
Function ConvertTo-StatsDString {
            Converts a metric object to a StatsD format string which could be used with Write-StatsD.

            This is the format a StatsD listener expects for writing metrics.

        .PARAMETER InputObject
            The metric object to be converted.

        .PARAMETER Type
            The type of StatsD metric. Default: g (gauge: will record whatever exact value is included with each metric provided).
            See Statsd documentation for explanations of the different metric types accepted.

            Get-HostMetric -Hosts somehost1 -Tags Name,PowerState | ConvertTo-StatsDString
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True, Position = 0)]

        $Type = 'g'
    Process {
        $InputObject | ForEach-Object {
            $Tags = @()
            ForEach ($Tag in $_.Tags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key) {
                $Tags += "$($Tag.Key)=$($Tag.Value)"
            $TagData = ',' + ($Tags -Join ',')
            ForEach ($Metric in $_.Metrics.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key) {