '$' signs.
            Use the <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute"/> attribute to specify macros for parameters.
            In this example, the 'forEach' method is a source template available over all values
            of enumerable types, producing ordinary C# 'foreach' statement and placing caret inside block:
            public static void forEach&lt;T&gt;(this IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; xs) {
              foreach (var x in xs) {
                 //$ $END$
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute">
            Allows specifying a macro for a parameter of a <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.SourceTemplateAttribute">source template</see>.
            You can apply the attribute on the whole method or on any of its additional parameters. The macro expression
            is defined in the <see cref="P:JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute.Expression"/> property. When applied on a method, the target
            template parameter is defined in the <see cref="P:JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute.Target"/> property. To apply the macro silently
            for the parameter, set the <see cref="P:JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute.Editable"/> property value = -1.
            Applying the attribute on a source template method:
            [SourceTemplate, Macro(Target = "item", Expression = "suggestVariableName()")]
            public static void forEach&lt;T&gt;(this IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; collection) {
              foreach (var item in collection) {
                //$ $END$
            Applying the attribute on a template method parameter:
            public static void something(this Entity x, [Macro(Expression = "guid()", Editable = -1)] string newguid) {
              /*$ var $x$Id = "$newguid$" + x.ToString();
              x.DoSomething($x$Id); */
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute.Expression">
            Allows specifying a macro that will be executed for a <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.SourceTemplateAttribute">source template</see>
            parameter when the template is expanded.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute.Editable">
            Allows specifying which occurrence of the target parameter becomes editable when the template is deployed.
            If the target parameter is used several times in the template, only one occurrence becomes editable;
            other occurrences are changed synchronously. To specify the zero-based index of the editable occurrence,
            use values >= 0. To make the parameter non-editable when the template is expanded, use -1.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute.Target">
            Identifies the target parameter of a <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.SourceTemplateAttribute">source template</see> if the
            <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute"/> is applied on a template method.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessAttribute">
            Indicates how method, constructor invocation, or property access
            over collection type affects the contents of the collection.
            When applied to a return value of a method indicates if the returned collection
            is created exclusively for the caller (CollectionAccessType.UpdatedContent) or
            can be read/updated from outside (CollectionAccessType.Read | CollectionAccessType.UpdatedContent)
            Use <see cref="P:JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessAttribute.CollectionAccessType"/> to specify the access type.
            Using this attribute only makes sense if all collection methods are marked with this attribute.
            public class MyStringCollection : List&lt;string&gt;
              public string GetFirstString()
                return this.ElementAt(0);
            class Test
              public void Foo()
                // Warning: Contents of the collection is never updated
                var col = new MyStringCollection();
                string x = col.GetFirstString();
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessType">
            Provides a value for the <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessAttribute"/> to define
            how the collection method invocation affects the contents of the collection.
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessType.None">
            <summary>Method does not use or modify content of the collection.</summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessType.Read">
            <summary>Method only reads content of the collection but does not modify it.</summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessType.ModifyExistingContent">
            <summary>Method can change content of the collection but does not add new elements.</summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessType.UpdatedContent">
            <summary>Method can add new elements to the collection.</summary>
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionMethodAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked method is assertion method, i.e. it halts the control flow if
            one of the conditions is satisfied. To set the condition, mark one of the parameters with
            <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionConditionAttribute"/> attribute.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionConditionAttribute">
            Indicates the condition parameter of the assertion method. The method itself should be
            marked by <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionMethodAttribute"/> attribute. The mandatory argument of
            the attribute is the assertion type.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionConditionType">
            Specifies assertion type. If the assertion method argument satisfies the condition,
            then the execution continues. Otherwise, execution is assumed to be halted.
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionConditionType.IS_TRUE">
            <summary>Marked parameter should be evaluated to true.</summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionConditionType.IS_FALSE">
            <summary>Marked parameter should be evaluated to false.</summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionConditionType.IS_NULL">
            <summary>Marked parameter should be evaluated to null value.</summary>
        <member name="F:JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionConditionType.IS_NOT_NULL">
            <summary>Marked parameter should be evaluated to not null value.</summary>
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.TerminatesProgramAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked method unconditionally terminates control flow execution.
