if (-not $env:TEMP) {$env:TEMP = [IO.Path]::GetTempPath() -replace "/$","" } $scriptPath = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.path -Parent $dataPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptPath -ChildPath "First10Races.csv" Describe "Creating small named ranges with hyperlinks" { BeforeAll { $path = Join-Path $Env:TEMP "results.xlsx" Remove-Item -Path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Read race results, and group by race name : export 1 row to get headers, leaving enough rows aboce to put in a link for each race $results = Import-Csv -Path $dataPath | Select-Object Race, @{n = "Date"; e = {[datetime]::ParseExact($_.date, "dd/MM/yyyy", (Get-Culture))}}, FinishPosition, Driver, GridPosition, Team, Points | Group-Object -Property RACE $topRow = $lastDataRow = 1 + $results.Count $excel = $results[0].Group[0] | Export-Excel -Path $path -StartRow $TopRow -BoldTopRow -PassThru #export each group (race) below the last one, without headers, and create a range for each using the group name (Race) foreach ($r in $results) { $excel = $R.Group | Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $excel -NoHeader -StartRow ($lastDataRow + 1) -RangeName $R.Name -PassThru -AutoSize $lastDataRow += $R.Group.Count } $worksheet = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[1] $columns = $worksheet.Dimension.Columns 1..$columns | ForEach-Object {Add-ExcelName -Range $worksheet.cells[$topRow, $_, $lastDataRow, $_]} #Test Add-Excel Name on its own (outside Export-Excel) $scwarnVar = $null Set-ExcelColumn -Worksheet $worksheet -StartRow $topRow -Heading "PlacesGained/Lost" ` -Value "=GridPosition-FinishPosition" -AutoNameRange -WarningVariable scWarnVar -WarningAction SilentlyContinue #Test as many set column options as possible. $columns ++ #create a table which covers all the data. And define a pivot table which uses the same address range. $table = Add-ExcelTable -PassThru -Range $worksheet.cells[$topRow, 1, $lastDataRow, $columns] -TableName "AllResults" -TableStyle Light4 ` -ShowHeader -ShowFilter -ShowColumnStripes -ShowRowStripes:$false -ShowFirstColumn:$false -ShowLastColumn:$false -ShowTotal:$false #Test Add-ExcelTable outside export-Excel with as many options as possible. $pt = New-PivotTableDefinition -PivotTableName Analysis -SourceWorkSheet $worksheet -SourceRange $table.address.address -PivotRows Driver -PivotData @{Points = "SUM"} -PivotTotals None $cf = Add-ConditionalFormatting -Address $worksheet.cells[$topRow, $columns, $lastDataRow, $columns] -ThreeIconsSet Arrows -Passthru #Test using cells[r1,c1,r2,c2] $cf.Icon2.Type = $cf.Icon3.Type = "Num" $cf.Icon2.Value = 0 $cf.Icon3.Value = 1 Add-ConditionalFormatting -Address $worksheet.cells["FinishPosition"] -RuleType Equal -ConditionValue 1 -ForeGroundColor ([System.Drawing.Color]::Purple) -Bold -Priority 1 -StopIfTrue #Test Priority and stopIfTrue and using range name Add-ConditionalFormatting -Address $worksheet.Cells["GridPosition"] -RuleType ThreeColorScale -Reverse #Test Reverse $ct = New-ConditionalText -Text "Ferrari" $ct2 = New-ConditionalText -Range $worksheet.Names["FinishPosition"].Address -ConditionalType LessThanOrEqual -Text 3 -ConditionalText ([System.Drawing.Color]::Red) -Background ([System.Drawing.Color]::White) #Test new-conditionalText in shortest and longest forms. #Create links for each group name (race) and Export them so they start at Cell A1; create a pivot table with definition just created, save the file and open in Excel $excel = $results | ForEach-Object {(New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelHyperLink -ArgumentList "Sheet1!$($_.Name)" , "$($_.name) GP")} | #Test Exporting Hyperlinks with display property. Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $excel -AutoSize -PivotTableDefinition $pt -Calculate -ConditionalFormat $ct, $ct2 -PassThru #Test conditional text rules in conditional format (orignally icon sets only ) $null = Add-WorkSheet -ExcelPackage $excel -WorksheetName "Points1" Add-PivotTable -PivotTableName "Points1" -Address $excel.Points1.Cells["A1"] -ExcelPackage $excel -SourceWorkSheet sheet1 -SourceRange $excel.Sheet1.Tables[0].Address.Address -PivotRows Driver, Date -PivotData @{Points = "SUM"} -GroupDateRow Date -GroupDatePart Years, Months $null = Add-WorkSheet -ExcelPackage $excel -WorksheetName "Places1" $newpt = Add-PivotTable -PivotTableName "Places1" -Address $excel.Places1.Cells["A1"] -ExcelPackage $excel -SourceWorkSheet sheet1 -SourceRange $excel.Sheet1.Tables[0].Address.Address -PivotRows Driver, FinishPosition -PivotData @{Date = "Count"} -GroupNumericRow