BuildTask CompileClass -Stage Build -Order 3 -If { -not (Test-Path (Join-Path $buildInfo.Path.Source.Module 'class*\*.sln')) -and -not (Test-Path (Join-Path $buildInfo.Path.Source.Module 'class*\*.*proj')) -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $buildInfo.Path.Source.Module 'class*\*.cs')) } -Definition { # If the class directory contains cs files, and does not contain proj or solution files, use Add-Type to generate a compiled assembly. try { Push-Location (Resolve-Path (Join-Path $buildInfo.Path.Source.Module 'class*')).Path $usingStatements = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]]::new() $params = @{ Filter = '*.cs' Recurse = $true } $typeDefinition = Get-ChildItem @params | Get-Content | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match '^using ') { $null = $usingStatements.Add($_) } else { $_.TrimEnd() } } | Out-String if ($usingStatements.Count -gt 0) { $typeDefinition = $typeDefinition.Insert( 0, ($buildInfo.Config.EndOfLineChar * 2) ).Insert( 0, (($usingStatements | Sort-Object) -join $buildInfo.Config.EndOfLineChar) ) } if (Test-Path 'classInfo.psd1') { $classInfo = Import-PowerShellDataFile 'classInfo.psd1' } else { $classInfo = @{} } if (-not $classInfo.Name) { $classInfo.Name = $buildInfo.ModuleName } if (Test-Path $buildInfo.Path.Build.RootModule) { $outputPath = Join-Path $buildInfo.Path.Build.Module.FullName 'lib' if (-not (Test-Path $outputPath)) { $null = New-Item $outputPath -ItemType Directory -Force } } else { $outputPath = $buildInfo.Path.Build.Module } $params = @{ TypeDefinition = $typeDefinition OutputType = 'Library' OutputAssembly = Join-Path $outputPath ('{0}.dll' -f $classInfo.Name) } if ($classInfo.ReferencedAssemblies) { $params.Add('ReferencedAssemblies', $classInfo.ReferencedAssemblies) } Add-Type @params } catch { throw } finally { Pop-Location } } |