            For example, it could unconditionally throw exception.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.LinqTunnelAttribute">
            Indicates that the method is a pure LINQ method, with postponed enumeration (like Enumerable.Select,
            .Where). This annotation allows inference of [InstantHandle] annotation for parameters
            of delegate type by analyzing LINQ method chains.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.NoEnumerationAttribute">
             Indicates that IEnumerable passed as a parameter is not enumerated.
             Use this annotation to suppress the 'Possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable' inspection.
             static void ThrowIfNull&lt;T&gt;([NoEnumeration] T v, string n) where T : class
               // custom check for null but no enumeration
             void Foo(IEnumerable&lt;string&gt; values)
               ThrowIfNull(values, nameof(values));
               var x = values.ToList(); // No warnings about multiple enumeration
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.RegexPatternAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked parameter, field, or property is a regular expression pattern.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.InjectedLanguage">
            Language of injected code fragment inside marked by <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.LanguageInjectionAttribute"/> string literal.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.LanguageInjectionAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked parameter, field, or property is accepting a string literal
            containing code fragment in a language specified by the <see cref="P:JetBrains.Annotations.LanguageInjectionAttribute.InjectedLanguage"/>.
            void Foo([LanguageInjection(InjectedLanguage.CSS, Prefix = "body{", Suffix = "}")] string cssProps)
              // cssProps should only contains a list of CSS properties
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.LanguageInjectionAttribute.InjectedLanguage">
            <summary>Specify a language of injected code fragment.</summary>
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.LanguageInjectionAttribute.Prefix">
            <summary>Specify a string that "precedes" injected string literal.</summary>
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.LanguageInjectionAttribute.Suffix">
            <summary>Specify a string that "follows" injected string literal.</summary>
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.NoReorderAttribute">
            Prevents the Member Reordering feature from tossing members of the marked class.
            The attribute must be mentioned in your member reordering patterns.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.CodeTemplateAttribute">
            Defines the code search template using the Structural Search and Replace syntax.
            It allows you to find and, if necessary, replace blocks of code that match a specific pattern.
            Search and replace patterns consist of a textual part and placeholders.
            Textural part must contain only identifiers allowed in the target language and will be matched exactly (white spaces, tabulation characters, and line breaks are ignored).
            Placeholders allow matching variable parts of the target code blocks.
            A placeholder has the following format: $placeholder_name$- where placeholder_name is an arbitrary identifier.
            Available placeholders:
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>$this$ - expression of containing type</item>
            <item>$thisType$ - containing type</item>
            <item>$member$ - current member placeholder</item>
            <item>$qualifier$ - this placeholder is available in the replace pattern and can be used to insert qualifier expression matched by the $member$ placeholder.
            (Note that if $qualifier$ placeholder is used, then $member$ placeholder will match only qualified references)</item>
            <item>$expression$ - expression of any type</item>
            <item>$identifier$ - identifier placeholder</item>
            <item>$args$ - any number of arguments</item>
            <item>$arg$ - single argument</item>
            <item>$arg1$ ... $arg10$ - single argument</item>
            <item>$stmts$ - any number of statements</item>
            <item>$stmt$ - single statement</item>
            <item>$stmt1$ ... $stmt10$ - single statement</item>
            <item>$name{Expression, 'Namespace.FooType'}$ - expression with 'Namespace.FooType' type</item>
            <item>$expression{'Namespace.FooType'}$ - expression with 'Namespace.FooType' type</item>
            <item>$name{Type, 'Namespace.FooType'}$ - 'Namespace.FooType' type</item>
            <item>$type{'Namespace.FooType'}$ - 'Namespace.FooType' type</item>
            <item>$statement{1,2}$ - 1 or 2 statements</item>
            Note that you can also define your own placeholders of the supported types and specify arguments for each placeholder type.
