
#Helper Functions
Function ConvertTo-PTRName {
        $Octets = $IPAddress.IPAddressToString.split('.')
        $name = "$($octets[3]).$($octets[2]).$($octets[1]).$($octets[0])"
        return $name
Function ConvertFrom-PTRName {
        $Octets = $PTRName.split('.')
        [IPAddress]$IPAddress = "$($octets[3]).$($octets[2]).$($octets[1]).$($octets[0])"
        return $IPAddress
Function ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray {
    Param (
        If ($Extattrs) {
            $ExtAttrList = $Extattrs | get-member | where-object{$_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty'}
            Foreach ($ExtAttr in $ExtAttrList){
                $objExtAttr = New-object PSObject -Property @{
                    Name = $Extattr.Name
                Foreach ($property in $($ExtAttrs.$($Extattr.Name) | get-member | where-object{$_.membertype -eq 'noteproperty'})) {
                    $objExtAttr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name $property.Name -Value $($Extattrs.$($$($
        } else {
            return $Null
Function ConvertFrom-ExtAttrsArray {
    Param (
        $objextattr = New-Object psobject -Property @{}
        Foreach ($extattr in $extattrib){
            $Value = new-object psobject -Property @{value=$ExtAttrib.value}
            $objextattr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($ExtAttrib.Name) -Value $Value
Function SearchstringToIBQuery {
    param ($SearchString)
    $Words = $Searchstring.split(' ')
    $property = $words[0]
    $Operator = $words[1]
    $Value = $words[2..$($words.length -1)] -join ' ' -replace "`"" -replace "`'"
    If ($operator -eq '-eq'){$iboperator = ':='}
    If ($operator -eq '-like'){$iboperator = '~:='}
    $IBQueryString = "*$property$iboperator$value&"
    return $IBQueryString
Class IB_ReferenceObject {
    [String] ToString(){
        return $this._ref
    static [IB_ReferenceObject] Get(
    ) {
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$_ref"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return) {
            return [IB_ReferenceObject]::New($return._ref)
        } else {
            return $null
   hidden [String] Delete(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Delete -WebSession $Session
        return $return
        $this._ref = $_ref
Class IB_DNSARecord : IB_ReferenceObject {

#region Methods
    #region Create method
    static [IB_DNSARecord] Create(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$Wapiversion/record:a"
        $BodyHashTable = @{name=$Name}
        $bodyhashtable += @{ipv4addr=$IPAddress}
        $bodyhashtable += @{comment=$comment}
        If ($view){$bodyhashtable += @{view = $view}}

        If ($Use_TTL){
            $BodyHashTable+= @{ttl = $TTL}
            $BodyHashTable+= @{use_ttl = $use_ttl}

        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Post -Body $BodyHashTable -WebSession $Session
        If ($return) {
            return [IB_DNSARecord]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
        }else {
            return $Null
    #region Get methods
        static [IB_DNSARecord] Get (
    ) {
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,ipv4addr,comment,view,ttl,use_ttl"
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$Wapiversion/$_ref`?_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return) {
            If ($return.ipv4addr.length -eq 0){$return.ipv4addr = $Null}
            return [IB_DNSARecord]::New($,
                                        $($Return.extattrs | ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        } else {
            return $null

    static [IB_DNSARecord[]] Get(
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,ipv4addr,comment,view,ttl,use_ttl"
        $URI = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$Wapiversion/record:a?"
        If ($Strict){$Operator = ":="} else {$Operator = "~:="}
        If ($Name){
            $URI += "name$Operator$Name&"
        If ($IPAddress){
            $URI += "ipv4addr=$($ipaddress.IPAddressToString)&"
        If ($comment){
            $URI += "comment$operator$comment&"
        If ($ExtAttribFilter){
            $URI += SearchStringToIBQuery -searchstring $ExtAttribFilter
        If ($Zone){
            $URI += "zone=$Zone&"
        If ($View){
            $URI += "view=$view&"
        If ($MaxResults){
            $URI += "_max_results=$MaxResults&"
        $URI += "_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        write-verbose "URI String: $URI"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -WebSession $Session
        $output = @()
        Foreach ($item in $return){
            If ($item.ipv4addr.length -eq 0){$item.ipv4addr = $Null}
            $output += [IB_DNSARecord]::New($,
                                            $($item.extattrs | convertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        return $output
    #region Set method
    hidden [void]Set(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$Wapiversion/$($this._ref)"
        $bodyHashTable = $null
        If ($use_ttl){
        } else {
            $bodyHashTable += @{ttl=0}
        If ($bodyHashTable){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $($bodyHashTable | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            if ($return) {
                $this._ref = $return
                $this.ipaddress = $IPAddress
                $this.comment = $Comment
                $this.use_ttl = $use_ttl
                If ($use_ttl){
                    $this.ttl = $ttl
                } else {
                    $this.ttl = $null
    #region AddExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] AddExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$Wapiversion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $Name -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{value=$Value})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$Name=$(get-variable $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs+"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_DNSARecord]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
    #region RemoveExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] RemoveExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$Wapiversion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $ExtAttrib -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$extattrib=$(get-variable $ExtAttrib | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs-"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_DNSARecord]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
#region Constructors
        $this.Name        = $Name
        $this.IPAddress   = $IPAddress
        $this.Comment     = $Comment
        $this._ref        = $_ref
        $this.view        = $view
        $this.TTL         = $ttl
        $this.use_ttl     = $use_ttl
        $this.extattrib   = $ExtAttrib
Class IB_DNSCNameRecord : IB_ReferenceObject {

#region Methods
    #region Create method
    static [IB_DNSCNameRecord] Create(

        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/record:cname"
        $BodyHashTable = @{name=$Name}
        $bodyhashtable += @{canonical=$Canonical}
        $bodyhashtable += @{comment=$comment}
        If ($View){$bodyhashtable += @{view = $view}}
        If ($use_ttl){
            $BodyHashTable += @{ttl = $ttl}
            $BodyHashTable += @{use_ttl = $use_ttl}
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Post -Body $BodyHashTable -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return) {
            return [IB_DNSCNameRecord]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
        } else {
            return $Null
    #region Get methods
    static [IB_DNSCNameRecord] Get (
    ) {
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,canonical,comment,view,ttl,use_ttl"
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$_ref`?_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -WebSession $Session
        If ($return) {
            return [IB_DNSCNameRecord]::New($return.Name,
                                            $($Return.extattrs | ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        } else {
            return $Null

    static [IB_DNSCNameRecord[]] Get(
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,canonical,comment,view,ttl,use_ttl"
        $URI = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/record:cname?"
        If ($Strict){$Operator = ":="} else {$Operator = "~:="}
        If ($Name){
            $URI += "name$Operator$Name&"
        If ($Canonical){
            $URI += "canonical$operator$Canonical&"
        If ($comment){
            $URI += "comment$operator$comment&"
        If ($ExtAttribFilter){
            $URI += SearchStringToIBQuery -searchstring $ExtAttribFilter
        If ($Zone){
            $URI += "zone=$Zone&"
        If ($View){
            $URI += "view=$view&"
        If ($MaxResults){
            $URI += "_max_results=$MaxResults&"
        $URI += "_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        write-verbose "URI String: $URI"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -WebSession $Session
        $output = @()
        Foreach ($item in $return){
                $output += [IB_DNSCNameRecord]::New($item.Name,
                                                    $($item.extattrs | ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        return $output
    #region Set method
    hidden [Void] Set(

        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $bodyHashTable = $null
        If ($use_ttl){
        } else {
            $bodyHashTable += @{ttl=0}

        If ($bodyHashTable){
            $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $($bodyHashTable | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            if ($return) {
                $this._ref = $return
                $this.canonical = $canonical
                $this.comment = $Comment
                $this.use_ttl = $use_ttl
                If ($use_ttl){
                    $this.ttl = $ttl
                } else {
                    $this.ttl = $null
    #region AddExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] AddExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $Name -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{value=$Value})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$Name=$(get-variable $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs+"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_DNSCNameRecord]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
    #region RemoveExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] RemoveExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $ExtAttrib -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$extattrib=$(get-variable $ExtAttrib | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs-"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_DNSCNameRecord]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib

#region Constructors
        $this.Name        = $Name
        $this.canonical   = $canonical
        $this.Comment     = $Comment
        $this._ref        = $_ref
        $this.view        = $view
        $this.TTL         = $TTL
        $this.Use_TTL     = $use_ttl
        $this.extattrib   = $ExtAttrib

Class IB_DNSPTRRecord : IB_ReferenceObject {

#region Methods
    #region Create method
    static [IB_DNSPTRRecord] Create(

        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/record:ptr"
        $BodyHashTable = @{ipv4addr=$($IPAddress.IPAddressToString)}
        $bodyhashtable += @{ptrdname=$PTRDName}
        $bodyhashtable += @{comment=$comment}
        If ($View){$bodyhashtable += @{view = $view}}
        If ($use_TTL){
            $BodyHashTable+= @{ttl=$ttl}
            $bodyhashtable+= @{use_ttl=$use_ttl}
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Post -Body $BodyHashTable -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return) {
            return [IB_DNSPTRRecord]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
        } else {
            return $Null
    #region Get methods
    static [IB_DNSPTRRecord] Get (
    ) {
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,ptrdname,ipv4addr,comment,view,ttl,use_ttl"
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$_ref`?_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return) {
            If ($return.ipv4addr.length -eq 0){$return.ipv4addr = $Null}
            return [IB_DNSPTRRecord]::New($return.ptrdname,
                                          $($return.extattrs | ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        } else {
            return $Null

    static [IB_DNSPTRRecord[]] Get(
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,ptrdname,ipv4addr,comment,view,ttl,use_ttl"
        $URI = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/record:ptr?"
        If ($Strict){$Operator = ":="} else {$Operator = "~:="}
        If ($Name){
            $URI += "name$Operator$Name&"
        If ($IPAddress){
            $URI += "ipv4addr=$($ipaddress.IPAddressToString)&"
        If ($PTRdname){
            $URI += "ptrdname$operator$PTRdname&"
        If ($comment){
            $URI += "comment$operator$comment&"
        If ($ExtAttribFilter){
            $URI += SearchStringToIBQuery -searchstring $ExtAttribFilter
        If ($Zone){
            $URI += "zone=$Zone&"
        If ($View){
            $URI += "view=$view&"
        If ($MaxResults){
            $URI += "_max_results=$MaxResults&"
        $URI += "_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        write-verbose "URI String: $URI"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -WebSession $Session
        $output = @()
        Foreach ($item in $return){
                If ($item.ipv4addr.length -eq 0){$item.ipv4addr = $Null}
                $output += [IB_DNSPTRRecord]::New($item.ptrdname,
                                                  $($item.extattrs | ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        return $output
    #region Set method
    hidden [Void] Set(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $bodyHashTable = $null
        If ($use_ttl){
        } else {
            $bodyHashTable += @{ttl=0}

