$path = "TestDrive:\test.xlsx" $data = ConvertFrom-Csv -InputObject @" ID,Product,Quantity,Price 12001,Nails,37,3.99 12002,Hammer,5,12.10 12003,Saw,12,15.37 12010,Drill,20,8 12011,Crowbar,7,23.48 "@ $DriverData = convertFrom-CSv @" Name,Wikipage,DateOfBirth Fernando Alonso,/wiki/Fernando_Alonso,1981-07-29 Jenson Button,/wiki/Jenson_Button,1980-01-19 Kimi Räikkönen,/wiki/Kimi_R%C3%A4ikk%C3%B6nen,1979-10-17 Lewis Hamilton,/wiki/Lewis_Hamilton,1985-01-07 Nico Rosberg,/wiki/Nico_Rosberg,1985-06-27 Sebastian Vettel,/wiki/Sebastian_Vettel,1987-07-03 "@ | ForEach-Object {$_.DateOfBirth = [datetime]$_.DateofBirth; $_ } Describe "Number format expansion and setting" { Context "Argmument Completer for NumberFormat" { it "Returned at least 20 items " { (NumberFormatCompletion ).count | Should beGreaterThan 20 } It "Resolved percent to 'percentage' " { $x = (NumberFormatCompletion -wordToComplete Percent) $x.count | Should be 1 $x.CompletionText | Should match "^'.*'$" $x.ToolTip | Should be "0.00%" $x.ListItemText | Should be "Percentage" } } Context "Expand-NumberFormat function" { It "Expanded named number formats as expected " { $r = [regex]::Escape([cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol) Expand-NumberFormat 'Currency' | Should match "^[$r\(\)\[\] RED0#\?\-;,.]+$" Expand-NumberFormat 'Number' | Should be "0.00" Expand-NumberFormat 'Percentage' | Should be "0.00%" Expand-NumberFormat 'Scientific' | Should be "0.00E+00" Expand-NumberFormat 'Fraction' | Should be "# ?/?" Expand-NumberFormat 'Short Date' | Should be "mm-dd-yy" Expand-NumberFormat 'Short Time' | Should be "h:mm" Expand-NumberFormat 'Long Time' | Should be "h:mm:ss" Expand-NumberFormat 'Date-Time' | Should be "m/d/yy h:mm" Expand-NumberFormat 'Text' | Should be "@" } } Context "Apply-NumberFormat" { BeforeAll { Remove-Item -Path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $n = [datetime]::Now.ToOADate() $excel = 1..32 | ForEach-Object {$n} | Export-Excel -Path $path -show -WorksheetName s2 -PassThru $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[1] Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A1" -numberFormat 'General' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A2" -numberFormat 'Number' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A3" -numberFormat 'Percentage' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A4" -numberFormat 'Scientific' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A5" -numberFormat 'Fraction' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A6" -numberFormat 'Short Date' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A7" -numberFormat 'Short Time' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A8" -numberFormat 'Long Time' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A9" -numberFormat 'Date-Time' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A10" -numberFormat 'Currency' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A11" -numberFormat 'Text' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A12" -numberFormat 'h:mm AM/PM' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A13" -numberFormat 'h:mm:ss AM/PM' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A14" -numberFormat 'mm:ss' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A15" -numberFormat '[h]:mm:ss' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A16" -numberFormat 'mmss.0' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A17" -numberFormat 'd-mmm-yy' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A18" -numberFormat 'd-mmm' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A19" -numberFormat 'mmm-yy' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A20" -numberFormat '0' Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "A21" -numberFormat '0.00' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A22"] -NumberFormat '#,##0' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A23"] -NumberFormat '#,##0.00' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A24"] -NumberFormat '#,' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A25"] -NumberFormat '#.0,,' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A26"] -NumberFormat '0%' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A27"] -NumberFormat '0.00%' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A28"] -NumberFormat '0.00E+00' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A29"] -NumberFormat '# ?/?' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A30"] -NumberFormat '# ??/??' Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells[ "A31"] -NumberFormat '@' Close-ExcelPackage -ExcelPackage $excel $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $path $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[1] } It "Set formats which translate to the correct format ID " { $ws.Cells[ 1, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 0 # Set as General $ws.Cells[20, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 1 # Set as 0 $ws.Cells[ 2, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 2 # Set as "Number" $ws.Cells[21, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 2 # Set as 0.00 $ws.Cells[22, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 3 # Set as #,##0 $ws.Cells[23, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 4 # Set as #,##0.00 $ws.Cells[26, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 9 # Set as 0% $ws.Cells[27, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 10 # Set as 0.00% $ws.Cells[ 3, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 10 # Set as "Percentage" $ws.Cells[28, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 11 # Set as 0.00E+00 $ws.Cells[ 4, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 11 # Set as "Scientific" $ws.Cells[ 5, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 12 # Set as "Fraction" $ws.Cells[29, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 12 # Set as # ?/? $ws.Cells[30, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 13 # Set as # ??/? $ws.Cells[ 6, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 14 # Set as "Short date" $ws.Cells[17, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 15 # Set as d-mmm-yy $ws.Cells[18, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 16 # Set as d-mmm $ws.Cells[19, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 17 # Set as mmm-yy $ws.Cells[12, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 18 # Set as h:mm AM/PM $ws.Cells[13, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 19 # Set as h:mm:ss AM/PM $ws.Cells[ 7, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 20 # Set as "Short time" $ws.Cells[ 8, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 21 # Set as "Long time" $ws.Cells[ 9, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 22 # Set as "Date-time" $ws.Cells[14, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 45 # Set as mm:ss $ws.Cells[15, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 46 # Set as [h]:mm:ss $ws.Cells[16, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 47 # Set as mmss.0 $ws.Cells[11, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 49 # Set as "Text" $ws.Cells[31, 1].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 49 # Set as @ $ws.Cells[24, 1].Style.Numberformat.Format | Should be '#,' # Whole thousands $ws.Cells[25, 1].Style.Numberformat.Format | Should be '#.0,,' # Millions } } } Describe "Set-ExcelColumn, Set-ExcelRow and Set-ExcelRange" { BeforeAll { Remove-Item -Path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $excel = $data| Export-Excel -Path $path -AutoNameRange -PassThru $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"] $c = Set-ExcelColumn -PassThru -Worksheet $ws -Heading "Total" -Value "=Quantity*Price" -NumberFormat "£#,###.00" -FontColor ([System.Drawing.Color]::Blue) -Bold -HorizontalAlignment Right -VerticalAlignment Top $r = Set-ExcelRow -PassThru -Worksheet $ws -StartColumn 3 -BorderAround Thin -Italic -Underline -FontSize 14 -Value {"=sum($columnName`2:$columnName$endrow)" } -VerticalAlignment Bottom Set-ExcelRange -Address $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"].Cells["b3"] -HorizontalAlignment Right -VerticalAlignment Center -BorderAround Thick -BorderColor ([System.Drawing.Color]::Red) -StrikeThru Set-ExcelRange -Address $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"].Cells["c3"] -BorderColor ([System.Drawing.Color]::Red) -BorderTop DashDot -BorderLeft DashDotDot -BorderBottom Dashed -BorderRight Dotted Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "E3" -Bold:$false -FontShift Superscript -HorizontalAlignment Left Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "E1" -ResetFont -HorizontalAlignment General -FontName "Courier New" -fontSize 9 Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells["E7"] -ResetFont -WrapText -BackgroundColor ([System.Drawing.Color]::AliceBlue) -BackgroundPattern DarkTrellis -PatternColor ([System.Drawing.Color]::Red) -NumberFormat "£#,###.00" Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Column(1) -Width 0 if (-not $env:NoAutoSize) { Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Column(2) -AutoFit Set-ExcelRange -Address $ws.Cells["E:E"] -AutoFit } #Test alias Set-Format -Address $ws.row(5) -Height 0 $rr = $r.row Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "B$rr" -Value "Total" $BadHideWarnvar = $null Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "D$rr" -Formula "=E$rr/C$rr" -Hidden -WarningVariable "BadHideWarnvar" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $rr ++ Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $ws -Range "B$rr" -Value ([datetime]::Now) Close-ExcelPackage $excel -Calculate $excel = Open-ExcelPackage $path $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"] } Context "Set-ExcelRow and Set-ExcelColumn" { it "Set a row and a column to have zero width/height " { $r | Should not beNullorEmpty # $c | Should not beNullorEmpty ## can't see why but this test breaks in appveyor $ws.Column(1).width | Should be 0 $ws.Row(5).height | Should be 0 } it "Set a column formula, with numberformat, color, bold face and alignment " { $ws.Cells["e2"].Formula | Should be "Quantity*Price" $ws.Cells["e2"].Value | Should be 147.63 $ws.Cells["e2"].Style.Font.Color.rgb | Should be "FF0000FF" $ws.Cells["e2"].Style.Font.Bold | Should be $true $ws.Cells["e2"].Style.Font.VerticalAlign | Should be "None" $ws.Cells["e2"].Style.Numberformat.format | Should be "£#,###.00" $ws.Cells["e2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment | Should be "Right" } } Context "Other formatting" { it "Trapped an attempt to hide a range instead of a Row/Column " { $BadHideWarnvar | Should not beNullOrEmpty } it "Set and calculated a row formula with border font size and underline " { $ws.Cells["b7"].Style.Border.Top.Style | Should be "None" $ws.Cells["F7"].Style.Border.Top.Style | Should be "None" $ws.Cells["C7"].Style.Border.Top.Style | Should be "Thin" $ws.Cells["C7"].Style.Border.Bottom.Style | Should be "Thin" $ws.Cells["C7"].Style.Border.Right.Style | Should be "None" $ws.Cells["C7"].Style.Border.Left.Style | Should be "Thin" $ws.Cells["E7"].Style.Border.Left.Style | Should be "None" $ws.Cells["E7"].Style.Border.Right.Style | Should be "Thin" $ws.Cells["C7"].Style.Font.size | Should be 14 $ws.Cells["C7"].Formula | Should be "sum(C2:C6)" $ws.Cells["C7"].value | Should be 81 $ws.Cells["C7"].Style.Font.UnderLine | Should be $true $ws.Cells["C6"].Style.Font.UnderLine | Should be $false } it "Set custom font, size, text-wrapping, alignment, superscript, border and Fill " { $ws.Cells["b3"].Style.Border.Left.Color.Rgb | Should be "FFFF0000" $ws.Cells["b3"].Style.Border.Left.Style | Should be "Thick" $ws.Cells["b3"].Style.Border.Right.Style | Should be "Thick" $ws.Cells["b3"].Style.Border.Top.Style | Should be "Thick" $ws.Cells["b3"].Style.Border.Bottom.Style | Should be "Thick" $ws.Cells["b3"].Style.Font.Strike | Should be $true $ws.Cells["e1"].Style.Font.Color.Rgb | Should be "ff000000" $ws.Cells["e1"].Style.Font.Bold | Should be $false $ws.Cells["e1"].Style.Font.Name | Should be "Courier New" $ws.Cells["e1"].Style.Font.Size | Should be 9 $ws.Cells["e3"].Style.Font.VerticalAlign | Should be "Superscript" $ws.Cells["e3"].Style.HorizontalAlignment | Should be "Left" $ws.Cells["C6"].Style.WrapText | Should be $false $ws.Cells["e7"].Style.WrapText | Should be $true $ws.Cells["e7"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.Rgb | Should be "FFF0F8FF" $ws.Cells["e7"].Style.Fill.PatternColor.Rgb | Should be "FFFF0000" $ws.Cells["e7"].Style.Fill.PatternType | Should be "DarkTrellis" } } Context "Set-ExcelRange value setting " { it "Inserted a formula " { $ws.Cells["D7"].Formula | Should be "E7/C7" } it "Inserted a value " { $ws.Cells["B7"].Value | Should be "Total" } it "Inserted a date with localized date-time format " { $ws.Cells["B8"].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | Should be 22 } } Context "Set-ExcelColumn Value Setting" { BeforeAll { Remove-Item -Path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $excel = $DriverData | Export-Excel -PassThru -Path $path -AutoSize -AutoNameRange $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[1] Set-ExcelColumn -Worksheet $ws -Heading "Link" -AutoSize -Value {"https://en.wikipedia.org" + $worksheet.Cells["B$Row"].value } $c = Set-ExcelColumn -PassThru -Worksheet $ws -Heading "NextBirthday" -Value { $bmonth = $worksheet.Cells["C$Row"].value.month ; $bDay = $worksheet.Cells["C$Row"].value.day $cMonth = [datetime]::Now.Month ; $cday = [datetime]::Now.day ; $cyear = [datetime]::Now.Year if (($cmonth -gt $bmonth) -or (($cMonth -eq $bmonth) -and ($cday -ge $bDay))) { [datetime]::new($cyear + 1, $bmonth, $bDay) } else {[datetime]::new($cyear, $bmonth, $bday) } } Set-ExcelColumn -Worksheet $ws -Heading "Age" -Value "=INT((NOW()-DateOfBirth)/365)" # Test Piping column Numbers into Set excelColumn 3, $c.ColumnMin | Set-ExcelColumn -Worksheet $ws -NumberFormat 'Short Date' -AutoSize 4..6 | Set-ExcelColumn -Worksheet $ws -AutoNameRange Close-ExcelPackage -ExcelPackage $excel -Calculate $excel = Open-ExcelPackage $path $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"] } It "Inserted Hyperlinks " { $ws.Cells["D2"].Hyperlink | Should not beNullorEmpty $ws.Cells["D2"].Style.Font.UnderLine | Should be $true } It "Inserted and formatted Dates " { $ws.Cells["C2"].Value.GetType().name | should be "DateTime" $ws.Cells["C2"].