            This can be done using the following format: $name{type, arguments}$. Where 'name' - is the name of your placeholder,
            'type' - is the type of your placeholder (one of the following: Expression, Type, Identifier, Statement, Argument, Member),
            'arguments' - arguments list for your placeholder. Each placeholder type supports it's own arguments, check examples below for mode details.
            Placeholder type may be omitted and determined from the placeholder name, if name has one of the following prefixes:
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>expr, expression - expression placeholder, e.g. $exprPlaceholder{}$, $expressionFoo{}$</item>
            <item>arg, argument - argument placeholder, e.g. $argPlaceholder{}$, $argumentFoo{}$</item>
            <item>ident, identifier - identifier placeholder, e.g. $identPlaceholder{}$, $identifierFoo{}$</item>
            <item>stmt, statement - statement placeholder, e.g. $stmtPlaceholder{}$, $statementFoo{}$</item>
            <item>type - type placeholder, e.g. $typePlaceholder{}$, $typeFoo{}$</item>
            <item>member - member placeholder, e.g. $memberPlaceholder{}$, $memberFoo{}$</item>
            Expression placeholder arguments:
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>expressionType - string value in single quotes, specifies full type name to match (empty string by default)</item>
            <item>exactType - boolean value, specifies if expression should have exact type match (false by default)</item>
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>$myExpr{Expression, 'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines expression placeholder, matching expressions of the 'Namespace.FooType' type with exact matching.</item>
            <item>$myExpr{Expression, 'Namespace.FooType'}$ - defines expression placeholder, matching expressions of the 'Namespace.FooType' type or expressions which can be implicitly converted to 'Namespace.FooType'.</item>
            <item>$myExpr{Expression}$ - defines expression placeholder, matching expressions of any type.</item>
            <item>$exprFoo{'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines expression placeholder, matching expressions of the 'Namespace.FooType' type with exact matching.</item>
            Type placeholder arguments:
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>type - string value in single quotes, specifies full type name to match (empty string by default)</item>
            <item>exactType - boolean value, specifies if expression should have exact type match (false by default)</item>
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>$myType{Type, 'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines type placeholder, matching 'Namespace.FooType' types with exact matching.</item>
            <item>$myType{Type, 'Namespace.FooType'}$ - defines type placeholder, matching 'Namespace.FooType' types or types, which can be implicitly converted to 'Namespace.FooType'.</item>
            <item>$myType{Type}$ - defines type placeholder, matching any type.</item>
            <item>$typeFoo{'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines types placeholder, matching 'Namespace.FooType' types with exact matching.</item>
            Identifier placeholder arguments:
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>nameRegex - string value in single quotes, specifies regex to use for matching (empty string by default)</item>
            <item>nameRegexCaseSensitive - boolean value, specifies if name regex is case sensitive (true by default)</item>
            <item>type - string value in single quotes, specifies full type name to match (empty string by default)</item>
            <item>exactType - boolean value, specifies if expression should have exact type match (false by default)</item>
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>$myIdentifier{Identifier, 'my.*', false, 'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines identifier placeholder, matching identifiers (ignoring case) starting with 'my' prefix with 'Namespace.FooType' type.</item>
            <item>$myIdentifier{Identifier, 'my.*', true, 'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines identifier placeholder, matching identifiers (case sensitively) starting with 'my' prefix with 'Namespace.FooType' type.</item>
            <item>$identFoo{'my.*'}$ - defines identifier placeholder, matching identifiers (case sensitively) starting with 'my' prefix.</item>
            Statement placeholder arguments:
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>minimalOccurrences - minimal number of statements to match (-1 by default)</item>
            <item>maximalOccurrences - maximal number of statements to match (-1 by default)</item>
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>$myStmt{Statement, 1, 2}$ - defines statement placeholder, matching 1 or 2 statements.</item>
            <item>$myStmt{Statement}$ - defines statement placeholder, matching any number of statements.</item>
            <item>$stmtFoo{1, 2}$ - defines statement placeholder, matching 1 or 2 statements.</item>
            Argument placeholder arguments:
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>minimalOccurrences - minimal number of arguments to match (-1 by default)</item>
            <item>maximalOccurrences - maximal number of arguments to match (-1 by default)</item>
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>$myArg{Argument, 1, 2}$ - defines argument placeholder, matching 1 or 2 arguments.</item>
            <item>$myArg{Argument}$ - defines argument placeholder, matching any number of arguments.</item>