        If ($bodyHashTable){
            $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $($bodyHashTable | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            if ($return) {
                $this._ref = $return
                $this.ptrdname = $PTRDName
                $this.comment = $Comment
                $this.use_ttl = $use_ttl
                If ($use_ttl){
                    $this.ttl = $ttl
                } else {
                    $this.ttl = $null

    #region AddExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] AddExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $Name -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{value=$Value})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$Name=$(get-variable $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs+"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_DNSPTRRecord]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
    #region RemoveExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] RemoveExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $ExtAttrib -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$extattrib=$(get-variable $ExtAttrib | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs-"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_DNSPTRRecord]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
#region Constructors
        $this.PTRDName    = $PTRDName
        $this.ipaddress   = $IPAddress
        $this.Name        = $Name
        $this.Comment     = $Comment
        $this._ref        = $_ref
        $this.view        = $view
        $this.ttl         = $TTL
        $this.Use_TTL     = $Use_ttl
        $this.extattrib   = $ExtAttrib

Class IB_ExtAttrsDef : IB_ReferenceObject {
#region Methods
    [String] ToString () {
        return $

    #region Create method
    static [IB_ExtAttrsDef] Create(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/extensibleattributedef"
        $BodyHashTable = @{name=$Name}
        $bodyhashtable += @{type=$Type.ToUpper()}
        $bodyhashtable += @{comment=$comment}
        if ($defaultvalue){$bodyhashtable += @{default_value=$DefaultValue}}
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Post -Body $BodyHashTable -WebSession $Session
        If ($return) {
            return [IB_ExtAttrsDef]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
        }else {
            return $Null
    #region Get methods
        static [IB_ExtAttrsDef] Get (
    ) {
        $ReturnFields = "name,comment,default_value,type"
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$_ref`?_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return) {
            return [IB_ExtAttrsDef]::New($,$return.type,$return.comment,$return.default_value,$return._ref)
        } else {
            return $null

    static [IB_ExtAttrsDef[]] Get(
        $ReturnFields = "name,comment,default_value,type"
        $URI = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/extensibleattributedef?"
        If ($Strict){$Operator = ":="} else {$Operator = "~:="}
        If ($Name){
            $URI += "name$Operator$Name&"
        If ($Type){
            $URI += "type=$($Type.ToUpper())&"
        If ($comment){
            $URI += "comment$operator$comment&"
        If ($MaxResults){
            $URI += "_max_results=$MaxResults&"
        $URI += "_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        write-verbose "URI String: $URI"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -WebSession $Session
        $output = @()
        Foreach ($item in $return){
            $output += [IB_ExtAttrsDef]::New($,$Item.type,$Item.comment,$Item.default_value,$Item._ref)
        return $output
    #region Set method
    hidden [void]Set(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $bodyHashTable = $null
        If ($bodyHashTable){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $($bodyHashTable | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            if ($return) {
                $this._ref = $return
                $this.type = $Type
                $this.comment = $Comment
                $this.defaultvalue = $DefaultValue
#region Constructors
        $this.Name         = $Name
        $this.Comment      = $Comment
        $this._ref         = $_ref
        $this.type         = $Type
        $this.DefaultValue = $DefaultValue
Class IB_FixedAddress : IB_ReferenceObject {
#region Methods
#region Create method
    static [IB_FixedAddress] Create(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/fixedaddress"
        $bodyhashtable = @{ipv4addr=$IPAddress}
        $BodyHashTable += @{name=$Name}
        $bodyhashtable += @{comment=$comment}
        If ($networkview){$bodyhashtable += @{network_view = $NetworkView}}
        $BodyHashTable += @{mac = $MAC}
        If (($MAC -eq '00:00:00:00:00:00') -or ($MAC.Length -eq 0)){
            $bodyHashTable += @{match_client='RESERVED'}
        } else {
            $bodyHashTable += @{match_client='MAC_ADDRESS'}

        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Post -Body $BodyHashTable -WebSession $Session
        return [IB_FixedAddress]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
    #region Get methods
    static [IB_FixedAddress] Get (
    ) {
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,ipv4addr,comment,network_view,mac"
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$_ref`?_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return) {
            return [IB_FixedAddress]::New($,
                                          $($return.extattrs | Convertto-ExtAttrsArray))
        } else {
            return $Null
    static [IB_FixedAddress[]] Get(
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,ipv4addr,comment,network_view,mac"
        $URI = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/fixedaddress?"
        If ($Strict){$Operator = ":="} else {$Operator = "~:="}
        If ($IPAddress){
            $URI += "ipv4addr=$($IPAddress.IPAddressToString)&"
        If ($MAC){
            $URI += "mac=$mac&"
        If ($Comment){
            $URI += "comment$operator$comment&"
        If ($ExtAttribFilter){
            $URI += SearchStringToIBQuery -searchstring $ExtAttribFilter
        If ($NetworkView){
            $URI += "network_view=$NetworkView&"
        If ($MaxResults){
            $URI += "_max_results=$MaxResults&"
        $URI += "_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        write-verbose "URI String: $URI"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -WebSession $Session
        $output = @()
        Foreach ($item in $return){
            $output += [IB_FixedAddress]::New($,
                                              $($item.extattrs | convertto-extAttrsArray))
        return $output
    #region Set method
    hidden [Void] Set(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $bodyHashTable = $null
        If ($MAC -eq "00:00:00:00:00:00"){
        } else {
        If ($bodyHashTable){
            $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $($bodyHashTable | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            if ($return) {
                $this._ref = $return
                $ = $Name
                $this.comment = $Comment
                $this.MAC = $MAC
    #region AddExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] AddExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $Name -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{value=$Value})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$Name=$(get-variable $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs+"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_FixedAddress]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
    #region RemoveExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] RemoveExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $ExtAttrib -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$extattrib=$(get-variable $ExtAttrib | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs-"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_FixedAddress]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
#region Constructors
        $this.Name         = $Name
        $this.IPAddress    = $IPAddress
        $this.Comment      = $Comment
        $this._ref         = $_ref
        $this.networkview  = $NetworkView
        $this.MAC          = $MAC
        $this.ExtAttrib    = $ExtAttrib
Class IB_Network : IB_ReferenceObject {
#region Create Method
    static [IB_Network] Create(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/network"
        $bodyhashtable = @{network=$Network}
        If ($comment){$bodyhashtable += @{comment=$Comment}}
        If ($NetworkView){$bodyhashtable += @{network_view = $NetworkView}}
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URIString -Method Post -Body $bodyhashtable -WebSession $Session
        return [IB_Network]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
#region Get Methods
    static [IB_Network] Get (
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,network,network_view,network_container,comment"
        $URIstring = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$_ref`?_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIstring -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return){
            return [IB_Network]::New($Return.Network,
                                         $($return.extattrs | convertto-ExtAttrsArray),
        } else {
            return $Null
    static [IB_Network[]] Get(
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,network,network_view,network_container,comment"
        $URI = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/network?"
        If ($Strict){$Operator = "="} else {$Operator = "~="}
        If ($Network){
            $URI += "network$Operator$Network&"
        If ($NetworkView){
            $URI += "network_view=$Networkview&"
        If ($NetworkContainer){
            $URI += "network_container=$NetworkContainer&"
        If ($comment){
            $URI += "comment`:$operator$comment&"
        If ($ExtAttribFilter){
            $URI += SearchStringtoIBQuery -searchstring $ExtAttribFilter
        If ($MaxResults){
            $URI += "_max_results=$MaxResults&"
        $URI += "_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        write-verbose "URI String: $URI"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -WebSession $Session
        $output = @()
        Foreach ($Item in $Return){
            $output += [IB_Network]::New($item.Network,
                                         $($item.extattrs | convertto-ExtAttrsArray),
        return $Output
#region Set Method
    hidden [void]Set (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $bodyhashtable = @{comment=$Comment}
        If ($bodyhashtable){
            $return = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URIString -method Put -body $($bodyhashtable | convertto-json) -contenttype application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($return) {
                $this._ref = $return
                $this.comment = $Comment
#region AddExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] AddExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $Name -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{value=$Value})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$Name=$(get-variable $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs+"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_Network]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
#region AddExtAttrib method - with Object[]
    hidden [void] AddExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $extattr = @{}
        $attr | ForEach-Object {
            New-Variable -name $_.Name -Value $(New-object -TypeName psobject -Property @{value=$_.Value})
            $extattr += @{$$(Get-Variable $ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            Write-Verbose -Message "JSON Body: $JSONBody"
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_Network]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
#region RemoveExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] RemoveExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $ExtAttrib -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$extattrib=$(get-variable $ExtAttrib | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs-"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_Network]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
#region NextAvailableIP method
    hidden [String[]] GetNextAvailableIP (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)?_function=next_available_ip"
        $bodyhashtable = $null
        if ($count){$bodyhashtable += @{num = $count}}
        If ($Exclude){$bodyhashtable += @{exclude = $Exclude}}
        If ($bodyhashtable){
            return Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URIString -method Post -body $($bodyhashtable | convertto-json) -contenttype application/json -WebSession $Session
        } else {
            return $Null
#region Constructors
        $this.Network          = $Network
        $this.NetworkView      = $NetworkView
        $this.NetworkContainer = $NetworkContainer
        $this.Comment          = $Comment
        $this.ExtAttrib        = $ExtAttrib
        $this._ref             = $_ref
Class IB_networkview : IB_ReferenceObject {
    [String] ToString () {
        return $
    static [IB_NetworkView] Create(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/networkview"
        $bodyhashtable = @{name=$Name}
        If ($Comment){$bodyhashtable += @{comment=$Comment}}
        $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URIString -Method Post -body $bodyhashtable -WebSession $Session
        return [IB_NetworkView]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
    static [IB_networkview] Get (
    ) {
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,is_default,comment"
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$_ref`?_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return) {
            return [IB_networkview]::New($,
                                         $($return.extattrs | ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        } else {
            return $Null
    static [IB_networkview[]] Get(
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,is_default,comment"
        $URI = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/networkview?"
        If ($Strict){$Operator = ":="} else {$Operator = "~:="}
        If ($Name){
            $URI += "name$Operator$Name&"
        If ($Is_Default){
            $URI += "is_default=$Is_Default&"
        If ($comment){
            $URI += "comment$operator$comment&"
         If ($ExtAttribFilter){
            $URI += SearchStringToIBQuery -searchstring $ExtAttribFilter
       If ($MaxResults){
            $URI += "_max_results=$MaxResults&"
        $URI += "_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        write-verbose "URI String: $URI"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -WebSession $Session
        $output = @()
        Foreach ($item in $return){
                $output += [IB_networkview]::New($,
                                                 $($item.extattrs | ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        return $output
#region Set Method
    hidden [void]Set (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $bodyhashtable = $Null
        $bodyhashtable += @{name=$Name}
        $bodyhashtable += @{comment=$Comment}
        If ($bodyhashtable){
            $return = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URIString -method Put -body $($bodyhashtable | convertto-json) -contenttype application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($return) {
                $this._ref = $return
                $ = $Name
                $this.comment = $Comment
    #These have to exist in order for the List method to create the object instance
        $       = $name
        $this.is_default = $is_default
        $this.Comment    = $comment
        $this._ref       = $_ref
        $this.extattrib  = $ExtAttrib
Class IB_View : IB_ReferenceObject {
    [String] ToString () {
        return $
    static [IB_View] Create(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/view"
        $bodyhashtable = @{name=$Name}
        If ($Comment){$bodyhashtable += @{comment=$Comment}}
        $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URIString -Method Post -body $bodyhashtable -WebSession $Session
        return [IB_View]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
    static [IB_View] Get (
    ) {
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,is_default,comment"
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$_ref`?_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return) {
            return [IB_View]::New($, 
                                  $($return.extattrs | ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        } else {
            return $Null

