Add-Type -Path "$($PSScriptRoot)\EPPlus.dll" . $PSScriptRoot\Export-Excel.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\New-ConditionalFormattingIconSet.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\New-ConditionalText.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Export-ExcelSheet.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\New-ExcelChart.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Invoke-Sum.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\InferData.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Get-ExcelColumnName.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Get-XYRange.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Charting.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\New-PSItem.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Pivot.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Get-ExcelSheetInfo.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Get-ExcelWorkbookInfo.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Get-HtmlTable.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Import-Html.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Get-Range.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\TrackingUtils.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Copy-ExcelWorkSheet.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Set-CellStyle.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\ConvertFromExcelData.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\ConvertFromExcelToSQLInsert.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\ConvertToExcelXlsx.ps1 if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) { . $PSScriptRoot\plot.ps1 function New-Plot { [OutputType([PSPlot])] param() [psplot]::new() } } else { Write-Warning "PowerShell 5 is required for plot.ps1" Write-Warning "PowerShell Excel is ready, except for that functionality" } function Import-Excel { <# .SYNOPSIS Read the content of an Excel sheet. .DESCRIPTION The Import-Excel cmdlet reads the content of an Excel worksheet and creates one object for each row. This is done without using Microsoft Excel in the background but by using the .NET EPPLus.dll. You can also automate the creation of Pivot Tables and Charts. .PARAMETER Path Specifies the path to the Excel file. .PARAMETER WorkSheetname Specifies the name of the worksheet in the Excel workbook. .PARAMETER HeaderRow Specifies custom header names for columns. .PARAMETER Header Specifies the title used in the worksheet. The title is placed on the first line of the worksheet. .PARAMETER NoHeader When used we generate our own headers (P1, P2, P3, ..) instead of the ones defined in the first row of the Excel worksheet. .PARAMETER DataOnly When used we will only generate objects for rows that contain text values, not for empty rows or columns. .EXAMPLE Import-Excel -WorkSheetname 'Statistics' -Path 'E:\Finance\Company results.xlsx' Imports all the information found in the worksheet 'Statistics' of the Excel file 'Company results.xlsx' .LINK #> param( [Alias("FullName")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf })] $Path, [Alias("Sheet")] $WorkSheetname=1, [int]$HeaderRow=1, [string[]]$Header, [switch]$NoHeader, [switch]$DataOnly ) Process { $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).ProviderPath write-debug "target excel file $Path" $stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $Path,"Open","Read","ReadWrite" $xl = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $stream $workbook = $xl.Workbook $worksheet=$workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetname] $dimension=$worksheet.Dimension $Rows=$dimension.Rows $Columns=$dimension.Columns if ($NoHeader) { if ($DataOnly) { $CellsWithValues = $worksheet.Cells | where Value $Script:i = 0 $ColumnReference = $CellsWithValues | Select-Object -ExpandProperty End | Group-Object Column | Select-Object @{L='Column';E={$_.Name}}, @{L='NewColumn';E={$Script:i++; $Script:i}} $CellsWithValues | Select-Object -ExpandProperty End | Group-Object Row | ForEach-Object { $newRow = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($C in $ColumnReference) { $newRow."P$($C.NewColumn)" = $worksheet.Cells[($_.Name),($C.Column)].Value } [PSCustomObject]$newRow } } else { foreach ($Row in 0..($Rows-1)) { $newRow = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($Column in 0..($Columns-1)) { $propertyName = "P$($Column+1)" $newRow.$propertyName = $worksheet.Cells[($Row+1),($Column+1)].Value } [PSCustomObject]$newRow } } } else { if (!$Header) { $Header = foreach ($Column in 1..$Columns) { $worksheet.Cells[$HeaderRow,$Column].Value } } if ($Rows -eq 1) { $Header | ForEach {$h=[Ordered]@{}} {$h.$_=''} {[PSCustomObject]$h} } else { if ($DataOnly) { $CellsWithValues = $worksheet.Cells | where {$_.Value -and ($_.End.Row -ne 1)} $Script:i = -1 $ColumnReference = $CellsWithValues | Select-Object -ExpandProperty End | Group-Object Column | Select-Object @{L='Column';E={$_.Name}}, @{L='NewColumn';E={$Script:i++; $Header[$Script:i]}} $CellsWithValues | Select-Object -ExpandProperty End | Group-Object Row | ForEach-Object { $newRow = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($C in $ColumnReference) { $newRow."$($C.NewColumn)" = $worksheet.Cells[($_.Name),($C.Column)].Value } [PSCustomObject]$newRow } } else { foreach ($Row in ($HeaderRow+1)..$Rows) { $h=[Ordered]@{} foreach ($Column in 0..($Columns-1)) { if($Header[$Column].Length -gt 0) { $Name = $Header[$Column] $h.$Name = $worksheet.Cells[$Row,($Column+1)].Value } } [PSCustomObject]$h } } } } $stream.Close() $stream.Dispose() $xl.Dispose() $xl = $null } } function Add-WorkSheet { param( #TODO Use parametersets to allow a workbook to be passed instead of a package [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $ExcelPackage, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $WorkSheetname, [Switch] $NoClobber ) $ws = $ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetname] if(!$ws) { Write-Verbose "Add worksheet '$WorkSheetname'" $ws=$ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add($WorkSheetname) } return $ws } function ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet { <# .Synopsis Reads an Excel file an converts the data to a delimited text file .Example ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data Reads each sheet in TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt .Example ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data sheet?0 Reads and outputs sheets like Sheet10 and Sheet20 form TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Alias("FullName")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Path, [String] $OutputPath = '.\', [String] $SheetName="*", [ValidateSet('ASCII', 'BigEndianUniCode','Default','OEM','UniCode','UTF32','UTF7','UTF8')] [string] $Encoding = 'UTF8', [ValidateSet('.txt', '.log','.csv')] [string] $Extension = '.csv', [ValidateSet(';', ',')] [string] $Delimiter = ';' ) $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path $stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $Path,"Open","Read","ReadWrite" $xl = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $stream $workbook = $xl.Workbook $targetSheets = $workbook.Worksheets | Where {$_.Name -like $SheetName} $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters $params.Remove("OutputPath") $params.Remove("SheetName") $params.Remove('Extension') $params.NoTypeInformation = $true Foreach ($sheet in $targetSheets) { Write-Verbose "Exporting sheet: $($sheet.Name)" $params.Path = "$OutputPath\$($Sheet.Name)$Extension" Import-Excel $Path -Sheet $($sheet.Name) | Export-Csv @params } $stream.Close() $stream.Dispose() $xl.Dispose() } function Export-MultipleExcelSheets { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable]$InfoMap, [string]$Password, [Switch]$Show, [Switch]$AutoSize ) $parameters = @{}+$PSBoundParameters $parameters.Remove("InfoMap") $parameters.Remove("Show") $parameters.Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) foreach ($entry in $InfoMap.GetEnumerator()) { Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting" -Status "$($entry.Key)" $parameters.WorkSheetname=$entry.Key & $entry.Value | Export-Excel @parameters } if($Show) {Invoke-Item $Path} } |