            <item>$argFoo{1, 2}$ - defines argument placeholder, matching 1 or 2 arguments.</item>
            Member placeholder arguments:
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>docId - string value in single quotes, specifies XML documentation id of the member to match (empty by default)</item>
            <list type="bullet">
            <item>$myMember{Member, 'M:System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.String)'}$ - defines member placeholder, matching 'IsNullOrEmpty' member of the 'System.String' type.</item>
            <item>$memberFoo{'M:System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.String)'}$ - defines member placeholder, matching 'IsNullOrEmpty' member of the 'System.String' type.</item>
            For more information please refer to the <a href="">Structural Search and Replace</a> article.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.CodeTemplateAttribute.SearchTemplate">
            Structural search pattern to use in the code template.
            Pattern includes textual part, which must contain only identifiers allowed in the target language,
            and placeholders, which allow matching variable parts of the target code blocks.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.CodeTemplateAttribute.Message">
            Message to show when the search pattern was found.
            You can also prepend the message text with "Error:", "Warning:", "Suggestion:" or "Hint:" prefix to specify the pattern severity.
            Code patterns with replace template produce suggestions by default.
            However, if replace template is not provided, then warning severity will be used.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.CodeTemplateAttribute.ReplaceTemplate">
            Structural search replace pattern to use in code template replacement.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.CodeTemplateAttribute.ReplaceMessage">
            Replace message to show in the light bulb.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.CodeTemplateAttribute.FormatAfterReplace">
            Apply code formatting after code replacement.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.CodeTemplateAttribute.MatchSimilarConstructs">
            Whether similar code blocks should be matched.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.CodeTemplateAttribute.ShortenReferences">
            Automatically insert namespace import directives or remove qualifiers that become redundant after the template is applied.
        <member name="P:JetBrains.Annotations.CodeTemplateAttribute.SuppressionKey">
            String to use as a suppression key.
            By default the following suppression key is used 'CodeTemplate_SomeType_SomeMember',
            where 'SomeType' and 'SomeMember' are names of the associated containing type and member to which this attribute is applied.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcActionAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter
            is an MVC action. If applied to a method, the MVC action name is calculated
            implicitly from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
            <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcAreaAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC area.
            Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
            <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcControllerAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter is
            an MVC controller. If applied to a method, the MVC controller name is calculated
            implicitly from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
            <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String, String)</c>.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcMasterAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC Master. Use this attribute
            for custom wrappers similar to <c>System.Web.Mvc.Controller.View(String, String)</c>.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcModelTypeAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC model type. Use this attribute
            for custom wrappers similar to <c>System.Web.Mvc.Controller.View(String, Object)</c>.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcPartialViewAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter is an MVC
            partial view. If applied to a method, the MVC partial view name is calculated implicitly
            from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
            <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.RenderPartialExtensions.RenderPartial(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcSuppressViewErrorAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. Allows disabling inspections for MVC views within a class or a method.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcDisplayTemplateAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that a parameter is an MVC display template.
            Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
            <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.DisplayExtensions.DisplayForModel(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcEditorTemplateAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC editor template.
            Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
            <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.EditorExtensions.EditorForModel(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcTemplateAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC template.
            Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcViewAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter
            is an MVC view component. If applied to a method, the MVC view name is calculated implicitly
            from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcViewComponentAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter
            is an MVC view component name.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcViewComponentViewAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter
            is an MVC view component view. If applied to a method, the MVC view component view name is default.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMvcActionSelectorAttribute">
            ASP.NET MVC attribute. When applied to a parameter of an attribute,
            indicates that this parameter is an MVC action name.
            public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl) {
              ViewBag.ReturnUrl = Url.Action("Foo"); // OK
              return RedirectToAction("Bar"); // Error: Cannot resolve action
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.RouteTemplateAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked parameter, field, or property is a route template.
            This attribute allows IDE to recognize the use of web frameworks' route templates
            to enable syntax highlighting, code completion, navigation, rename and other features in string literals.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.RouteParameterConstraintAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked type is custom route parameter constraint,
            which is registered in application's Startup with name <c>ConstraintName</c>
            You can specify <c>ProposedType</c> if target constraint matches only route parameters of specific type,
            it will allow IDE to create method's parameter from usage in route template
            with specified type instead of default <c>System.String</c>
            and check if constraint's proposed type conflicts with matched parameter's type
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.UriStringAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked parameter, field, or property is an URI string.
            This attribute enables code completion, navigation, rename and other features
            in URI string literals assigned to annotated parameter, field or property.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspRouteConventionAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked method declares routing convention for ASP.NET
            IDE will analyze all usages of methods marked with this attribute,
            and will add all routes to completion, navigation and other features over URI strings
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspDefaultRouteValuesAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked method parameter contains default route values of routing convention for ASP.NET
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspRouteValuesConstraintsAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked method parameter contains constraints on route values of routing convention for ASP.NET
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspRouteOrderAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked parameter or property contains routing order provided by ASP.NET routing attribute
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspRouteVerbsAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked parameter or property contains HTTP verbs provided by ASP.NET routing attribute
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspAttributeRoutingAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked attribute is used for attribute routing in ASP.NET
            IDE will analyze all usages of attributes marked with this attribute,
            and will add all routes to completion, navigation and other features over URI strings
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMinimalApiDeclarationAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked method declares ASP.NET Minimal API endpoint
            IDE will analyze all usages of methods marked with this attribute,
            and will add all routes to completion, navigation and other features over URI strings
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.AspMinimalApiHandlerAttribute">
            Indicates that the marked parameter contains ASP.NET Minimal API endpoint handler
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.RazorSectionAttribute">
            Razor attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter or method is a Razor section.
            Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.XamlItemsControlAttribute">
            XAML attribute. Indicates the type that has <c>ItemsSource</c> property and should be treated
            as <c>ItemsControl</c>-derived type, to enable inner items <c>DataContext</c> type resolve.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.XamlItemBindingOfItemsControlAttribute">
            XAML attribute. Indicates the property of some <c>BindingBase</c>-derived type, that
            is used to bind some item of <c>ItemsControl</c>-derived type. This annotation will
            enable the <c>DataContext</c> type resolve for XAML bindings for such properties.
            Property should have the tree ancestor of the <c>ItemsControl</c> type or
            marked with the <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.XamlItemsControlAttribute"/> attribute.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.XamlItemStyleOfItemsControlAttribute">
            XAML attribute. Indicates the property of some <c>Style</c>-derived type, that
            is used to style items of <c>ItemsControl</c>-derived type. This annotation will
            enable the <c>DataContext</c> type resolve for XAML bindings for such properties.
            Property should have the tree ancestor of the <c>ItemsControl</c> type or
            marked with the <see cref="T:JetBrains.Annotations.XamlItemsControlAttribute"/> attribute.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.XamlOneWayBindingModeByDefaultAttribute">
            XAML attribute. Indicates that DependencyProperty has <c>OneWay</c> binding mode by default.
            This attribute must be applied to DependencyProperty's CLR accessor property if it is present, to DependencyProperty descriptor field otherwise.
        <member name="T:JetBrains.Annotations.XamlTwoWayBindingModeByDefaultAttribute">
            XAML attribute. Indicates that DependencyProperty has <c>TwoWay</c> binding mode by default.
            This attribute must be applied to DependencyProperty's CLR accessor property if it is present, to DependencyProperty descriptor field otherwise.