    static [IB_View[]] Get(
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,name,is_default,comment"
        $URI = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/view?"
        If ($Strict){$Operator = ":="} else {$Operator = "~:="}
        If ($Name){
            $URI += "name$Operator$Name&"
        If ($Is_Default){
            $URI += "is_default=$Is_Default&"
        If ($comment){
            $URI += "comment$operator$comment&"
        If ($ExtAttribFilter){
            $URI += SearchStringToIBQuery -searchstring $ExtAttribFilter
        If ($MaxResults){
            $URI += "_max_results=$MaxResults&"
        $URI += "_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        write-verbose "URI String: $URI"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -WebSession $Session
        $output = @()
        Foreach ($item in $return){
                $output += [IB_View]::New($,
                                          $($item.extattrs | ConvertTo-ExtAttrsArray))
        return $output
#region Set Method
    hidden [void]Set (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $bodyhashtable = $null
        $bodyhashtable += @{name=$Name}
        $bodyhashtable += @{comment=$Comment}
        If ($bodyhashtable){
            $return = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URIString -method Put -body $($bodyhashtable | convertto-json) -contenttype application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($return) {
                $this._ref = $return
                $ = $Name
                $this.comment = $Comment
    #These have to exist in order for the List method to create the object instance
        $       = $name
        $this.is_default = $is_default
        $this.Comment    = $comment
        $this._ref       = $_ref
        $this.extattrib  = $ExtAttrib
Class IB_ZoneAuth : IB_ReferenceObject {
#region Create Method
    static [IB_ZoneAuth] Create(
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/zone_auth"
        $bodyhashtable = @{fqdn=$fqdn}
        If ($comment){$bodyhashtable += @{comment=$Comment}}
        If ($View){$bodyhashtable += @{view = $View}}
        If ($ZoneFormat){$bodyhashtable += @{zone_format = $zoneformat.ToUpper()}}
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URIString -Method Post -Body $bodyhashtable -WebSession $Session
        return [IB_ZoneAuth]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
#region Get Methods
    static [IB_ZoneAuth] Get (
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,fqdn,view,zone_format,comment"
        $URIstring = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$_ref`?_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIstring -WebSession $Session
        If ($Return){
            return [IB_ZoneAuth]::New($Return.FQDN,
                                         $($return.extattrs | convertto-ExtAttrsArray),
        } else {
            return $Null
    static [IB_ZoneAuth[]] Get(
        $ReturnFields = "extattrs,fqdn,view,zone_format,comment"
        $URI = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/zone_auth?"
        If ($Strict){$Operator = "="} else {$Operator = "~="}
        If ($FQDN){
            $URI += "fqdn$Operator$fqdn&"
        If ($View){
            $URI += "view=$view&"
        If ($ZoneFormat){
            $URI += "zone_format=$($ZoneFormat.ToUpper())&"
        If ($comment){
            $URI += "comment`:$operator$comment&"
        If ($ExtAttribFilter){
            $URI += SearchStringtoIBQuery -searchstring $ExtAttribFilter
        If ($MaxResults){
            $URI += "_max_results=$MaxResults&"
        $URI += "_return_fields=$ReturnFields"
        write-verbose "URI String: $URI"
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -WebSession $Session
        $output = @()
        Foreach ($Item in $Return){
            $output += [IB_ZoneAuth]::New($item.fqdn,
                                         $($item.extattrs | convertto-ExtAttrsArray),
        return $Output
#region Set Method
    hidden [void]Set (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        $bodyhashtable = @{comment=$Comment}
        If ($bodyhashtable){
            $return = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URIString -method Put -body $($bodyhashtable | convertto-json) -contenttype application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($return) {
                $this._ref = $return
                $this.comment = $Comment
#region AddExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] AddExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $Name -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{value=$Value})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$Name=$(get-variable $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs+"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_ZoneAuth]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
#region RemoveExtAttrib method
    hidden [void] RemoveExtAttrib (
        $URIString = "https://$Gridmaster/wapi/$WapiVersion/$($this._ref)"
        New-Variable -name $ExtAttrib -Value $(New-object psobject -Property @{})
        $ExtAttr = new-object psobject -Property @{$extattrib=$(get-variable $ExtAttrib | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)}
        $body = new-object psobject -Property @{"extattrs-"=$extattr}
        $JSONBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json
        If ($JSONBody){
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URIString -Method Put -Body $JSONBody -ContentType application/json -WebSession $Session
            If ($Return){
                $record = [IB_ZoneAuth]::Get($gridmaster,$Session,$WapiVersion,$return)
                $this.ExtAttrib = $record.extAttrib
#region Constructors
        $this.fqdn       = $fqdn
        $this.View       = $view
        $this.zoneformat = $zoneformat
        $this.Comment    = $Comment
        $this.ExtAttrib  = $ExtAttrib
        $this._ref       = $_ref
    Add-IBExtensibleAttribute adds or updates an extensible attribute to an existing infoblox record.
    Updates the provided infoblox record with an extensible attribute as defined in the ExtensibleAttributeDefinition of the Infoblox. If the extensible attribute specified already exists the value will be updated. A valid infoblox object must be provided either through parameter or pipeline. Pipeline supports multiple objects, to allow adding/updating the extensible attribute on multiple records at once.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the Infoblox object. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_xxx representing the Infoblox object. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-DNSARecord.
    The name of the extensible attribute to add to the provided infoblox object. This extensible attribute must already be defined on the Infoblox.
    The value to set the specified extensible attribute to. Provided value must meet the data type criteria specified by the extensible attribute definition.
    Switch parameter to return the provided object(x) with the new values after updating the Infoblox. The default behavior is to return nothing on successful record edit.
    Add-IBExtensibleAttribute -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -_Ref 'record:a/' -EAName Site -EAValue Corp
    This example create a new extensible attribute for 'Site' with value of 'Corp' on the provided extensible attribute
    Get-DNSARecord -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -_Ref 'record:a/' | `
        Add-IBExtensibleAttribute -EAName Site -EAValue DR
    This example retrieves the DNS record using Get-DNSARecord, then passes that object through the pipeline to Add-IBExtensibleAttribute, which updates the previously created extensible attribute 'Site' to value 'DR'
    Get-IBFixedAddress -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -ExtAttributeQuery {Site -eq 'OldSite'} | Add-IBExtensibleAttribute -EAName Site -EAValue NewSite
    This example retrieves all Fixed Address objects with a defined Extensible attribute of 'Site' with value 'OldSite' and updates the value to 'NewSite'

Function Add-IBExtensibleAttribute {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]





        [Object[]] $extAttrib,
        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Refstring passed, querying infoblox for record"
            $Record = Get-IBRecord -_Ref $_Ref
            If ($Record){
                 Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: object found, passing to cmdlet through pipeline"
               $Record | Add-IBExtensibleAttribute -EAName $EAName -EAValue $EAValue -Passthru:$Passthru
        } elseif ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byObjectFromArray') {
            Foreach ($Item in $Record){
            # add code to validate ea data against extensible attribute definition on infoblox.
                #If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Item)) {
                    write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Adding $($extAttrib.Count) EA to $item"
                    If ($Passthru) {
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Passthru specified, returning object as output"
                        return $Item

        } else {
            Foreach ($Item in $Record){
            # add code to validate ea data against extensible attribute definition on infoblox.
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Item)) {
                    write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Adding EA $eaname to $item"
                    If ($Passthru) {
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Passthru specified, returning dns object as output"
                        return $Item

    Performs a full search of all Infoblox records matching the supplied value.
    Performs a full search of all Infoblox records matching the supplied value. Returns defined objects for defined record types, and IB_ReferenceObjects for undefined types.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The IP Address to search for. Standard IPv4 notation applies, and a string value must be castable to an IPAddress object.
    The maximum number of results to return from the query. A positive value will truncate the results at the specified number. A negative value will throw an error if the query returns more than the specified number.
.PARAMETER SearchString
    A string to search for. Will return any record with the matching string anywhere in a matching string property. Use with -Strict to match only the exact string.
    A switch to specify whether the search of the Name field should be exact, or allow partial word searches or regular expression matching.
    A filter for record searching. By default this cmdlet will search all record types. Use this parameter to search for only a specific record type. Can only be used with a string search. Note this parameter is not validated, so value must be the correct syntax for the infoblox to retrieve it.
    Find-IBRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -IPAddress ''
    This example retrieves all records with IP Address of
    Find-IBRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -SearchString 'Test' -Strict
    This example retrieves all records with the exact name 'Test'
    Find-IBRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -SearchString 'Test' -RecordType 'record:a'
    This example retrieves all dns a records that have 'test' in the name.
    Find-IBRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -RecordType 'fixedaddress'
    This example retrieves all fixedaddress records in the infoblox database

Function Find-IBRecord {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'globalSearchbyIP')]
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]







        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
        get-ibview -Type dnsview | out-null
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'globalSearchbyString'){
            If ($Strict){
                $uribase = "https://$script:IBgridmaster/wapi/$Script:IBWapiVersion/search?search_string:="

            } else {
                $uribase = "https://$script:IBgridmaster/wapi/$Script:IBWapiVersion/search?search_string~:="

        } elseif ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'globalSearchbyIP'){
            $uribase = "https://$script:IBgridmaster/wapi/$Script:IBWapiVersion/search?address="

        If ($SearchString){
            $URI = "$uribase$SearchString"
        } elseif ($IPAddress){
            $URI = "$uribase$($ipaddress.IPAddresstoString)"
        If ($MaxResults){
            $Uri += "&_max_results=$MaxResults"
        Write-verbose "$FunctionName`: URI String`: $uri"

        $output = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -WebSession $script:IBSession
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Found the following objects before filtering:"
        $output | ForEach-Object{write-verbose "`t`t$($_._ref)"}
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Found the following objects after filtering:"
        If ($output){
            foreach ($item in $output.where{$_._ref -like "$recordtype/*"}){
                write-verbose "`t`t$($item._ref)"
                Get-IBRecord -_ref $item._ref

