if (-not $env:TEMP) {$env:TEMP = [IO.Path]::GetTempPath() -replace "/$","" } $notWindows = ($PSVersionTable.os -and $PSVersionTable.os -notMatch 'Windows' ) $path = Join-Path $Env:TEMP "test.xlsx" describe "Consistent passing of ranges." { if ($notWindows) {Write-warning -message "Test uses get-service so only works on Windows" ; return} Context "Conditional Formatting" { Remove-Item -path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $excel = Get-Service | Export-Excel -Path $path -WorksheetName Services -PassThru -AutoSize -DisplayPropertySet -AutoNameRange -Title "Services on $Env:COMPUTERNAME" it "accepts named ranges, cells['name'], worksheet + Name, worksheet + column " { {Add-ConditionalFormatting $excel.Services.Names["Status"] -StrikeThru -RuleType ContainsText -ConditionValue "Stopped" } | Should not throw $excel.Services.ConditionalFormatting.Count | Should be 1 {Add-ConditionalFormatting $excel.Services.Cells["Name"] -Italic -RuleType ContainsText -ConditionValue "SVC" } | Should not throw $excel.Services.ConditionalFormatting.Count | Should be 2 $warnvar = $null Add-ConditionalFormatting $excel.Services.Column(3) ` -underline -RuleType ContainsText -ConditionValue "Windows" -WarningVariable warnvar -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $warnvar | should not beNullOrEmpty $excel.Services.ConditionalFormatting.Count | Should be 2 $warnvar = $null Add-ConditionalFormatting $excel.Services.Column(3) -WorkSheet $excel.Services` -underline -RuleType ContainsText -ConditionValue "Windows" -WarningVariable warnvar -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $warnvar | should beNullOrEmpty $excel.Services.ConditionalFormatting.Count | Should be 3 {Add-ConditionalFormatting "Status" -WorkSheet $excel.Services ` -ForeGroundColor ([System.Drawing.Color]::Green) -RuleType ContainsText -ConditionValue "Running"} | Should not throw $excel.Services.ConditionalFormatting.Count | Should be 4 } Close-ExcelPackage -NoSave $excel $excel = Get-Service | Export-Excel -Path $path -WorksheetName Services -PassThru -AutoSize -DisplayPropertySet -TableName servicetable -Title "Services on $Env:COMPUTERNAME" it "accepts table, table.Address and worksheet + 'C:C' " { {Add-ConditionalFormatting $excel.Services.Tables[0] ` -Italic -RuleType ContainsText -ConditionValue "Svc" } | Should not throw $excel.Services.ConditionalFormatting.Count | Should be 1 {Add-ConditionalFormatting $excel.Services.Tables["ServiceTable"].Address ` -Bold -RuleType ContainsText -ConditionValue "windows" } | Should not throw $excel.Services.ConditionalFormatting.Count | Should be 2 {Add-ConditionalFormatting -WorkSheet $excel.Services -Address "a:a" ` -RuleType ContainsText -ConditionValue "stopped" -ForeGroundColor ([System.Drawing.Color]::Red) } | Should not throw $excel.Services.ConditionalFormatting.Count | Should be 3 } Close-ExcelPackage -NoSave $excel } Context "Formating (Set-ExcelRange or its alias set-Format) " { it "accepts Named Range, cells['Name'], cells['A1:Z9'], row, Worksheet + 'A1:Z9'" { $excel = Get-Service | Export-Excel -Path test2.xlsx -WorksheetName Services -PassThru -AutoSize -DisplayPropertySet -RangeName servicerange -Title "Services on $Env:COMPUTERNAME" {set-format $excel.Services.Names["serviceRange"] -Bold } | Should Not Throw $excel.Services.cells["B2"].Style.Font.Bold | Should be $true {Set-ExcelRange -Range $excel.Services.Cells["serviceRange"] -italic:$true } | Should not throw $excel.Services.cells["C3"].Style.Font.Italic | Should be $true {set-format $excel.Services.Row(4) -underline -Bold:$false } | Should not throw $excel.Services.cells["A4"].Style.Font.UnderLine | Should be $true $excel.Services.cells["A4"].Style.Font.Bold | Should not be $true {Set-ExcelRange $excel.Services.Cells["A3:B3"] -StrikeThru } | Should not throw $excel.Services.cells["B3"].Style.Font.Strike | Should be $true {Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $excel.Services -Range "A5:B6" -FontSize 8 } | Should not throw $excel.Services.cells["A5"].Style.Font.Size | Should be 8 } Close-ExcelPackage -NoSave $excel it "Accepts Table, Table.Address , worksheet + Name, Column," { $excel = Get-Service | Export-Excel -Path test2.xlsx -WorksheetName Services -PassThru -AutoNameRange -AutoSize -DisplayPropertySet -TableName servicetable -Title "Services on $Env:COMPUTERNAME" {set-ExcelRange $excel.Services.Tables[0] -Italic } | Should not throw $excel.Services.cells["C3"].Style.Font.Italic | Should be $true {set-format $excel.Services.Tables["ServiceTable"].Address -Underline } | Should not throw $excel.Services.cells["C3"].Style.Font.UnderLine | Should be $true {Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $excel.Services -Range "Name" -Bold } | Should not throw $excel.Services.cells["B4"].Style.Font.Bold | Should be $true {$excel.Services.Column(3) | Set-ExcelRange -FontColor ([System.Drawing.Color]::Red) } | Should not throw $excel.Services.cells["C4"].Style.Font.Color.Rgb | Should be "FFFF0000" } Close-ExcelPackage -NoSave $excel } Context "PivotTables" { it "Accepts Named range, .Cells['Name'], name&Worksheet, cells['A1:Z9'], worksheet&'A1:Z9' "{ $excel = Get-Service | Export-Excel -Path $path -WorksheetName Services -PassThru -AutoSize -DisplayPropertySet -RangeName servicerange -Title "Services on $Env:COMPUTERNAME" $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[1] #can get a worksheet by name or index - starting at 1 $end = $ws.Dimension.End.Address #can get a named ranged by name or index - starting at zero {Add-PivotTable -ExcelPackage $excel -PivotTableName pt0 -SourceRange $ws.Names[0]` -PivotRows Status -PivotData Name } | Should not throw $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["pt0"] | Should not beNullOrEmpty {Add-PivotTable -ExcelPackage $excel -PivotTableName pt1 -SourceRange $ws.Names["servicerange"]` -PivotRows Status -PivotData Name } | Should not throw $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["pt1"] | Should not beNullOrEmpty #Can specify the range for a pivot as NamedRange or Table or TableAddress or Worksheet + "A1:Z10" or worksheet + RangeName, or worksheet.cells["A1:Z10"] or worksheet.cells["RangeName"] {Add-PivotTable -ExcelPackage $excel -PivotTableName pt2 -SourceRange "servicerange" -SourceWorkSheet $ws ` -PivotRows Status -PivotData Name } | Should not throw $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["pt2"] | Should not beNullOrEmpty {Add-PivotTable -ExcelPackage $excel -PivotTableName pt3 -SourceRange $ws.cells["servicerange"]` -PivotRows Status -PivotData Name } | Should not throw $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["pt3"] | Should not beNullOrEmpty {Add-PivotTable -ExcelPackage $excel -PivotTableName pt4 -SourceRange $ws.cells["A2:$end"]` -PivotRows Status -PivotData Name } | Should not throw $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["pt4"] | Should not beNullOrEmpty {Add-PivotTable -ExcelPackage $excel -PivotTableName pt5 -SourceRange "A2:$end" -SourceWorkSheet $ws ` -PivotRows Status -PivotData Name } | Should not throw $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["pt5"] | Should not beNullOrEmpty Close-ExcelPackage -NoSave $excel } it "Accepts Table, Table.Addres " { $excel = Get-Service | Export-Excel -Path $path -WorksheetName Services -PassThru -AutoSize -DisplayPropertySet -TableName servicetable -Title "Services on $Env:COMPUTERNAME" $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Services"] #can get a worksheet by name or index - starting at 1 #Can get a table by name or -stating at zero. Can specify the range for a pivot as or Table or TableAddress {Add-PivotTable -ExcelPackage $excel -PivotTableName pt1 -SourceRange $ws.tables["servicetable"]` -PivotRows Status -PivotData Name } | Should not throw $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["pt1"] | Should not beNullOrEmpty {Add-PivotTable -ExcelPackage $excel -PivotTableName pt2 -SourceRange $ws.tables[0].Address ` -PivotRows Status -PivotData Name } | Should not throw $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["pt2"] | Should not beNullOrEmpty Close-ExcelPackage -NoSave $excel } } } |