function Merge-Worksheet { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [parameter(ParameterSetName='A',Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] #A = Compare two files default headers [parameter(ParameterSetName='B',Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] #B = Compare two files user supplied headers [parameter(ParameterSetName='C',Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] #C = Compare two files headers P1, P2, P3 etc $Referencefile , [parameter(ParameterSetName='A',Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='B',Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='C',Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='E',Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] #D Compare two objects; E = Compare one object one file that uses default headers [parameter(ParameterSetName='F',Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] #F = Compare one object one file that uses user supplied headers [parameter(ParameterSetName='G',Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] #G Compare one object one file that uses headers P1, P2, P3 etc $Differencefile , [parameter(ParameterSetName='A',Position=2)] #Applies to all sets EXCEPT D which is two objects (no sheets) [parameter(ParameterSetName='B',Position=2)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='C',Position=2)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='E',Position=2)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='F',Position=2)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='G',Position=2)] $WorksheetName = "Sheet1", [parameter(ParameterSetName='A')] #Applies to all sets EXCEPT D which is two objects (no sheets, so no start row ) [parameter(ParameterSetName='B')] [parameter(ParameterSetName='C')] [parameter(ParameterSetName='E')] [parameter(ParameterSetName='F')] [parameter(ParameterSetName='G')] [int]$Startrow = 1, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='B',Mandatory=$true)] #Compare object + sheet or 2 sheets with user supplied headers [Parameter(ParameterSetName='F',Mandatory=$true)] [String[]]$Headername, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='C',Mandatory=$true)] #Compare object + sheet or 2 sheets with headers of P1, P2, P3 ... [Parameter(ParameterSetName='G',Mandatory=$true)] [switch]$NoHeader, [parameter(ParameterSetName='D',Mandatory=$true)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='E',Mandatory=$true)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='F',Mandatory=$true)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='G',Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('RefObject')] $ReferenceObject , [parameter(ParameterSetName='D',Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [Alias('DiffObject')] $DifferenceObject , [parameter(ParameterSetName='D',Position=2)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='E',Position=2)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='F',Position=2)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='G',Position=2)] $DiffPrefix = "=>" , [parameter(Position=3)] [Alias('OutFile')] $OutputFile , [parameter(Position=4)] [Alias('OutSheet')] $OutputSheetName = "Sheet1", $Property = "*" , $ExcludeProperty , $Key = "Name" , $KeyFontColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::DarkRed , $ChangeBackgroundColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Orange, $DeleteBackgroundColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::LightPink, $AddBackgroundColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::PaleGreen, [switch]$HideEqual , [switch]$Passthru , [Switch]$Show ) #region Read Excel data if ($Differencefile -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {$Differencefile = $Differencefile.FullName} if ($Referencefile -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {$Referencefile = $Referencefile.FullName} if ($Referencefile -and $Differencefile) { #if the filenames don't resolve, give up now. try { $oneFile = ((Resolve-Path -Path $Referencefile -ErrorAction Stop).path -eq (Resolve-Path -Path $Differencefile -ErrorAction Stop).path)} catch { Write-Warning -Message "Could not Resolve the filenames." ; return } #If we have one file , we must have two different Worksheet names. If we have two files $WorksheetName can be a single string or two strings. if ($onefile -and ( ($WorksheetName.count -ne 2) -or $WorksheetName[0] -eq $WorksheetName[1] ) ) { Write-Warning -Message "If both the Reference and difference file are the same then Worksheet name must provide 2 different names" return } if ($WorksheetName.count -eq 2) {$Worksheet2 = $DiffPrefix = $WorksheetName[1] ; $Worksheet1 = $WorksheetName[0] ; } elseif ($WorksheetName -is [string]) {$Worksheet2 = $Worksheet1 = $WorksheetName ; $DiffPrefix = (Split-Path -Path $Differencefile -Leaf) -replace "\.xlsx$","" } else {Write-Warning -Message "You must provide either a single Worksheet name or two names." ; return } $params= @{ ErrorAction = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop } foreach ($p in @("HeaderName","NoHeader","StartRow")) {if ($PSBoundParameters[$p]) {$params[$p] = $PSBoundParameters[$p]}} try { $ReferenceObject = Import-Excel -Path $Referencefile -WorksheetName $Worksheet1 @params $DifferenceObject = Import-Excel -Path $Differencefile -WorksheetName $Worksheet2 @Params } catch {Write-Warning -Message "Could not read the Worksheet from $Referencefile::$Worksheet1 and/or $Differencefile::$Worksheet2." ; return } if ($NoHeader) {$firstDataRow = $Startrow } else {$firstDataRow = $Startrow + 1} } elseif ( $Differencefile) { if ($WorksheetName -isnot [string]) {Write-Warning -Message "You must provide a single Worksheet name." ; return } $params = @{WorksheetName=$WorksheetName; Path=$Differencefile; ErrorAction=[System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop } foreach ($p in @("HeaderName","NoHeader","StartRow")) {if ($PSBoundParameters[$p]) {$params[$p] = $PSBoundParameters[$p]}} try {$DifferenceObject = Import-Excel @Params } catch {Write-Warning -Message "Could not read the Worksheet '$WorksheetName' from $Differencefile::$WorksheetName." ; return } if ($DiffPrefix -eq "=>" ) { $DiffPrefix = (Split-Path -Path $Differencefile -Leaf) -replace "\.xlsx$","" } if ($NoHeader) {$firstDataRow = $Startrow } else {$firstDataRow = $Startrow + 1} } else { $firstDataRow = 1 } #endregion #region Set lists of properties and row numbers #Make a list of properties/headings using the Property (default "*") and ExcludeProperty parameters $propList = @() $DifferenceObject = $DifferenceObject | Update-FirstObjectProperties $headings = $DifferenceObject[0].psobject.Properties.Name # This preserves the sequence - using Get-member would sort them alphabetically! There may be extra properties in if ($NoHeader -and "Name" -eq $Key) {$Key = "p1"} if ($headings -notcontains $Key -and ('*' -ne $Key)) {Write-Warning -Message "You need to specify one of the headings in the sheet '$Worksheet2' as a key." ; return } foreach ($p in $Property) { $propList += ($headings.where({$_ -like $p}) )} foreach ($p in $ExcludeProperty) { $propList = $propList.where({$_ -notlike $p}) } if (($propList -notcontains $Key) -and ('*' -ne $Key)) { $propList += $Key} #If $key isn't one of the headings we will have bailed by now $propList = $propList | Select-Object -Unique #so, prolist must contain at least $key if nothing else #If key is "*" we treat it differently , and we will create a script property which concatenates all the Properties in $Proplist $ConCatblock = [scriptblock]::Create( ($proplist | ForEach-Object {'$this."' + $_ + '"'}) -join " + ") #Build the list of the properties to output, in order. $diffpart = @() $refpart = @() foreach ($p in $proplist.Where({$key -ne $_}) ) {$refPart += $p ; $diffPart += "$DiffPrefix $p" } $lastRefColNo = $proplist.count $FirstDiffColNo = $lastRefColNo + 1 if ($key -ne '*') { $outputProps = @($key) + $refpart + $diffpart #If we are using a single column as the key, don't duplicate it, so the last difference column will be A if there is one property, C if there are two, E if there are 3 $lastDiffColNo = (2 * $proplist.count) - 1 } else { $outputProps = @( ) + $refpart + $diffpart #If we not using a single column as a key all columns are duplicated so, the Last difference column will be B if there is one property, D if there are two, F if there are 3 $lastDiffColNo = (2 * $proplist.count ) } #Add RowNumber to every row #If one sheet has extra rows we can get a single "==" result from compare, with the row from the reference sheet, but #the row in the other sheet might be different so we will look up the row number from the key field - build a hash table for that here #If we have "*" as the key ad the script property to concatenate the [selected] properties. $Rowhash = @{} $rowNo = $firstDataRow foreach ($row in $ReferenceObject) { if ($null -eq $row._row) {Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($rowNo ++) -Name "_Row" } else {$rowNo++ } if ($Key -eq '*' ) {Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value $ConCatblock -Name "_All" } } $rowNo = $firstDataRow foreach ($row in $DifferenceObject) { Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $rowNo -Name "$DiffPrefix Row" -Force if ($Key -eq '*' ) { Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value $ConCatblock -Name "_All" $Rowhash[$row._All] = $rowNo } else {$Rowhash[$row.