    Get-IBDNSARecord retreives objects of type DNSARecord from the Infoblox database.
    Get-IBDNSARecord retreives objects of type DNSARecord from the Infoblox database. Parameters allow searching by Name, IPAddress, View, Zone or Comment Also allows retrieving a specific record by reference string. Returned object is of class type DNSARecord.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The dns name to search for. Can be fqdn or partial name match depending on use of the -Strict switch
    The IP Address to search for. Standard IPv4 notation applies, and a string value must be castable to an IPAddress object.
    The DNS zone to search for records in. Note that specifying a zone will also restrict the searching to a specific view. The default view will be used if none is specified.
    The maximum number of results to return from the query. A positive value will truncate the results at the specified number. A negative value will throw an error if the query returns more than the specified number.
    The Infoblox view to search for records in. The provided value must match a valid view on the Infoblox. Note that if the zone parameter is used for searching results are narrowed to a particular view. Otherwise, searches are performed across all views.
    A string to search for in the comment field of the DNS record. Will return any record with the matching string anywhere in the comment field. Use with -Strict to match only the exact string in the comment.
    A switch to specify whether the search of the name or comment field should be exact, or allow partial word searches or regular expression matching.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -IPAddress ''
    This example retrieves all DNS records with IP Address of
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'Test Comment' -Strict
    This example retrieves all DNS records with the exact comment 'test comment'
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref 'record:a/'
    This example retrieves the single DNS record with the assigned reference string
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name | Remove-IBDNSARecord
    This example retrieves the dns record with name, and deletes it from the infoblox database.
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBDNSARecord -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all dns records with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'
    Get-IBDNSARecord -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -ExtAttributeQuery {Site -eq 'OldSite'}
    This example retrieves all dns records with an extensible attribute defined for 'Site' with value of 'OldSite'

Function Get-IBDNSARecord {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'byQuery')]
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]









        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBgridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byQuery') {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Performing query search for A Records"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Querying $script:IBgridmaster for A record with reference string $_ref"
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord retreives objects of type DNSCNameRecord from the Infoblox database.
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord retreives objects of type DNSCNameRecord from the Infoblox database. Parameters allow searching by Name, Canonical, View, Zone or Comment Also allows retrieving a specific record by reference string. Returned object is of class type DNSCNameRecord.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The dns name to search for. Can be fqdn or partial name match depending on use of the -Strict switch
.PARAMETER Canonical
    The canonical name to search for. This is the record that the Alias(name) resolves to. Can be fqdn or partial name match depending on use of the -Strict switch
    The DNS zone to search for records in. Note that specifying a zone will also restrict the searching to a specific view. The default view will be used if none is specified.
    The maximum number of results to return from the query. A positive value will truncate the results at the specified number. A negative value will throw an error if the query returns more than the specified number.
    The Infoblox view to search for records in. The provided value must match a valid view on the Infoblox. Note that if the zone parameter is used for searching results are narrowed to a particular view. Otherwise, searches are performed across all views.
    A string to search for in the comment field of the DNS record. Will return any record with the matching string anywhere in the comment field. Use with -Strict to match only the exact string in the comment.
    A switch to specify whether the search of the name, canonical or comment field should be exact, or allow partial word searches or regular expression matching.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Canonical ''
    This example retrieves all DNS records with Canonical of
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'Test Comment' -Strict
    This example retrieves all DNS records with the exact comment 'test comment'
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref 'record:cname/'
    This example retrieves the single DNS record with the assigned reference string
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name | Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord
    This example retrieves the dns record with name, and deletes it from the infoblox database.
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBDNSCNameRecord -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all dns records with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Canonical '' -Strict | Set-IBDNSCNameRecord -canonical ''
    This example retrieves all dns cname records pointing to an old server, and replaces the value with the fqdn of a new server.
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Canonical '' -Strict | Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord
    This example retrieves all dns cname records pointing to an old server, and deletes them.
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -ExtAttributeQuery {Site -eq 'OldSite'}
    This example retrieves all dns records with an extensible attribute defined for 'Site' with value of 'OldSite'

Function Get-IBDNSCNameRecord {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'byQuery')]
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]








        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byQuery') {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Performing query search for CName Records"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Querying $script:IBgridmaster for CName record with reference string $_ref"
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord retreives objects of type DNSPTRRecord from the Infoblox database.
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord retreives objects of type DNSPTRRecord from the Infoblox database. Parameters allow searching by Name, IPAddress, View, Zone or Comment Also allows retrieving a specific record by reference string. Returned object is of class type DNSPTRRecord.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The record name to search for. This is usually something like ''. To search for a hostname that the PTR record resolves to, use the PTRDName parameter. Can be fqdn or partial name match depending on use of the -Strict switch
    The hostname to search for. Note this is not the name of the PTR record, but rather the name that the ptr record points to. Can be fqdn or partial name match depending on use of the -Strict switch
    The IP Address to search for. Standard IPv4 notation applies, and a string value must be castable to an IPAddress object.
    The DNS zone to search for records in. Note that specifying a zone will also restrict the searching to a specific view. The default view will be used if none is specified.
    The maximum number of results to return from the query. A positive value will truncate the results at the specified number. A negative value will throw an error if the query returns more than the specified number.
    The Infoblox view to search for records in. The provided value must match a valid view on the Infoblox. Note that if the zone parameter is used for searching results are narrowed to a particular view. Otherwise, searches are performed across all views.
    A string to search for in the comment field of the DNS record. Will return any record with the matching string anywhere in the comment field. Use with -Strict to match only the exact string in the comment.
    A switch to specify whether the search of the Name, PTRDname or comment fields should be exact, or allow partial word searches or regular expression matching.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -IPAddress ''
    This example retrieves all DNS PTR records with IP Address of
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'Test Comment' -Strict
    This example retrieves all DNS PTR records with the exact comment 'test comment'
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref 'record:ptr/'
    This example retrieves the single DNS PTR record with the assigned reference string
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -PTRDName | Remove-IBDNSPTRRecord
    This example retrieves the DNS PTR record with PTRDName, and deletes it from the infoblox database.
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBDNSPTRRecord -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all DNS PTR records with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -ExtAttributeQuery {Site -eq 'OldSite'}
    This example retrieves all dns records with an extensible attribute defined for 'Site' with value of 'OldSite'

Function Get-IBDNSPTRRecord {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'byQuery')]
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]









        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byQuery') {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Performing query search for PTR Records"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Querying $script:IBgridmaster for PTR record with reference string $_ref"
    Get-IBDNSZone retreives objects of type DNSZone from the Infoblox database.
    Get-IBDNSZone retreives objects of type DNSZone from the Infoblox database. Parameters allow searching by DNSZone, DNSZone view or comment. Also allows retrieving a specific record by reference string. Returned object is of class type IB_DNSZone.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The fully qualified name of the DNSZone to search for. Partial matches are supported.
.Parameter ZoneFormat
    The parent dns zone format to search by. Will return any DNSZones of this type. Valid values are:
    The maximum number of results to return from the query. A positive value will truncate the results at the specified number. A negative value will throw an error if the query returns more than the specified number.
    The Infoblox DNS view to search for zones in. The provided value must match a valid DNS view on the Infoblox.
    A string to search for in the comment field of the dns zone record. Will return any record with the matching string anywhere in the comment field. Use with -Strict to match only the exact string in the comment.
    A switch to specify whether the search of the comment field should be exact, or allow partial word searches or regular expression matching.
    The unique reference string representing the dns zone record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<IPAddress>/<DNSZoneview>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Get-IBDNSZone -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -DNSZone
    This example retrieves the DNSZone object for subnet
    Get-IBDNSZone -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'Test Comment' -Strict
    This example retrieves all DNSZone objects with the exact comment 'test comment'
    Get-IBDNSZone -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -ExtAttributeQuery {Site -eq 'OldSite'}
    This example retrieves all DNSZone objects with an extensible attribute defined for 'Site' with value of 'OldSite'

Function Get-IBDNSZone {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'byQuery')]
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]






        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byQuery') {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Performing query search for DNSZone Records"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Querying $script:IBgridmaster for DNSZone record with reference string $_ref"
    Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition retreives objects of type ExtAttrsDef from the Infoblox database.
    Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition retreives objects of type ExtAttrsDef from the Infoblox database. Extensible Attribute Definitions define the type of extensible attributes that can be attached to other records. Parameters allow searching by Name, type, and commentAlso allows retrieving a specific record by reference string. Returned object is of class type IB_ExtAttrsDef.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The attribute definition name to search for. Can be full or partial name match depending on use of the -Strict switch
    The attribute value type to search for. Valid values are:
    The maximum number of results to return from the query. A positive value will truncate the results at the specified number. A negative value will throw an error if the query returns more than the specified number.
    A string to search for in the comment field of the extensible attribute definition. Will return any record with the matching string anywhere in the comment field. Use with -Strict to match only the exact string in the comment.
    A switch to specify whether the search of the name or comment field should be exact, or allow partial word searches or regular expression matching.
    The unique reference string representing the extensible attribute definition. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name 'Site'
    This example retrieves all extensible attribute definitions with name beginning with the word Site
    Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'Test Comment' -Strict
    This example retrieves all extensible attribute definitions with the exact comment 'test comment'
    Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref 'extensibleattributedef/2ifnkqoOKFNOFkldfjqfko3fjksdfjld:extattr2'
    This example retrieves the single extensible attribute definition with the assigned reference string
    Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name extattr2 | Remove-IBRecord
    This example retrieves the extensibleattributedefinition with name extattr2, and deletes it from the infoblox database. Note that some builtin extensible attributes cannot be deleted.
    Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBDNSARecord -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all extensible attribute definitions with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'

Function Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'byQuery')]
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]







        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byQuery') {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Performing query search for extensible attribute definitions"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Querying $script:IBgridmaster for extensible attribute definitions with reference string $_ref"
    Get-IBFixedAddress retreives objects of type FixedAddress from the Infoblox database.
    Get-IBFixedAddress retreives objects of type FixedAddress from the Infoblox database. Parameters allow searching by ip address, mac address, network view or comment. Also allows retrieving a specific record by reference string. Returned object is of class type FixedAddress.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The IP Address to search for. Standard IPv4 notation applies, and a string value must be castable to an IPAddress object.
    The MAC address to search for. Colon separated format of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is required.
    The maximum number of results to return from the query. A positive value will truncate the results at the specified number. A negative value will throw an error if the query returns more than the specified number.
.PARAMETER NetworkView
    The Infoblox network view to search for records in. The provided value must match a valid network view on the Infoblox.
    A string to search for in the comment field of the Fixed Address record. Will return any record with the matching string anywhere in the comment field. Use with -Strict to match only the exact string in the comment.
    A switch to specify whether the search of the comment field should be exact, or allow partial word searches or regular expression matching.
    The unique reference string representing the fixed address record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<IPAddress>/<networkview>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Get-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -IPAddress ''
    This example retrieves all fixed address records with IP Address of
    Get-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'Test Comment' -Strict
    This example retrieves all fixed address records with the exact comment 'test comment'
    Get-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -MAC '00:00:00:00:00:00' -comment 'Delete'
    This example retrieves all fixed address records with a mac address of all zeroes and the word 'Delete' anywhere in the comment text.
    Get-IBFixedAddress -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -ExtAttributeQuery {Site -eq 'OldSite'}
    This example retrieves all dns records with an extensible attribute defined for 'Site' with value of 'OldSite'

