InModuleScope Indented.Build { Describe BuildInfo { Mock git Mock Get-BuildTask Mock Get-Metadata Context 'Constructors' { } Context 'GetBuildTask' { } Context 'GetModuleName' { BeforeEach { $instance = New-Object BuildInfo $item = New-Item TestDrive:\ModuleName\source -ItemType Directory -Force $testDrive = (Get-Item TestDrive:).FullName } It 'Gets a module name from a source path' { $instance.Source = Join-Path $testDrive 'ModuleName\source' $instance.GetModuleName() | Should -Be 'ModuleName' } It 'Fixes incorrect casing in a module name when source is contained in a "source" directory' { $instance.Source = Join-Path $testDrive 'modulename\source' $instance.GetModuleName() | Should -BeExactly 'ModuleName' } It 'Fixes incorrect casing in a module name without a "source" directory' { $instance.Source = Join-Path $testDrive 'modulename' $instance.GetModuleName() | Should -BeExactly 'ModuleName' } } Context 'GetSourcePath' { BeforeEach { $instance = New-Object BuildInfo if (Test-Path TestDrive:\ProjectRoot) { Remove-Item TestDrive:\ProjectRoot -Recurse } $instance.ProjectRoot = (New-Item 'TestDrive:\ProjectRoot' -ItemType Directory).FullName } It 'Returns ProjectRoot\source when the project root contains a "source" directory' { $null = New-Item (Join-Path $instance.ProjectRoot 'source') -ItemType Directory -Force $instance.GetSourcePath() | Should -BeLike '*\ProjectRoot\source' } It 'Returns pwd\source when PWD contains a "source" directory' { $null = New-Item (Join-Path $instance.ProjectRoot 'ModuleName\source') -ItemType Directory -Force Push-Location 'TestDrive:\ProjectRoot\ModuleName' $instance.GetSourcePath() | Should -BeLike '*\ProjectRoot\ModuleName\source' Pop-Location } It 'Returns pwd when PWD is named "source"' { $null = New-Item (Join-Path $instance.ProjectRoot 'ModuleName\source') -ItemType Directory -Force Push-Location 'TestDrive:\ProjectRoot\ModuleName\source' $instance.GetSourcePath() | Should -BeLike '*\ProjectRoot\ModuleName\source' Pop-Location } It 'Returns pwd when pwd contains a .psd1 file named after the parent directory' { $null = New-Item (Join-Path $instance.ProjectRoot 'ModuleName') -ItemType Directory -Force $null = New-Item (Join-Path $instance.ProjectRoot 'ModuleName\ModuleName.psd1') -ItemType File -Force Push-Location 'TestDrive:\ProjectRoot\ModuleName' $instance.GetSourcePath() | Should -BeLike '*\ProjectRoot\ModuleName' Pop-Location } It 'Returns ProjectRoot\(ProjectRoot.Name) when the ProjectRoot contains a directory with the same name' { $null = New-Item (Join-Path $instance.ProjectRoot 'ProjectRoot') -ItemType Directory -Force Push-Location 'TestDrive:\ProjectRoot' $instance.GetSourcePath() | Should -BeLike '*\ProjectRoot\ProjectRoot' Pop-Location } } Context 'GetVersion' { } Context 'IncrementVersion' { } } } |