$key] = $rowNo } $rowNo ++ } if ($DifferenceObject.count -gt $Rowhash.Keys.Count) { Write-Warning -Message "Difference object has $($DifferenceObject.Count) rows; but only $($Rowhash.keys.count) unique keys" } if ($Key -eq '*') {$key = "_ALL"} #endregion #We need to know all the properties we've met on the objects we've diffed $eDiffProps = [ordered]@{} #When we do a compare object changes will result in two rows so we group them and join them together. $expandedDiff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $ReferenceObject -DifferenceObject $DifferenceObject -Property $propList -PassThru -IncludeEqual | Group-Object -Property $key | ForEach-Object { #The value of the key column is the name of the Group. $keyval = $ #we're going to create a custom object from a hash table. $hash = [ordered]@{} foreach ($result in $_.Group) { if ($result.SideIndicator -ne "=>") {$hash["_Row"] = $result._Row } elseif (-not $hash["$DiffPrefix Row"]) {$hash["_Row"] = "" } #if we have already set the side, this must be the second record, so set side to indicate "changed"; if we got two "Same" indicators we may have a classh of keys if ($hash.Side) { if ($hash.Side -eq $result.SideIndicator) {Write-Warning -Message "'$keyval' may be a duplicate."} $hash.Side = "<>" } else {$hash["Side"] = $result.SideIndicator} switch ($hash.side) { '==' { $hash["$DiffPrefix is"] = 'Same' } '=>' { $hash["$DiffPrefix is"] = 'Added' } '<>' { if (-not $hash["_Row"]) { $hash["$DiffPrefix is"] = 'Added' } else { $hash["$DiffPrefix is"] = 'Changed' } } '<=' { $hash["$DiffPrefix is"] = 'Removed'} } #find the number of the row in the the "difference" object which has this key. If it is the object is only in the reference this will be blank. $hash["$DiffPrefix Row"] = $Rowhash[$keyval] $hash[$key] = $keyval #Create FieldName and/or =>FieldName columns foreach ($p in ${$_ -ne $key -and $_ -ne "SideIndicator" -and $_ -ne "$DiffPrefix Row" })) { if ($result.SideIndicator -eq "==" -and $p -in $propList) {$hash[("$p")] = $hash[("$DiffPrefix $p")] = $result.$P} elseif ($result.SideIndicator -eq "==" -or $result.SideIndicator -eq "<=") {$hash[("$p")] = $result.$P} elseif ($result.SideIndicator -eq "=>") { $hash[("$DiffPrefix $p")] = $result.$P} } } foreach ($k in $hash.keys) {$eDiffProps[$k] = $true} [Pscustomobject]$hash } | Sort-Object -Property "_row" #Already sorted by reference row number, fill in any blanks in the difference-row column. for ($i = 1; $i -lt $expandedDiff.Count; $i++) {if (-not $expandedDiff[$i]."$DiffPrefix Row") {$expandedDiff[$i]."$DiffPrefix Row" = $expandedDiff[$i-1]."$DiffPrefix Row" } } #Now re-Sort by difference row number, and fill in any blanks in the reference-row column. $expandedDiff = $expandedDiff | Sort-Object -Property "$DiffPrefix Row" for ($i = 1; $i -lt $expandedDiff.Count; $i++) {if (-not $expandedDiff[$i]."_Row") {$expandedDiff[$i]."_Row" = $expandedDiff[$i-1]."_Row" } } $AllProps = @("_Row") + $OutputProps + $eDiffProps.keys.where({$_ -notin ($outputProps + @("_row","side","SideIndicator","_ALL" ))}) if ($PassThru -or -not $OutputFile) {return ($expandedDiff | Select-Object -Property $allprops | Sort-Object -Property "_row", "$DiffPrefix Row" ) } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($OutputFile,"Write Output to Excel file")) { $expandedDiff = $expandedDiff | Sort-Object -Property "_row", "$DiffPrefix Row" $xl = $expandedDiff | Select-Object -Property $OutputProps | Update-FirstObjectProperties | Export-Excel -Path $OutputFile -Worksheetname $OutputSheetName -FreezeTopRow -BoldTopRow -AutoSize -AutoFilter -PassThru $ws = $xl.Workbook.Worksheets[$OutputSheetName] for ($i = 0; $i -lt $expandedDiff.Count; $i++ ) { if ( $expandedDiff[$i].side -ne "==" ) { Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws -Range ("A" + ($i + 2 )) -FontColor $KeyFontColor } elseif ( $HideEqual ) {$ws.row($i+2).hidden = $true } if ( $expandedDiff[$i].side -eq "<>" ) { $range = $ws.Dimension -replace "\d+", ($i + 2 ) Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws -Range $range -BackgroundColor $ChangeBackgroundColor } elseif ( $expandedDiff[$i].side -eq "<=" ) { $rangeR1C1 = "R[{0}]C[1]:R[{0}]C[{1}]" -f ($i + 2 ) , $lastRefColNo $range = [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelAddress]::TranslateFromR1C1($rangeR1C1,0,0) Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws -Range $range -BackgroundColor $DeleteBackgroundColor } elseif ( $expandedDiff[$i].side -eq "=>" ) { if ($propList.count -gt 1) { $rangeR1C1 = "R[{0}]C[{1}]:R[{0}]C[{2}]" -f ($i + 2 ) , $FirstDiffColNo , $lastDiffColNo $range = [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelAddress]::TranslateFromR1C1($rangeR1C1,0,0) Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws -Range $range -BackgroundColor $AddBackgroundColor } Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws -Range ("A" + ($i + 2 )) -BackgroundColor $AddBackgroundColor } } Close-ExcelPackage -ExcelPackage $xl -Show:$Show } } |