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | should be 14 $ws.Cells["E2"].Value.GetType().name | should be "DateTime" $ws.Cells["E2"].Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID | should be 14 } It "Inserted Formulas " { $ws.Cells["F2"].Formula | Should not beNullorEmpty } It "Created Named ranges " { $ws.Names.Count | Should be 6 $ws.Names["Age"] | Should not beNullorEmpty $ws.Names["Age"].Start.Column | Should be 6 $ws.Names["Age"].Start.Row | Should be 2 $ws.Names["Age"].End.Row | Should be 7 $ws.names[0].name | Should be "Name" $ws.Names[0].Start.Column | Should be 1 $ws.Names[0].Start.Row | Should be 2 } } } Describe "Conditional Formatting" { BeforeAll { #Remove-Item $path $data = Get-Process | Where-Object company | Select-Object company, name, pm, handles, *mem* $cfmt = New-ConditionalFormattingIconSet -Range "c:c" -ConditionalFormat ThreeIconSet -IconType Arrows $data | Export-Excel -path $Path -AutoSize -ConditionalFormat $cfmt $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $path $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[1] } Context "Using a pre-prepared 3 Arrows rule" { it "Set the right type, IconSet and range " { $ws.ConditionalFormatting[0].IconSet | Should be "Arrows" $ws.ConditionalFormatting[0].Address.Address | Should be "c:c" $ws.ConditionalFormatting[0].Type.ToString() | Should be "ThreeIconSet" } } } $path = "TestDrive:\test.xlsx" $data2 = ConvertFrom-Csv -InputObject @" ID,Product,Quantity,Price,Total 12001,Nails,37,3.99,147.63 12002,Hammer,5,12.10,60.5 12003,Saw,12,15.37,184.44 12010,Drill,20,8,160 12011,Crowbar,7,23.48,164.36 12001,Nails,53,3.99,211.47 12002,Hammer,6,12.10,72.60 12003,Saw,10,15.37,153.70 12010,Drill,10,8,80 12012,Pliers,2,14.99,29.98 12001,Nails,20,3.99,79.80 12002,Hammer,2,12.10,24.20 12010,Drill,11,8,88 12012,Pliers,3,14.99,44.97 "@ Describe "AutoNameRange data with a single property name" { BeforeEach { $xlfile = "TestDrive:\testNamedRange.xlsx" Remove-Item $xlfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } it "Should have a single item as a named range " { $excel = ConvertFrom-Csv @" Sold 1 2 3 4 "@ | Export-Excel $xlfile -PassThru -AutoNameRange $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"] $ws.Names.Count | Should Be 1 $ws.Names[0].Name | Should Be 'Sold' } it "Should have a more than a single item as a named range " { $excel = ConvertFrom-Csv @" Sold,ID 1,a 2,b 3,c 4,d "@ | Export-Excel $xlfile -PassThru -AutoNameRange $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"] $ws.Names.Count | Should Be 2 $ws.Names[0].Name | Should Be 'Sold' $ws.Names[1].Name | Should Be 'ID' } } Describe "Table Formatting" { BeforeAll { #Remove-Item $path $excel = $data2 | Export-excel -path $path -WorksheetName Hardware -AutoNameRange -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow -PassThru $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[1] #test showfilter & TotalSettings $Table = Add-ExcelTable -PassThru -Range $ws.Cells[$($ws.Dimension.address)] -TableStyle Light1 -TableName HardwareTable -TotalSettings @{"Total" = "Sum"} -ShowFirstColumn -ShowFilter:$false #test expnading named number formats Set-ExcelColumn -Worksheet $ws -Column 4 -NumberFormat 'Currency' Set-ExcelColumn -Worksheet $ws -Column 5 -NumberFormat 'Currency' $PtDef = New-PivotTableDefinition -PivotTableName Totals -PivotRows Product -PivotData @{"Total" = "Sum"} -PivotNumberFormat Currency -PivotTotals None -PivotTableStyle Dark2 Export-excel -ExcelPackage $excel -WorksheetName Hardware -PivotTableDefinition $PtDef $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $path $ws1 = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Hardware"] $ws2 = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Totals"] } Context "Setting and not clearing when Export-Excel touches the file again." { it "Set the Table Options " { $ws1.Tables[0].Address.Address | should be "A1:E16" $ws1.Tables[0].Name | should be "HardwareTable" $ws1.Tables[0].ShowFirstColumn | should be $true $ws1.Tables[0].ShowLastColumn | should not be $true $ws1.Tables[0].ShowTotal | should be $true $ws1.Tables[0].Columns["Total"].TotalsRowFunction | Should be "Sum" $ws1.Tables[0].StyleName | should be "TableStyleLight1" $ws1.Cells["D4"].Style.Numberformat.Format | Should match ([regex]::Escape([cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol)) $ws1.Cells["E5"].Style.Numberformat.Format | Should match ([regex]::Escape([cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol)) } it "Set the Pivot Options " { $ws2.PivotTables[0].DataFields[0].Format | Should match ([regex]::Escape([cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol)) $ws2.PivotTables[0].ColumGrandTotals | Should be $false $ws2.PivotTables[0].StyleName | Should be "PivotStyleDark2" } } } |