BuildTask ValidateTestResults -Stage Test -Order 1025 -Definition { # Check the results of all of the different test tasks $testsFailed = $false $path = Join-Path $buildInfo.Path.Build.Output 'pester-output.xml' $pester = Import-CliXml $path # PSScriptAnalyzer $path = Join-Path $buildInfo.Path.Build.Output 'psscriptanalyzer.csv' if ((Test-Path $path) -and ($testResults = Import-Csv $path)) { '{0} warnings were raised by PSScriptAnalyzer' -f @($testResults).Count $testsFailed = $true } # Pester tests if ($pester.FailedCount -gt 0) { '{0} of {1} pester tests are failing' -f $pester.FailedCount, $pester.TotalCount $testsFailed = $true } # Pester code coverage [Double]$codeCoverage = $pester.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsExecuted / $pester.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed $pester.CodeCoverage.MissedCommands | Export-Csv (Join-Path $buildInfo.Path.Build.Output 'CodeCoverage.csv') -NoTypeInformation if ($codecoverage -lt $buildInfo.Config.CodeCoverageThreshold) { 'Pester code coverage ({0:P}) is below threshold {1:P}.' -f @( $codeCoverage $buildInfo.Config.CodeCoverageThreshold ) $testsFailed = $true } # Solution tests Get-ChildItem $buildInfo.Path.Build.Output -Filter *.dll.xml | ForEach-Object { $report = [Xml](Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw) if ([Int]$report.'test-run'.failed -gt 0) { '{0} of {1} solution tests in {2} are failing' -f @( $report.'test-run'.failed $report.'test-run'.total $report.'test-run'.'test-suite'.name ) $testsFailed = $true } } if ($testsFailed) { throw 'Test result validation failed' } } |