Function Add-ExcelDataValidationRule { <# .Synopsis Adds data validation to a range of cells .Example > >Add-ExcelDataValidationRule -WorkSheet $PlanSheet -Range 'E2:E1001' -ValidationType Integer -Operator between -Value 0 -Value2 100 ` -ShowErrorMessage -ErrorStyle stop -ErrorTitle 'Invalid Data' -ErrorBody 'Percentage must be a whole number between 0 and 100' This defines a validation rule on cells E2-E1001; it is an integer rule and requires a number between 0 and 100 If a value is input with a fraction, negative number, or positive number > 100 a stop dialog box appears. .Example > >Add-ExcelDataValidationRule -WorkSheet $PlanSheet -Range 'B2:B1001' -ValidationType List -Formula 'values!$a$2:$a$1000' -ShowErrorMessage -ErrorStyle stop -ErrorTitle 'Invalid Data' -ErrorBody 'You must select an item from the list' This defines a list rule on Cells B2:1001, and the posible values are in a sheet named "values" at cells A2 to A1000 Blank cells in this range are ignored. If $ signs are left out of the fomrmula B2 would be checked against A2-A1000 B3, against A3-A1001, B4 against A4-A1002 up to B1001 beng checked against A1001-A1999 .Example > >Add-ExcelDataValidationRule -WorkSheet $PlanSheet -Range 'I2:N1001' -ValidationType List -ValueSet @('yes','YES','Yes') -ShowErrorMessage -ErrorStyle stop -ErrorTitle 'Invalid Data' -ErrorBody "Select Yes or leave blank for no" Similar to the previous example but this time provides a value set; Excel comparisons are case sesnsitive, hence 3 versions of Yes. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( #The range of cells to be validate, e.g. "B2:C100" [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,Position=0)] [Alias("Address")] $Range , #The worksheet where the cells should be validated [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet]$WorkSheet , #An option corresponding to a choice from the 'Allow' pull down on the settings page in the Excel dialog. Any means "any allowed" i.e. no Validation [ValidateSet('Any','Custom','DateTime','Decimal','Integer','List','TextLength','Time')] $ValidationType, #The operator to apply to Decimal, Integer, TextLength, DateTime and time fields, e.g. equal, between [OfficeOpenXml.DataValidation.ExcelDataValidationOperator]$Operator = [OfficeOpenXml.DataValidation.ExcelDataValidationOperator]::equal , #For Decimal, Integer, TextLength, DateTime the [first] data value $Value, #When using the between operator, the second data value $Value2, #The [first] data value as a formula. Use absolute formulas $A$1 if (e.g.) you want all cells to check against the same list $Formula, #When using the between operator, the second data value as a formula $Formula2, #When using the list validation type, a set of values (rather than refering to Sheet!B$2:B$100 ) $ValueSet, #Corresponds to the the 'Show Error alert ...' check box on error alert page in the Excel dialog [switch]$ShowErrorMessage, #Stop, Warning, or Infomation, corresponding to to the style setting in the Excel dialog [OfficeOpenXml.DataValidation.ExcelDataValidationWarningStyle]$ErrorStyle, #The title for the message box corresponding to to the title setting in the Excel dialog [String]$ErrorTitle, #The error message corresponding to to the Error message setting in the Excel dialog [String]$ErrorBody, #Corresponds to the the 'Show Input message ...' check box on input message page in the Excel dialog [switch]$ShowPromptMessage, #The prompt message corresponding to to the Input message setting in the Excel dialog [String]$PromptBody, #The title for the message box corresponding to to the title setting in the Excel dialog [String]$PromptTitle, #By default the 'Ignore blank' option will be selected, unless NoBlank is sepcified. [String]$NoBlank ) if ($Range -is [Array]) { [void]$PSBoundParameters.Remove("Range") $Range | Add-ExcelDataValidationRule @PSBoundParameters } else { #We should accept, a worksheet and a name of a range or a cell address; a table; the address of a table; a named range; a row, a column or .Cells[ ] if (-not $WorkSheet -and $Range.worksheet) {$WorkSheet = $Range.worksheet} if ($Range.Address) {$Range = $Range.Address} if ($Range -isnot [string] -or -not $WorkSheet) {Write-Warning -Message "You need to provide a worksheet and range of cells." ;return} #else we assume Range is a range. $validation = $WorkSheet.DataValidations."Add$ValidationType`Validation"($Range) if ($validation.AllowsOperator) {$validation.Operator = $Operator} if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('value')) { $validation.Formula.Value = $Value } elseif ($Formula) {$validation.Formula.ExcelFormula = $Formula} elseif ($ValueSet) {Foreach ($v in $ValueSet) {$validation.Formula.Values.Add($V)}} if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Value2')) { $validation.Formula2.Value = $Value2 } elseif ($Formula2) {$validation.Formula2.ExcelFormula = $Formula} $validation.ShowErrorMessage = [bool]$ShowErrorMessage $validation.ShowInputMessage = [bool]$ShowPromptMessage $validation.AllowBlank = -not $NoBlank if ($PromptTitle) {$validation.PromptTitle = $PromptTitle} if ($ErrorTitle) {$validation.ErrorTitle = $ErrorTitle} if ($PromptBody) {$validation.Prompt = $PromptBody} if ($ErrorBody) {$validation.Error = $ErrorBody} if ($ErrorStyle) {$validation.ErrorStyle = $ErrorStyle} } } |