<# .Synopsis The simplest example, where there's just a script that used to use Write-Host or Write-Verbose ... .Description NOTE: I added a function in this script so that the example can show a small callstack .Example .\SimpleExample -InformationAction Continue Invoke the example and output the Information stream visibly #> [CmdletBinding()]param() Write-Info "Enter $PSCommandPath" function Invoke-FakeWork { [CmdletBinding()]param( $Message = "Hello World", $Milliseconds = $(Get-Random -Minimum 20 -Maximum 2000) ) Write-Info "Enter Invoke-FakeWork '$Message' and wait $Milliseconds milliseconds" Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Milliseconds Write-Info "Exit Invoke-FakeWork '$Message'" } Write-Info "Calling Invoke-FakeWork" Invoke-FakeWork "Hello ${Env:USERNAME}" Write-Info "Exit $PSCommandPath" |