FinishPosition -GroupNumericMin 1 -GroupNumericMax 25 -GroupNumericInterval 3 -PassThru $newpt.RowFields[0].SubTotalFunctions = [OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable.eSubTotalFunctions]::None Close-ExcelPackage -ExcelPackage $excel $excel = Open-ExcelPackage $path $sheet = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[1] $m = $results | Measure-Object -sum -Property count $expectedRows = 1 + $m.count + $m.sum } Context "Creating hyperlinks" { it "Put the data into the sheet and created the expected named ranges " { $sheet.Dimension.Rows | should be $expectedRows $sheet.Dimension.Columns | should be $columns $sheet.Names.Count | should be ($columns + $results.Count) $sheet.Names[$results[0].Name] | should not benullorEmpty $sheet.Names[$results[-1].Name] | should not benullorEmpty } it "Added hyperlinks to the named ranges " { $sheet.cells["a1"].Hyperlink.Display | should match $results[0].Name $sheet.cells["a1"].Hyperlink.ReferenceAddress | should match $results[0].Name } } Context "Adding calculated column" { It "Populated the cells with the right heading and formulas " { $sheet.Cells[( $results.Count), $columns] | Should benullorEmpty $sheet.Cells[(1 + $results.Count), $columns].Value | Should be "PlacesGained/Lost" $sheet.Cells[(2 + $results.Count), $columns].Formula | should be "GridPosition-FinishPosition" $sheet.Names["PlacesGained_Lost"] | should not benullorEmpty } It "Performed the calculation " { $placesMade = $Sheet.Cells[(2 + $results.Count), 5].value - $Sheet.Cells[(2 + $results.Count), 3].value $sheet.Cells[(2 + $results.Count), $columns].value | Should be $placesmade } It "Applied ConditionalFormatting, including StopIfTrue, Priority " { $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[0].Address.Start.Column | should be $columns $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[0].Address.End.Column | should be $columns $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[0].Address.End.Row | should be $expectedRows $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[0].Address.Start.Row | should be ($results.Count + 1) $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[0].Icon3.Type.ToString() | Should be "Num" $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[0].Icon3.Value | Should be 1 $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[1].Priority | Should be 1 $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[1].StopIfTrue | Should be $true } It "Applied ConditionalFormatting, including Reverse " { $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[3].LowValue.Color.R | Should begreaterThan 180 $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[3].LowValue.Color.G | Should beLessThan 128 $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[3].HighValue.Color.R | Should beLessThan 128 $sheet.ConditionalFormatting[3].HighValue.Color.G | Should begreaterThan 180 } -Skip # << Bug in EPPLus 4.5 } Context "Adding a table" { it "Created a table " { $sheet.tables[0] | Should not beNullOrEmpty $sheet.tables[0].Address.Start.Column | should be 1 $sheet.tables[0].Address.End.Column | should be $columns $sheet.tables[0].Address.Start.row | should be ($results.Count + 1) $sheet.Tables[0].Address.End.Row | should be $expectedRows $sheet.Tables[0].StyleName | should be "TableStyleLight4" $sheet.Tables[0].ShowColumnStripes | should be $true $sheet.Tables[0].ShowRowStripes | should not be $true } } Context "Adding Pivot tables" { it "Added a worksheet with a pivot table grouped by date " { $excel.Points1 | should not beNullOrEmpty $excel.Points1.PivotTables.Count | should be 1 $pt = $excel.Points1.PivotTables[0] $pt.RowFields.Count | should be 3 $pt.RowFields[0].name | should be "Driver" $pt.RowFields[0].Grouping | should benullorEmpty $pt.RowFields[1].name | should be "years" $pt.RowFields[1].Grouping | should not benullorEmpty $pt.RowFields[2].name | should be "date" $pt.RowFields[2].Grouping | should not benullorEmpty } it "Added a worksheet with a pivot table grouped by Number " { $excel.Places1 | should not beNullOrEmpty $excel.Places1.PivotTables.Count | should be 1 $pt = $excel.Places1.PivotTables[0] $pt.RowFields.Count | should be 2 $pt.RowFields[0].name | should be "Driver" $pt.RowFields[0].Grouping | should benullorEmpty $pt.RowFields[0].SubTotalFunctions.ToString() | should be "None" $pt.RowFields[1].name | should be "FinishPosition" $pt.RowFields[1].Grouping | should not benullorEmpty $pt.RowFields[1].Grouping.Start | should be 1 $pt.RowFields[1].Grouping.End | should be 25 $pt.RowFields[1].Grouping.Interval | should be 3 } } } |