function Compare-Worksheet { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName)] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '', Justification="Write host used for sub-warning level message to operator which does not form output")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification="False positives when initializing variable in begin block")] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] $Referencefile , [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] $Differencefile , $WorkSheetName = "Sheet1", $Property = "*" , $ExcludeProperty , [Parameter(ParameterSetName='B', Mandatory)] [String[]]$Headername, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='C', Mandatory)] [switch]$NoHeader, [int]$Startrow = 1, $AllDataBackgroundColor, $BackgroundColor, $TabColor, $Key = "Name" , $FontColor, [Switch]$Show, [switch]$GridView, [Switch]$PassThru, [Switch]$IncludeEqual, [Switch]$ExcludeDifferent ) #if the filenames don't resolve, give up now. try { $oneFile = ((Resolve-Path -Path $Referencefile -ErrorAction Stop).path -eq (Resolve-Path -Path $Differencefile -ErrorAction Stop).path)} catch { Write-Warning -Message "Could not Resolve the filenames." ; return } #If we have one file , we must have two different worksheet names. If we have two files we can have a single string or two strings. if ($onefile -and ( ($WorkSheetName.count -ne 2) -or $WorkSheetName[0] -eq $WorkSheetName[1] ) ) { Write-Warning -Message "If both the Reference and difference file are the same then worksheet name must provide 2 different names" return } if ($WorkSheetName.count -eq 2) {$worksheet1 = $WorkSheetName[0] ; $workSheet2 = $WorkSheetName[1]} elseif ($WorkSheetName -is [string]) {$worksheet1 = $workSheet2 = $WorkSheetName} else {Write-Warning -Message "You must provide either a single worksheet name or two names." ; return } $params= @{ ErrorAction = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop } foreach ($p in @("HeaderName","NoHeader","StartRow")) {if ($PSBoundParameters[$p]) {$params[$p] = $PSBoundParameters[$p]}} try { $sheet1 = Import-Excel -Path $Referencefile -WorksheetName $WorkSheet1 @params $sheet2 = Import-Excel -Path $Differencefile -WorksheetName $WorkSheet2 @Params } catch {Write-Warning -Message "Could not read the worksheet from $Referencefile and/or $Differencefile." ; return } #Get Column headings and create a hash table of Name to column letter. $headings = $Sheet1[-1] # This preserves the sequence - using Get-member would sort them alphabetically! $headings | ForEach-Object -Begin {$columns = @{} ; $i= 1 } -Process {$Columns[$_] = [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelAddress]::GetAddress(1,($i ++)) -replace "\d","" } #Make a list of property headings using the Property (default "*") and ExcludeProperty parameters if ($Key -eq "Name" -and $NoHeader) {$Key = "p1"} $propList = @() foreach ($p in $Property) {$propList += ($headings.where({$_ -like $p}) )} foreach ($p in $ExcludeProperty) {$propList = $propList.where({$_ -notlike $p}) } if (($headings -contains $key) -and ($propList -notcontains $Key)) {$propList += $Key} $propList = $propList | Select-Object -Unique if ($propList.Count -eq 0) {Write-Warning -Message "No Columns are selected with -Property = '$Property' and -excludeProperty = '$ExcludeProperty'." ; return} #Add RowNumber, Sheetname and file name to every row $firstDataRow = $startRow + 1 if ($Headername -or $NoHeader) {$firstDataRow -- } $i = $firstDataRow ; foreach ($row in $Sheet1) {Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_Row" -Value ($i ++) Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_Sheet" -Value $worksheet1 Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_File" -Value $Referencefile} $i = $firstDataRow ; foreach ($row in $Sheet2) {Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_Row" -Value ($i ++) Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_Sheet" -Value $worksheet2 Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_File" -Value $Differencefile} if ($ExcludeDifferent -and -not $IncludeEqual) {$IncludeEqual = $true} #Do the comparison and add file,sheet and row to the result - these are prefixed with "_" to show they are added the addition will fail if the sheet has these properties so split the operations [PSCustomObject[]]$diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Sheet1 -DifferenceObject $Sheet2 -Property $propList -PassThru -IncludeEqual:$IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent:$ExcludeDifferent | Sort-Object -Property "_Row","File" #if BackgroundColor was specified, set it on extra or extra or changed rows if ($diff -and $BackgroundColor) { #Differences may only exist in one file. So gather the changes for each file; open the file, update each impacted row in the shee, save the file $updates = $diff.where({$_.SideIndicator -ne "=="}) | Group-object -Property "_File" foreach ($file in $updates) { try {$xl = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $ } catch {Write-warning -Message "Can't open $($file.Name) for writing." ; return} if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AllDataBackgroundColor")) { $file.Group._sheet | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object { $ws = $xl.Workbook.Worksheets[$_] if ($headerName) {$range = "A" + $startrow + ":" + $ws.dimension.end.address} else {$range = "A" + ($startrow + 1) + ":" + $ws.dimension.end.address} Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws -BackgroundColor $AllDataBackgroundColor -Range $Range } } foreach ($row in $ { $ws = $xl.Workbook.Worksheets[$row._Sheet] $range = $ws.Dimension -replace "\d+",$row._row Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws -Range $range -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("TabColor")) { if ($TabColor -is [string]) {$TabColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::$TabColor } foreach ($tab in ($ | Select-Object -Unique)) { $xl.Workbook.Worksheets[$tab].TabColor = $TabColor } } $ ; $xl.Stream.Close() ; $xl.Dispose() } } #if font color was specified, set it on changed properties where the same key appears in both sheets. if ($diff -and $FontColor -and (($propList -contains $Key) -or ($key -is [hashtable])) ) { $updates = $diff.where({$_.SideIndicator -ne "=="}) | Group-object -Property $Key | Where-Object {$_.count -eq 2} if ($updates) { $XL1 = Open-ExcelPackage -path $Referencefile if ($oneFile ) {$xl2 = $xl1} else {$xl2 = Open-ExcelPackage -path $Differencefile } foreach ($u in $updates) { foreach ($p in $propList) { if ($[0]._file -eq $Referencefile) { $ws1 = $xl1.Workbook.Worksheets[$u.Group[0]._sheet] $ws2 = $xl2.Workbook.Worksheets[$u.Group[1]._sheet] } else { $ws1 = $xl2.Workbook.Worksheets[$u.Group[0]._sheet] $ws2 = $xl1.Workbook.Worksheets[$u.Group[1]._sheet] } if($u.Group[0].$p -ne $u.Group[1].$p ) { Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws1 -Range ($Columns[$p] + $u.Group[0]._Row) -FontColor $FontColor Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws2 -Range ($Columns[$p] + $u.Group[1]._Row) -FontColor $FontColor } } } $xl1.Save() ; $xl1.Stream.Close() ; $xl1.Dispose() if (-not $oneFile) {$xl2.Save() ; $xl2.Stream.Close() ; $xl2.Dispose()} } } elseif ($diff -and $FontColor) {Write-Warning -Message "To match rows to set changed cells, you must specify -Key and it must match one of the included properties." } #if nothing was found write a message which will not be redirected if (-not $diff) {Write-Host "Comparison of $Referencefile::$worksheet1 and $Differencefile::$WorkSheet2 returned no results." } if ($Show) { Start-Process -FilePath $Referencefile if (-not $oneFile) { Start-Process -FilePath $Differencefile } if ($GridView) { Write-Warning -Message "-GridView is ignored when -Show is specified" } } elseif ($GridView -and $propList -contains $key) { if ($IncludeEqual -and -not $ExcludeDifferent) { $GroupedRows = $diff | Group-Object -Property $key } else { #to get the right now numbers on the grid we need to have all the rows. $GroupedRows = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Sheet1 -DifferenceObject $Sheet2 -Property $propList -PassThru -IncludeEqual | Group-Object -Property $key } #Additions, deletions and unchanged rows will give a group of 1; changes will give a group of 2 . #If one sheet has extra rows we can get a single "==" result from compare, but with the row from the reference sheet #but the row in the other sheet might so we will look up the row number from the key field build a hash table for that $Sheet2 | ForEach-Object -Begin {$Rowhash = @{} } -Process {$Rowhash[$_.$key] = $_._row } $ExpandedDiff = ForEach ($g in $GroupedRows) { #we're going to create a custom object from a hash table. We want the fields to be ordered $hash = [ordered]@{} foreach ($result IN $g.Group) { # if result indicates equal or "in Reference" set the reference side row. If we did that on a previous result keep it. Otherwise set to "blank" if ($result.sideindicator -ne "=>") {$hash["<Row"] = $result._Row } elseif (-not $hash["<Row"]) {$hash["<Row"] = "" } #if we have already set the side, this is the second record, so set side to indicate "changed" if ($hash.Side) {$hash.side = "<>"} else {$hash["Side"] = $result.sideindicator} #if result is "in reference" and we don't have a matching "in difference" (meaning a change) the lookup will be blank. Which we want. $hash[">Row"] = $Rowhash[$g.Name] #position the key as the next field (only appears once) $Hash[$key] = $g.Name #For all the other fields we care about create <=FieldName and/or =>FieldName foreach ($p in $propList.Where({$_ -ne $key})) { if ($result.SideIndicator -eq "==") {$hash[("=>$P")] = $hash[("<=$P")] =$result.$P} else {$hash[($result.SideIndicator+$P)] =$result.$P} } } [Pscustomobject]$hash } #Sort by reference row number, and fill in any blanks in the difference-row column $ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff | Sort-Object -Property "<row" for ($i = 1; $i -lt $ExpandedDiff.Count; $i++) {if (-not $ExpandedDiff[$i].">row") {$ExpandedDiff[$i].">row" = $ExpandedDiff[$i-1].">row" } } #Sort by difference row number, and fill in any blanks in the reference-row column $ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff | Sort-Object -Property ">row" for ($i = 1; $i -lt $ExpandedDiff.Count; $i++) {if (-not $ExpandedDiff[$i]."<row") {$ExpandedDiff[$i]."<row" = $ExpandedDiff[$i-1]."<row" } } #if we had to put the equal rows back, take them out; sort, make sure all the columns are present in row 1 so the grid puts them in, and output if ( $ExcludeDifferent) {$ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff.where({$_.side -eq "=="}) | Sort-Object -Property "<row" ,">row" } elseif ( $IncludeEqual) {$ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff | Sort-Object -Property "<row" ,">row" } else {$ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff.where({$_.side -ne "=="}) | Sort-Object -Property "<row" ,">row" } $ExpandedDiff | Update-FirstObjectProperties | Out-GridView -Title "Comparing $Referencefile::$worksheet1 (<=) with $Differencefile::$WorkSheet2 (=>)" } elseif ($GridView ) {Write-Warning -Message "To use -GridView you must specify -Key and it must match one of the included properties." } elseif (-not $PassThru) {return ($diff | Select-Object -Property (@(@{n="_Side";e={$_.SideIndicator}},"_File" ,"_Sheet","_Row") + $propList))} if ( $PassThru) {return $diff } } |