Function Get-IBFixedAddress {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'byQuery')]
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]







        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type NetworkView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byQuery') {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Performing query search for FixedAddress Records"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Querying $script:IBgridmaster for A record with reference string $_ref"
    Get-IBNetwork retreives objects of type Network from the Infoblox database.
    Get-IBNetwork retreives objects of type Network from the Infoblox database. Parameters allow searching by network, network view or comment. Also allows retrieving a specific record by reference string. Returned object is of class type IB_Network.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The IP Network to search for. Standard IPv4 or CIDR notation applies. Partial matches are supported.
.Parameter NetworkContainer
    The parent network to search by. Will return any networks that are subnets of this value. i.e. query for will return,, etc.
    The maximum number of results to return from the query. A positive value will truncate the results at the specified number. A negative value will throw an error if the query returns more than the specified number.
.PARAMETER NetworkView
    The Infoblox network view to search for records in. The provided value must match a valid network view on the Infoblox.
    A string to search for in the comment field of the Fixed Address record. Will return any record with the matching string anywhere in the comment field. Use with -Strict to match only the exact string in the comment.
    A switch to specify whether the search of the comment field should be exact, or allow partial word searches or regular expression matching.
    The unique reference string representing the fixed address record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<IPAddress>/<networkview>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Get-IBNetwork -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -network
    This example retrieves the network object for subnet
    Get-IBNetwork -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'Test Comment' -Strict
    This example retrieves all network objects with the exact comment 'test comment'
    Get-IBNetwork -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -ExtAttributeQuery {Site -eq 'OldSite'}
    This example retrieves all network objects with an extensible attribute defined for 'Site' with value of 'OldSite'

Function Get-IBNetwork {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'byQuery')]
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        [ValidateScript({If ($_ -match '^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))$') {
        } else {
            Throw "$_ is not a CIDR address"
        [ValidateScript({If ($_ -match '^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))$') {
        } else {
            Throw "$_ is not a CIDR address"




        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type NetworkView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byQuery') {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Performing query search for Network Records"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Querying $script:IBgridmaster for network record with reference string $_ref"
    Get-IBRecord retreives objects from the Infoblox database.
    Get-IBRecord retreives objects from the Infoblox database. Queries the Infoblox database for records matching the provided reference string. Returns defined objects for class-defined record types, and IB_ReferenceObjects for undefined types.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Get-IBRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref 'record:a/'
        Name :
        IPAddress :
        Comment : 'test record'
        View : default
        TTL : 1200
        Use_TTL : True
        _ref : record:a/
    This example retrieves the single DNS record with the assigned reference string
    Get-IBRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref 'network/2ifnkqoOKFNOFkldfjqfko3fjksdfjld:'
        _ref : network/2ifnkqoOKFNOFkldfjqfko3fjksdfjld:
    This example returns an IB_ReferenceObject object for the undefined object type. The object exists on the infoblox and is valid, but no class is defined for it in the cmdlet class definition.
    Get-IBRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name | Remove-IBDNSARecord
    This example retrieves the dns record with name, and deletes it from the infoblox database.
    Get-IBRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBDNSARecord -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all dns records with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'

Function Get-IBRecord{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        $return = Switch ($_ref.ToString().split('/')[0]) {
            'record:a' {[IB_DNSARecord]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_ref)}
            'record:ptr' {[IB_DNSPTRRecord]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_ref)}
            'record:cname' {[IB_DNSCNameRecord]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_ref)}
            'fixedaddress' {[IB_FixedAddress]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_ref)}
            'view' {[IB_View]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_ref)}
            'networkview' {[IB_NetworkView]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_ref)}
            'extensibleattributedef' {[IB_ExtAttrsDef]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_ref)}
            default {[IB_ReferenceObject]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_ref)}
        If ($Return){
            return $Return
        } else {
            return $Null
    Get-IBView retreives objects of type View or network_view from the Infoblox database.
    Get-IBView retreives objects of type view or network_view from the Infoblox database. Parameters allow searching by Name, Comment or status as default. Search can target either DNS View or Network view, not both. Also allows retrieving a specific record by reference string. Returned object is of class type IB_View or IB_NetworkView.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    Determines which class of object to search for. DNSView searches for IB_View objects, where NetworkView searches for IB_Networkview objects.
    The view name to search for. Can be full or partial name match depending on use of the -Strict switch
    The maximum number of results to return from the query. A positive value will truncate the results at the specified number. A negative value will throw an error if the query returns more than the specified number.
.PARAMETER isDefault
    Search for views based on whether they are default or not. If parameter is not specified both types will be returned.
    A string to search for in the comment field of the view. Will return any view with the matching string anywhere in the comment field. Use with -Strict to match only the exact string in the comment.
    A switch to specify whether the search of the name or comment field should be exact, or allow partial word searches or regular expression matching.
    The unique reference string representing the view. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<isDefault>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Get-IBView -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential Type DNSView -IsDefault $True
    This example retrieves the dns view specified as default.
    Get-IBView -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Type NetworkView -comment 'default'
    This example retrieves any network views with the word 'default' in the comment
    Get-IBView -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref 'networkview/ZGdzLm5ldHdvamtfdmlldyQw:Default/true'
    This example retrieves the single view with the assigned reference string

Function Get-IBView {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]








    $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
    write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
    If (! $script:IBSession){
        write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
        If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
            write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
            New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
        } else {
            write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
    } else {
        write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
    Try {
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            Get-IBRecord -_ref $_Ref
        } else {
            If ($Type -eq 'DNSView'){
                Write-Verbose "$Functionname`: calling IB_View Get method with the following parameters`:"
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: $name,$isDefault,$Comment,$Strict,$MaxResults"
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "$Functionname`: calling IB_NetworkView Get method with the following parameters`:"
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: $name,$isDefault,$Comment,$Strict,$MaxResults"

    } Catch {
        Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $Script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
    New-IBDNSARecord creates an object of type DNSARecord in the Infoblox database.
    New-IBDNSARecord creates an object of type DNSARecord in the Infoblox database. If creation is successful an object of type IB_DNSARecord is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The Name of the new dns record. This should be a valid FQDN, and the infoblox should be authoritative for the provided zone.
    The IP Address for the new dns record. Standard IPv4 notation applies, and a string value must be castable to an IPAddress object.
    The Infoblox view to create the record in. The provided value must match a valid view on the Infoblox, and the zone specified in the name parameter must be present in the specified view. If no view is provided the default DNS view is used.
    Optional comment field for the dns record. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    Optional parameter to specify a record-specific TTL. If not specified the record inherits the Grid TTL
    New-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name -IPAddress
        Name :
        IPAddress :
        Comment :
        View : default
        TTL : 0
        Use_TTL : False
        _ref : record:a/
    This example creates a dns record with no comment, in the default view, and no record-specific TTL
    New-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name -IPAddress -comment 'new record' -view default -ttl 100
        Name :
        IPAddress :
        Comment : new record
        View : default
        TTL : 100
        Use_TTL : True
        _ref : record:a/
    This example creates a dns record with a comment, in the default view, with a TTL of 100 to override the grid default

Function New-IBDNSARecord {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]






        [uint32]$TTL = 4294967295

        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBgridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop

        If ($ttl -eq 4294967295){
            $use_ttl = $False
            $ttl = $Null
        } else {
            $use_TTL = $True
        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)){
            $output = [IB_DNSARecord]::Create($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Name, $IPAddress, $Comment, $View, $ttl, $use_ttl)
    New-IBDNSCNameRecord creates an object of type DNSCNameRecord in the Infoblox database.
    New-IBDNSCNameRecord creates an object of type DNSCNameRecord in the Infoblox database. If creation is successful an object of type IB_DNSCNameRecord is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The Name of the new dns record. This should be a valid FQDN, and the infoblox should be authoritative for the provided zone.
.PARAMETER Canonical
    The 'pointer' or canonical value of the new dns record. Should be a valid FQDN, but infoblox does not need any control or authority of the zone
    The Infoblox view to create the record in. The provided value must match a valid view on the Infoblox, and the zone specified in the Name parameter must be present in the specified view. If no view is provided the default DNS view is used.
    Optional comment field for the dns record. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    Optional parameter to specify a record-specific TTL. If not specified the record inherits the Grid TTL
    New-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name -Canonical
        Name :
        Canonical :
        Comment :
        View : default
        TTL : 0
        Use_TTL : False
        _ref : record:cname/
    This example creates a dns record with no comment, in the default view, and no record-specific TTL
    New-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name -canonical -comment 'new record' -view default -ttl 100
        Name :
        Canonical :
        Comment : new record
        View : default
        TTL : 100
        Use_TTL : True
        _ref : record:cname/
    This example creates a dns record with a comment, in the default view, with a TTL of 100 to override the grid default

Function New-IBDNSCNameRecord {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]






        [uint32]$TTL = 4294967295

        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
             $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop

        If ($ttl -eq 4294967295){
            $use_ttl = $False
            $ttl = $Null
        } else {
            $use_TTL = $True
        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)){
            $output = [IB_DNSCNameRecord]::Create($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Name, $Canonical, $Comment, $View, $ttl, $use_ttl)
    New-IBDNSPTRRecord creates an object of type DNSPTRRecord in the Infoblox database.
    New-IBDNSPTRRecord creates an object of type DNSPTRRecord in the Infoblox database. If creation is successful an object of type IB_DNSPTRRecord is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The hostname for the record to resolve to. This should be a valid FQDN.
    The IP Address for the new dns record. Standard IPv4 notation applies, and a string value must be castable to an IPAddress object.
    The Infoblox view to create the record in. The provided value must match a valid view on the Infoblox, and the PTR zone inferred from the IP Address must be present in the specified view. For Example, if the IP Address is, then the zone must exist in the specified view. If no view is provided the default DNS view is used.
    Optional comment field for the dns record. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    Optional parameter to specify a record-specific TTL. If not specified the record inherits the Grid TTL
    New-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -PTRDName -IPAddress
        Name :
        PTRDName :
        IPAddress :
        Comment :
        View : default
        TTL : 0
        Use_TTL : False
        _ref : record:ptr/
    This example creates a dns record with no comment, in the default view, and no record-specific TTL
    New-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -PTRDName -IPAddress -comment 'new record' -view default -ttl 100
        Name :
        PTRDName :
        IPAddress :
        Comment : new record
        View : default
        TTL : 100
        Use_TTL : True
        _ref : record:ptr/
    This example creates a dns record with a comment, in the default view, with a TTL of 100 to override the grid default

Function New-IBDNSPTRRecord {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]






        [UInt32]$TTL = 4294967295

        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop

    #static IB_DNSPTRRecord Create(string PTRDName, ipaddress IPAddress, string Comment, string view)

        If ($ttl -eq 4294967295){
            $use_ttl = $False
            $ttl = $Null
        } else {
            $use_TTL = $True
        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($IPAddress)){
            $output = [IB_DNSPTRRecord]::Create($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$PTRDName, $IPAddress, $Comment, $View, $ttl, $use_ttl)
    New-IBDNSZone creates an object of type DNSARecord in the Infoblox database.
    New-IBDNSZone creates an object of type DNSARecord in the Infoblox database. If creation is successful an object of type IB_DNSARecord is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The fully qualified name of the zone to create. This should be a valid FQDN for the zone that is to be created.
    The format of the zone to be created. The default value is Forward. Valid Values are:
    The Infoblox view to create the zone in. The provided value must match a valid view on the Infoblox. If no view is provided the default DNS view is used.
    Optional comment field for the dns zone. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    New-IBDNSZone -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -zone -zoneformat Forward -comment 'new zone'
    This example creates a forward-lookup dns zone in the default view
    New-IBDNSZone -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -zoneformat IPV4 -fqdn
    This example creates a reverse lookup zone for the network in the default dns view

Function New-IBDNSZone {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]





        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $gridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop

        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($fqdn)){
            $output = [IB_ZoneAuth]::Create($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$FQDN, $View, $ZoneFormat, $Comment)
    New-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition creates an extensible attribute definition in the Infoblox database.
    New-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition creates an extensible attribute definition in the Infoblox database. This can be used as a reference for assigning extensible attributes to other objects.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The Name of the new extensible attribute definition.
    The type definition for the extensible attribute. This defines the type of data that can be provided as a value when assigning an extensible attribute to an object.
    Valid values are:
.PARAMETER DefaultValue
    The default value to assign to the extensible attribute if no value is selected. This applies when assigning an extensible attribute to an object.
    Optional comment field for the object. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    New-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name Site -Type String -defaultValue CORP
    This example creates an extensible attribute definition for assigned a site attribute to an object.

Function New-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]






        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop

        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)){
            $output = [IB_ExtAttrsDef]::Create($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Name, $Type, $Comment, $DefaultValue)
    New-IBFixedAddress creates an object of type FixedAddress in the Infoblox database.
    New-IBFixedAddress creates an object of type FixedAddress in the Infoblox database. If creation is successful an object of type IB_FixedAddress is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The Name of the device to which the IP Address is reserved.
    The IP Address for the fixedaddress assignment. Standard IPv4 notation applies, and a string value must be castable to an IPAddress object.
    The mac address for the fixed address reservation. Colon separated format of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is required. If the parameter is left blank or a MAC of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is used, the address is marked as type "reserved" in the infoblox database. If a non-zero mac address is provided the IP is reserved for the provided MAC, and the MAC must not be assigned to any other IP Address.
.PARAMETER NetworkView
    The Infoblox networkview to create the record in. The provided value must match a valid view on the Infoblox, and the subnet for the provided IPAddress must exist in the specified view. If no view is provided the default network view is used.
    Optional comment field for the record. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    New-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential Name Server01 -IPAddress
        Name : Server01
        IPAddress :
        Comment :
        NetworkView : default
        MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
        _ref : fixedaddress/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkYWR1dGwwMWNvcnAsMTAuOTYuMTA1LjE5MQ:
    This example creates an IP reservation for with no comment in the default view
    New-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name -IPAddress -comment 'Reservation for Server02' -view default -MAC '11:11:11:11:11:11'
        Name : Server02
        IPAddress :
        Comment : Reservation for Server02
        View : default
        MAC : 11:11:11:11:11:11
        _ref : fixedaddress/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkZGNlcGQwMWhvdW1yaWIsMTAuNzUuMTA4LjE4MA:
    This example creates a dhcp reservation for to the machine with MAC address 11:11:11:11:11:11

Function New-IBFixedAddress {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]



        [String]$MAC = '00:00:00:00:00:00',



        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type NetworkView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($NetworkView){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $NetworkView){
                $NetworkViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $NetworkViewList" -ea Stop


        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($IPAddress)){
            $output = [IB_FixedAddress]::Create($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Name, $IPAddress, $Comment, $NetworkView, $MAC)
    New-IBNetwork creates an object of type DNSARecord in the Infoblox database.
    New-IBNetwork creates an object of type DNSARecord in the Infoblox database. If creation is successful an object of type IB_DNSARecord is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The IP address of the network to create in CIDR format
.PARAMETER NetworkView
    The Infoblox network view to create the network in. The provided value must match a valid view on the Infoblox. If no view is provided the default network view is used.
    Optional comment field for the network. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    New-IBNetwork -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Network '' -networkview default -comment 'new network'
    This example creates a new network for in the default view

Function New-IBNetwork {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        [ValidateScript({If ($_ -match '^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))$') {
        } else {
            Throw "$_ is not a CIDR address"


        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type NetworkView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop

        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Network)){
            $output = [IB_Network]::Create($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Network, $NetworkView, $Comment)
    New-IBView creates a dns or network view in the Infoblox database.
    New-IBView creates a dns or network view in the Infoblox database. If creation is successful an object of type IB_View or IB_NetworkView is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The Name of the new view.
    Optional comment field for the view. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    Switch parameter to specify whether creating a DNS view or Network view.
    New-IBView -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name NewView -Comment 'second view' -Type 'DNSView'
    Creates a new dns view with a comment on the infoblox database

Function New-IBView {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Connecting to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster to retrieve Views"
        Try {
            $IBViews = Get-IBView -Type DNSView
        } Catch {
            Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $script:IBgridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop
        If ($View){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Validating View parameter against list from Infoblox device"
            If ($ -cnotcontains $View){
                $ViewList = $ -join ', '
                write-error "Invalid data for View parameter. Options are $ViewList" -ea Stop

        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)){
            If ($Type -eq 'DNSView'){
                $output = [IB_View]::Create($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Name, $Comment)
            } else {
                $output = [IB_NetworkView]::Create($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Name, $Comment)
    Creates a re-usable web session with the supplied gridmaster and credential object.
    Creates a re-usable web session with the supplied gridmaster and credential object. Once created, subsequent infoblox cmdlets will not require the gridmaster or credential parameters. Any cmdlet called with gridmaster and credential parameters will create call this cmdlet to create a web session, or update an existing one.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
.PARAMETER WapiVersion
    The version of web api to use when running commands against the infoblox appliance. This can affect the availability of certain features. Refer to Infoblox WAPI documentation for details.
    New-IBWebSession -Gridmaster -Credential $IBCred -wapiversion v2.2
    Connects to the specified infoblox gridmaster and creates a re-usable web session for subsequent commands

Function New-IBWebSession {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]



    $URI = "https://$gridmaster/wapi/$Wapiversion/grid"
    write-verbose "URIString: $URI"
    Invoke-RestMethod -uri $URI -Credential $Credential -SessionVariable Script:IBSession | out-null
    $script:IBGridmaster = $Gridmaster
    $script:IBWapiVersion = $WapiVersion
    new-object psobject -property @{
        'IBSession' = $script:IBSession
        'IBGridmaster' = $script:IBGridmaster
        'IBWapiVersion' = $script:IBWapiVersion
    Remove-IBDNSARecord removes the specified DNS A record from the Infoblox database.
    Remove-IBDNSARecord removes the specified DNS A record from the Infoblox database. If deletion is successful the reference string of the deleted record is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_DNSARecord representing the DNS record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBDNSARecord.
    Remove-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref record:a/
    This example deletes the DNS A record with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name | Remove-IBDNSARecord
    This example retrieves the dns record with name, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.

Function Remove-IBDNSARecord{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [IB_DNSARecord]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Remove-IBDNSARecord
        }else {
            Foreach ($DNSRecord in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($DNSRecord)) {
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Deleting Record $DNSRecord"
    Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord removes the specified DNS CName record from the Infoblox database.
    Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord removes the specified DNS CName record from the Infoblox database. If deletion is successful the reference string of the deleted record is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_DNSARecord representing the DNS record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBDNSCNameRecord.
    Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref record:cname/
    This example deletes the DNS CName record with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name | Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord
    This example retrieves the dns record with name, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Canonical '' -Strict | Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord
    This example retrieves all dns cname records pointing to an old server, and deletes them.

Function Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [IB_DNSCNameRecord]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord
        }else {
            Foreach ($DNSRecord in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($DNSrecord)) {
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Deleting Record $DNSRecord"
    Remove-IBDNSPTRRecord removes the specified DNS PTR record from the Infoblox database.
    Remove-IBDNSPTRRecord removes the specified DNS PTR record from the Infoblox database. If deletion is successful the reference string of the deleted record is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_DNSPTRRecord representing the DNS record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBDNSPTRRecord.
    Remove-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref record:ptr/
    This example deletes the DNS PTR record with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -PTRDname | Remove-IBDNSPTRRecord
    This example retrieves the dns record with PTRDName, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.

Function Remove-IBDNSPTRRecord{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){        
            $Record = [IB_DNSPTRRecord]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Remove-IBDNSPTRRecord
        }else {
            Foreach ($DNSRecord in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($DNSrecord)) {
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Deleting Record $DNSRecord"
    Remove-IBNetwork removes the specified dns zone record from the Infoblox database.
    Remove-IBNetwork removes the specified dns zone record from the Infoblox database. If deletion is successful the reference string of the deleted record is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type ib_zoneauth representing the record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBNetwork.
    Remove-IBNetwork -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref zone_auth/
    This example deletes the dns zone record with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBNetwork -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name Server01 | Remove-IBdnszone
    This example retrieves the address reservation for Server01, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.

Function Remove-IBDNSZone{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]



        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [ib_zoneauth]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Remove-IBDNSZone
        }else {
            Foreach ($Item in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Item)) {
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Deleting Record $Item"
    Remove-IBExtensibleAttribute adds or updates an extensible attribute to an existing infoblox record.
    Removes the specified extensible attribute from the provided Infoblox object. A valid infoblox object must be provided either through parameter or pipeline. Pipeline supports multiple objects, to allow adding/updating the extensible attribute on multiple records at once.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the Infoblox object. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_xxx representing the Infoblox object. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBDNSARecord.
    The name of the extensible attribute to remove from the provided infoblox object.
    Switch parameter to remove all extensible attributes from the provided infoblox object(s).
    Switch parameter to return the provided object(s) with the new values after updating the Infoblox. The default behavior is to return nothing on successful record edit.
    Remove-IBExtensibleAttribute -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -_Ref 'record:a/' -EAName Site
    This example removes the extensible attribute 'site' from the specified infoblox object.
    Get-IBDNSARecord -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -_Ref 'record:a/' | `
        Remove-IBExtensibleAttribute -EAName Site
    This example retrieves the DNS record using Get-IBDNSARecord, then passes that object through the pipeline to Remove-IBExtensibleAttribute, which removes the extensible attribute 'Site' from the object.
    Get-IBFixedAddress -gridmaster $gridmaster -credential $credential -ExtAttributeQuery {Site -eq 'OldSite'} | Remove-IBExtensibleAttribute -RemoveAll
    This example retrieves all Fixed Address objects with a defined Extensible attribute of 'Site' with value 'OldSite' and removes all extensible attributes defined on the objects.

Function Remove-IBExtensibleAttribute {
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]



        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName='byRefEAName')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName='byObjectEAName')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName='byRefAll')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName='byObjectAll')]

        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: ParameterSetName=$($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName)"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "byRefEAName"){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Refstring passed, querying infoblox for record"
            $Record = Get-IBRecord -_Ref $_Ref
            If ($Record){
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: object found, passing to cmdlet through pipeline"
                $Record | Remove-IBExtensibleAttribute -EAName $EAName -passthru:$Passthru
        } elseif($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "byRefAll"){
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Refstring passed, querying infoblox for record"
            $Record = Get-IBRecord -_Ref $_Ref
            If ($Record){
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: object found, passing to cmdlet through pipeline"
                $Record | Remove-IBExtensibleAttribute -RemoveAll:$RemoveAll -passthru:$Passthru
        } else {
            Foreach ($Item in $Record){
                If ($RemoveAll){
                    write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Removeall switch specified, removing all extensible attributes from $item"
                    foreach ($EAName in $Item.extattrib.Name){
                        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Item,"Remove EA $EAName")) {
                            write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Removing EA $EAName from $item"
                } else {
                    If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Item,"Remove EA $EAName")) {
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Removing EA $EAName from $item"
                If ($Passthru) {
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Passthru specified, returning dns object as output"
                    return $Item
    Remove-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition removes the specified extensible attribute definition from the Infoblox database.
    Remove-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition removes the specified extensible attribute definition from the Infoblox database. If deletion is successful the reference string of the deleted record is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_ExtAttrsDef representing the record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition.
    Remove-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref extensibleattributedev/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkYWR1dGwwMWNvcnAsMTAuOTYuMTA1LjE5MQ:EA2
    This example deletes the extensible attribute definition with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name EA2 | Remove-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition
    This example retrieves the extensible attribute definition with name EA2, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.

Function Remove-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]



        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [IB_ExtAttrsDef]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Remove-IBExtensibleAttributeDefinition
        }else {
            Foreach ($Item in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Item)) {
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Deleting Record $Item"
    Remove-IBFixedAddress removes the specified fixed Address record from the Infoblox database.
    Remove-IBFixedAddress removes the specified fixed address record from the Infoblox database. If deletion is successful the reference string of the deleted record is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_FixedAddress representing the record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBFixedAddress.
    Remove-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref fixedaddress/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkYWR1dGwwMWNvcnAsMTAuOTYuMTA1LjE5MQ:
    This example deletes the fixed address record with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name Server01 | Remove-IBFixedAddress
    This example retrieves the address reservation for Server01, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.

Function Remove-IBFixedAddress{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]



        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [IB_FixedAddress]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Remove-IBFixedAddress
        }else {
            Foreach ($Item in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Item)) {
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Deleting Record $Item"
    Remove-IBNetwork removes the specified fixed Address record from the Infoblox database.
    Remove-IBNetwork removes the specified fixed address record from the Infoblox database. If deletion is successful the reference string of the deleted record is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_Network representing the record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBNetwork.
    Remove-IBNetwork -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref Network/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkYWR1dGwwMWNvcnAsMTAuOTYuMTA1LjE5MQ:
    This example deletes the fixed address record with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBNetwork -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name Server01 | Remove-IBNetwork
    This example retrieves the address reservation for Server01, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.

Function Remove-IBNetwork{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]



        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [IB_Network]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Remove-IBNetwork
        }else {
            Foreach ($Item in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Item)) {
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Deleting Record $Item"
    Remove-IBRecord removes the specified record from the Infoblox database.
    Remove-IBRecord removes the specified record from the Infoblox database. This is a generalized version of the Remove-IBDNSARecord, Remove-IBDNSCNameRecord, etc. If deletion is successful the reference string of the deleted record is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Remove-IBRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_ref fixedaddress/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkYWR1dGwwMWNvcnAsMTAuOTYuMTA1LjE5MQ:
    This example deletes the fixed address record with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name Server01 | Remove-IBRecord
    This example retrieves the address reservation for Server01, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Remove-DNSInfobloxRecrd -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref record:a/
    This example deletes the DNS A record with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name | Remove-IBRecord
    This example retrieves the dns record with name, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.

Function Remove-IBRecord{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        $Record = [IB_ReferenceObject]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
        If ($Record){
            Write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Record $_ref found, proceeding with deletion"
            If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Record)) {
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Deleting Record $Record"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: No record found with reference string $_ref"
    Remove-IBNetwork removes the specified view or networkview object from the Infoblox database.
    Remove-IBNetwork removes the specified view or networkview object from the Infoblox database. If deletion is successful the reference string of the deleted object is returned.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the object. String is in format <objecttype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<isdefaultBoolean>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    Remove-IBview -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_Ref Networkview/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkYWR1dGwwMWNvcnAsMTAuOTYuMTA1LjE5MQ:view2/false
    This example deletes the networkview object with the specified unique reference string. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.
    Get-IBView -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -name view2 | Remove-IBView
    This example retrieves the dns view named view2, and deletes it from the infoblox database. If successful, the reference string will be returned as output.

Function Remove-IBView{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]



        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
           If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        Try {
            $object = [IB_View]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_ref)
        } Catch {
                write-verbose "No object of type IB_View found with reference string $_ref. Searching IB_NetworkView types"
        If (! $object){
            Try {
                write-verbose "No object of type IB_NetworkView found with reference string $_ref"        
        If ($object){
            If ($pscmdlet.shouldProcess($object)){
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Deleting object $object"
        } else {
            Write-error "No object found with reference string $_ref"
    Set-IBDNSARecord modifies properties of an existing DNS A Record in the Infoblox database.
    Set-IBDNSARecord modifies properties of an existing DNS A Record in the Infoblox database. Valid IB_DNSARecord objects can be passed through the pipeline for modification. A valid reference string can also be specified. On a successful edit no value is returned unless the -Passthru switch is used.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_DNSARecord representing the DNS record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBDNSARecord.
    The IP Address to set on the provided dns record. Standard IPv4 notation applies, and a string value must be castable to an IPAddress object.
    The comment to set on the provided dns record. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    The record-specific TTL to set on the provided dns record. If the record is currently inheriting the TTL from the Grid, setting this value will also set the record to use the record-specific TTL
    Switch parameter to remove any record-specific TTL and set the record to inherit from the Grid TTL
    Switch parameter to return an IB_DNSARecord object with the new values after updating the Infoblox. The default behavior is to return nothing on successful record edit.
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBDNSARecord -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all dns records with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'
    Get-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name | Set-IBDNSARecord -IPAddress -comment 'new comment' -passthru
        Name :
        IPAddress :
        Comment : new comment
        View : default
        TTL : 0
        Use_TTL : False
        _ref : record:a/
    This example modifes the IPAddress and comment on the provided record and outputs the updated record definition
    Set-IBDNSARecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_ref record:a/ -ClearTTL -Passthru
        Name :
        IPAddress :
        Comment : new record
        View : default
        TTL : 0
        Use_TTL : False
        _ref : record:a/
    This example finds the record based on the provided ref string and clears the record-specific TTL

Function Set-IBDNSARecord{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        [IPAddress]$IPAddress = '',

        [String]$Comment = "unspecified",

        [uint32]$TTL = 4294967295,



        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"

            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [IB_DNSARecord]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Set-IBDNSARecord -IPAddress $IPAddress -Comment $Comment -TTL $TTL -ClearTTL:$ClearTTL -Passthru:$Passthru
        }else {
            Foreach ($DNSRecord in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($DNSRecord)) {
                    If ($IPAddress -ne ''){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting IPAddress to $IPAddress"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$IPAddress, $DNSRecord.Comment, $DNSRecord.TTL, $DNSRecord.Use_TTL)
                    If ($Comment -ne "unspecified"){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting comment to $comment"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$DNSRecord.IPAddress, $Comment, $DNSRecord.TTL, $DNSRecord.Use_TTL)
                    If ($ClearTTL){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting TTL to 0 and Use_TTL to false"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$DNSRecord.IPAddress, $DNSRecord.comment, $Null, $False)
                    } elseIf ($TTL -ne 4294967295){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting TTL to $TTL and Use_TTL to True"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$DNSRecord.IPAddress, $DNSRecord.Comment, $TTL, $True)
                    If ($Passthru) {
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Passthru specified, returning dns object as output"
                        return $DNSRecord

    Set-IBDNSCNameRecord modifies properties of an existing DNS CName Record in the Infoblox database.
    Set-IBDNSCNameRecord modifies properties of an existing DNS CName Record in the Infoblox database. Valid IB_DNSCNameRecord objects can be passed through the pipeline for modification. A valid reference string can also be specified. On a successful edit no value is returned unless the -Passthru switch is used.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_DNSCNameRecord representing the DNS record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBDNSCNameRecord.
.PARAMETER Canonical
    The canonical name or alias target to set on the provided dns record.
    The comment to set on the provided dns record. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    The record-specific TTL to set on the provided dns record. If the record is currently inheriting the TTL from the Grid, setting this value will also set the record to use the record-specific TTL
    Switch parameter to remove any record-specific TTL and set the record to inherit from the Grid TTL
    Switch parameter to return an IB_DNSCNameRecord object with the new values after updating the Infoblox. The default behavior is to return nothing on successful record edit.
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBDNSCNameRecord -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all dns records with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'
    Get-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name | Set-IBDNSCNameRecord -Canonical -comment 'new comment' -passthru
        Name :
        Canonical :
        Comment : new comment
        View : default
        TTL : 0
        Use_TTL : False
        _ref : record:cname/
    This example modifes the IPAddress and comment on the provided record and outputs the updated record definition
    Set-IBDNSCNameRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_ref record:cname/ -ClearTTL -Passthru
        Name :
        Canonical :
        Comment : new record
        View : default
        TTL : 0
        Use_TTL : False
        _ref : record:cname/
    This example finds the record based on the provided ref string and clears the record-specific TTL

Function Set-IBDNSCNameRecord{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        [String]$Canonical = 'unspecified',

        [String]$Comment = 'unspecified',

        [uint32]$TTL = 4294967295,



        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [IB_DNSCNameRecord]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Set-IBDNSCNameRecord -Canonical $Canonical -Comment $Comment -TTL $TTL -ClearTTL:$ClearTTL -Passthru:$Passthru
        }else {
            Foreach ($DNSRecord in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($DNSrecord)) {
                    If ($Canonical -ne 'unspecified'){
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting canonical to $canonical"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$canonical, $DNSRecord.Comment, $DNSRecord.TTL, $DNSrecord.Use_TTL)
                    If ($Comment -ne "unspecified"){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting comment to $comment"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$DNSRecord.canonical, $Comment, $DNSRecord.TTL, $DNSRecord.Use_TTL)
                    If ($ClearTTL){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting TTL to 0 and Use_TTL to false"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$DNSrecord.canonical, $DNSrecord.comment, $Null, $False)
                    } elseIf ($TTL -ne 4294967295){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting TTL to $TTL and Use_TTL to True"
                        $DNSrecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$DNSrecord.canonical, $DNSrecord.Comment, $TTL, $True)
                    If ($Passthru) {
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Passthru specified, returning dns object as output"
                        return $DNSRecord
    Set-IBDNSPTRRecord modifies properties of an existing DNS PTR Record in the Infoblox database.
    Set-IBDNSPTRRecord modifies properties of an existing DNS PTR Record in the Infoblox database. Valid IB_DNSPTRRecord objects can be passed through the pipeline for modification. A valid reference string can also be specified. On a successful edit no value is returned unless the -Passthru switch is used.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_DNSPTRRecord representing the DNS record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBDNSPTRRecord.
    The resolvable hostname to set on the provided dns record.
    The comment to set on the provided dns record. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    The record-specific TTL to set on the provided dns record. If the record is currently inheriting the TTL from the Grid, setting this value will also set the record to use the record-specific TTL
    Switch parameter to remove any record-specific TTL and set the record to inherit from the Grid TTL
    Switch parameter to return an IB_DNSPTRRecord object with the new values after updating the Infoblox. The default behavior is to return nothing on successful record edit.
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBDNSPTRRecord -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all dns ptr records with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'
    Get-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -PTRDName | Set-IBDNSPTRRecord -PTRDName -comment 'new comment' -passthru
        Name :
        IPAddress :
        Comment : new comment
        View : default
        TTL : 0
        Use_TTL : False
        _ref : record:ptr/
    This example modifes the PTRDName and comment on the provided record and outputs the updated record definition
    Set-IBDNSPTRRecord -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_ref record:ptr/ -ClearTTL -Passthru
        Name :
        IPAddress :
        Comment : new record
        View : default
        TTL : 0
        Use_TTL : False
        _ref : record:ptr/
    This example finds the record based on the provided ref string and clears the record-specific TTL

Function Set-IBDNSPTRRecord{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        [String]$PTRDName = 'unspecified',

        [String]$Comment = 'unspecified',

        [uint32]$TTL = 4294967295,



        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [IB_DNSPTRRecord]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Set-IBDNSPTRRecord -PTRDName $PTRDName -Comment $Comment -TTL $TTL -ClearTTL:$ClearTTL -Passthru:$Passthru
        }else {
            Foreach ($DNSRecord in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($DNSrecord)) {
                    If ($PTRDName -ne 'unspecified'){
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting PTRDName to $PTRDName"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$PTRDName, $DNSRecord.Comment, $DNSRecord.TTL, $DNSrecord.Use_TTL)
                    If ($Comment -ne "unspecified"){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting comment to $comment"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$DNSRecord.PTRDName, $Comment, $DNSRecord.TTL, $DNSRecord.Use_TTL)
                    If ($ClearTTL){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting TTL to 0 and Use_TTL to false"
                        $DNSRecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$DNSrecord.PTRDName, $DNSrecord.comment, $Null, $False)
                    } elseIf ($TTL -ne 4294967295){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting TTL to $TTL and Use_TTL to True"
                        $DNSrecord.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$DNSrecord.PTRDName, $DNSrecord.Comment, $TTL, $True)
                    If ($Passthru) {
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Passthru specified, returning dns object as output"
                        return $DNSRecord
    Set-IBFixedAddress modifies properties of an existing fixed address in the Infoblox database.
    Set-IBFixedAddress modifies properties of an existing fixed address in the Infoblox database. Valid IB_FixedAddress objects can be passed through the pipeline for modification. A valid reference string can also be specified. On a successful edit no value is returned unless the -Passthru switch is used.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the DNS record. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<view>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_FixedAddress representing the DNS record. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBFixedAddress.
    The hostname to set on the provided dns record.
    The comment to set on the provided dns record. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    The MAC address to set on the record. Colon separated format of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is required.
    Switch parameter to return an IB_FixedAddress object with the new values after updating the Infoblox. The default behavior is to return nothing on successful record edit.
    Get-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBFixedAddress -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all fixed addresses with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'
    Get-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name | Set-IBFixedAddress -Name -comment 'new comment' -passthru
        Name :
        IPAddress :
        Comment : new comment
        MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
        View : default
        _ref : fixedaddress/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkYWR1dGwwMWNvcnAsMTAuOTYuMTA1LjE5MQ:
    This example modifes the PTRDName and comment on the provided record and outputs the updated record definition
    Set-IBFixedAddress -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_ref fixedaddress/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkZGNlcGQwMWhvdW1yaWIsMTAuNzUuMTA4LjE4MA: -MAC '11:11:11:11:11:11' -Passthru
        Name :
        IPAddress :
        Comment : new record
        MAC : 11:11:11:11:11:11
        View : default
        _ref : fixedaddress/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkZGNlcGQwMWhvdW1yaWIsMTAuNzUuMTA4LjE4MA:
    This example finds the record based on the provided ref string and set the MAC address on the record

Function Set-IBFixedAddress{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]




        [String]$Name = "unspecified",

        [String]$Comment = "unspecified",
        [String]$MAC = '99:99:99:99:99:99',

        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
            If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            $Record = [IB_FixedAddress]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            If ($Record){
                $Record | Set-IBFixedAddress -Name $Name -Comment $Comment -mac $MAC -Passthru:$Passthru
        }else {
            Foreach ($Item in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Item)) {
                    If ($Name -ne 'unspecified'){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting Name to $Name"
                        $Item.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Name, $Item.Comment, $Item.MAC)
                    If ($Comment -ne 'unspecified'){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting comment to $comment"
                        $Item.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Item.Name, $Comment, $Item.MAC)
                    If ($MAC -ne '99:99:99:99:99:99'){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting MAC to $MAC"
                        $Item.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Item.Name, $Item.Comment, $MAC)
                    If ($Passthru) {
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Passthru specified, returning object as output"
                        return $Item
    Set-IBView modifies properties of an existing View or NetworkView object in the Infoblox database.
    Set-IBView modifies properties of an existing View or NetworkView object in the Infoblox database. Valid IB_View or IB_NetworkView objects can be passed through the pipeline for modification. A valid reference string can also be specified. On a successful edit no value is returned unless the -Passthru switch is used.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell credential object for use in authentication to the specified gridmaster. This username/password combination needs access to the WAPI interface.
    The unique reference string representing the View or NetworkView object. String is in format <recordtype>/<uniqueString>:<Name>/<defaultbool>. Value is assigned by the Infoblox appliance and returned with and find- or get- command.
    An object of type IB_View or IB_NetworkView representing the View or NetworkView object. This parameter is typically for passing an object in from the pipeline, likely from Get-IBView.
    The name to set on the provided View or NetworkView object.
    The comment to set on the provided View or NetworkView object. Can be used for notation and keyword searching by Get- cmdlets.
    Switch parameter to return an IB_View or IB_NetworkView object with the new values after updating the Infoblox. The default behavior is to return nothing on successful record edit.
    Get-IBView -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -comment 'old comment' -Strict | Set-IBView -comment 'new comment'
    This example retrieves all View or NetworkView objects with a comment of 'old comment' and replaces it with 'new comment'
    Get-IBView -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -Name view2 | Set-IBView -name view3 -comment 'new comment' -passthru
        Name : view3
        Comment : new comment
        is_default: false
        _ref : view/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkYWR1dGwwMWNvcnAsMTAuOTYuMTA1LjE5MQ:view3/false
    This example modifes the name and comment on the provided record and outputs the updated record definition
    Set-IBView -Gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -_ref networkview/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkZGNlcGQwMWhvdW1yaWIsMTAuNzUuMTA4LjE4MA:networkview2/false -Passthru -comment $False
        Name : networkview2
        Comment :
        is_default: False
        _ref : networkview/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLmVwcm9kLHBkZGNlcGQwMWhvdW1yaWIsMTAuNzUuMTA4LjE4MA:networkview2/false
    This example finds the record based on the provided ref string and clears the comment

Function Set-IBView{
        [ValidateScript({If($_){Test-IBGridmaster $_ -quiet}})]


        [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'IB_View' -or $_.GetType().name -eq 'IB_NetworkView'})]
        [String]$Name = 'unspecified',

        [String]$Comment = 'unspecified',


        $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        If (! $script:IBSession){
            write-verbose "Existing session to infoblox gridmaster does not exist."
            If ($gridmaster -and $Credential){
                write-verbose "Creating session to $gridmaster with user $($credential.username)"
                New-IBWebSession -gridmaster $Gridmaster -Credential $Credential -erroraction Stop
            } else {
                write-error "Missing required parameters to connect to Gridmaster" -ea Stop
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing session to $script:IBGridmaster found"
        If ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byRef'){
            If ($_Ref -like "view/*"){
                $Record = [IB_View]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
            } elseif ($_Ref -like "networkview/*") {
                $Record = [IB_NetworkView]::Get($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$_Ref)
                If ($Record){
                    $Record | Set-IBView -name $Name -Comment $Comment -Passthru:$Passthru
        } else {
            foreach ($item in $Record){
                If ($pscmdlet.shouldProcess($item)){
                    If ($comment -ne 'unspecified'){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting comment to $comment"
                        $item.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$item.Name, $Comment)
                    If ($Name -ne 'unspecified'){
                        write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Setting name to $Name"
                        $item.Set($Script:IBGridmaster,$Script:IBSession,$Script:IBWapiVersion,$Name, $item.comment)
                    If ($Passthru) {
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName`: Passthru specified, returning object as output"
                        return $item
    Tests for connection to accessible Infoblox Gridmaster.
    Tests for connection to accessible Infoblox Gridmaster. Connects to provided gridmaster FQDN over SSL and verifies gridmaster functionality.
.PARAMETER Gridmaster
    The fully qualified domain name of the Infoblox gridmaster. SSL is used to connect to this device, so a valid and trusted certificate must exist for this FQDN.
.Parameter Quiet
    Switch parameter to specify whether error output should be provided with more detail about the connection errors.
    Test-IBGridmaster -Gridmaster
    This example tests the connection to and returns a True or False value based on availability.

Function Test-IBGridmaster {
    $FunctionName = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToUpper()
    write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Beginning Function"
        Try {
            write-verbose "$FunctionName`: Attempting connection to https://$gridmaster/wapidoc/"
            $data = invoke-webrequest -uri "https://$gridmaster/wapidoc/" -UseBasicParsing
            If ($Data){
                If ($Data.rawcontent -like "*Infoblox WAPI Documentation*"){
                    return $True
                } else {
                    If (! $Quiet){write-error "invalid data returned from $Gridmaster. Not a valid Infoblox device"}
                    return $False
            } else {
                if (! $Quiet){write-error "No data returned from $gridmaster. Not a valid Infoblox device"}
                return $False
        } Catch {
            if (! $Quiet){Write-error "Unable to connect to Infoblox device $gridmaster. Error code: $($_.exception)" -ea Stop}
            return $False