Add-Type -Path "$($PSScriptRoot)\EPPlus.dll" function Import-Excel { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $FullName, $Sheet=1, [string[]]$Header ) Process { $FullName = (Resolve-Path $FullName).Path write-debug "target excel file $FullName" $xl = New-Object OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage $FullName $workbook = $xl.Workbook $worksheet=$workbook.Worksheets[$Sheet] $dimension=$worksheet.Dimension $Rows=$dimension.Rows $Columns=$dimension.Columns if(!$Header) { $Header = foreach ($Column in 1..$Columns) { $worksheet.Cells[1,$Column].Text } } foreach ($Row in 2..$Rows) { $h=[Ordered]@{} foreach ($Column in 0..($Columns-1)) { if($Header[$Column].Length -gt 0) { $Name = $Header[$Column] $h.$Name = $worksheet.Cells[$Row,($Column+1)].Text } } [PSCustomObject]$h } $xl.Dispose() $xl = $null } } function Export-ExcelSheet { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Path, [String] $OutputPath = '.\', [String] $SheetName, [string] $Encoding = 'UTF8', [string] $Extension = '.txt', [string] $Delimiter = ';' ) $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path $xl = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $Path $workbook = $xl.Workbook $targetSheets = $workbook.Worksheets | Where {$_.Name -Match $SheetName} $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters $params.Remove("OutputPath") $params.Remove("SheetName") $params.NoTypeInformation = $true Foreach ($sheet in $targetSheets) { Write-Verbose "Exporting sheet: $($sheet.Name)" $params.Path = "$OutputPath\$($Sheet.Name)$Extension" Import-Excel $Path -Sheet $($sheet.Name) | Export-Csv @params -Encoding $Encoding } $xl.Dispose() } function Export-Excel { <# .Synopsis .Example gsv | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx .Example ps | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -show\ .Example ps | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Processes -IncludePivotTable -Show -PivotRows Company -PivotData PM .Example ps | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Processes -ChartType PieExploded3D -IncludePivotChart -IncludePivotTable -Show -PivotRows Company -PivotData PM #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $TargetData, [string]$WorkSheetname="Sheet1", [string]$Title, [OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle]$TitleFillPattern="None", [bool]$TitleBold, [int]$TitleSize=22, [System.Drawing.Color]$TitleBackgroundColor, #[string]$TitleBackgroundColor, [string[]]$PivotRows, [string[]]$PivotColumns, [string[]]$PivotData, [string]$Password, [OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.eChartType]$ChartType="Pie", [Switch]$IncludePivotTable, [Switch]$IncludePivotChart, [Switch]$AutoSize, [Switch]$Show, [Switch]$NoClobber, [Switch]$FreezeTopRow, [Switch]$AutoFilter, [Switch]$BoldTopRow ) Begin { try { $Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) $pkg = New-Object OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage $Path if($pkg.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetname]) { if($NoClobber) { $AlreadyExists = $true throw "" } else { $pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.delete($WorkSheetname) } } $ws = $pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add($WorkSheetname) $Row = 1 if($Title) { $ws.Cells[$Row, 1].Value = $Title $ws.Cells[$Row, 1].Style.Font.Size = $TitleSize $ws.Cells[$Row, 1].Style.Font.Bold = $TitleBold $ws.Cells[$Row, 1].Style.Fill.PatternType = $TitleFillPattern if($TitleBackgroundColor) { $ws.Cells[$Row, 1].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor($TitleBackgroundColor) } $Row = 2 } } Catch { if($AlreadyExists) { throw "$WorkSheetname already exists." } else { throw $Error[0].Exception.Message } } } Process { if(!$Header) { $ColumnIndex = 1 $Header = $ foreach ($Name in $Header) { $ws.Cells[$Row, $ColumnIndex].Value = $name $ColumnIndex += 1 } } $Row += 1 $ColumnIndex = 1 foreach ($Name in $Header) { $targetCell = $ws.Cells[$Row, $ColumnIndex] $targetCell.Value = $TargetData.$Name switch ($TargetData.$Name) { {$_ -is [datetime]} {$targetCell.Style.Numberformat.Format = "m/d/yy h:mm"} } $ColumnIndex += 1 } } End { if($IncludePivotTable) { $pivotTableName = $WorkSheetname + "PivotTable" $wsPivot = $pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add($pivotTableName) $wsPivot.View.TabSelected = $true $pivotTableDataName=$WorkSheetname + "PivotTableData" $startAddress=$ws.Dimension.Start.Address if($Title) {$startAddress="A2"} $range="{0}:{1}" -f $startAddress, $ws.Dimension.End.Address $pivotTable = $wsPivot.PivotTables.Add($wsPivot.Cells["A1"], $ws.Cells[$range], $pivotTableDataName) if($PivotRows) { foreach ($Row in $PivotRows) { $null=$pivotTable.RowFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$Row]) } } if($PivotColumns) { foreach ($Column in $PivotColumns) { $null=$pivotTable.ColumnFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$Column]) } } if($PivotData) { foreach ($Item in $PivotData) { $null=$pivotTable.DataFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$Item]) } } if($IncludePivotChart) { $chart = $wsPivot.Drawings.AddChart("PivotChart", $ChartType, $pivotTable) $chart.SetPosition(1, 0, 6, 0) $chart.SetSize(600, 400) } } if($Password) { $ws.Protection.SetPassword($Password) } if($AutoFilter) { $startAddress=$ws.Dimension.Start.Address $range="{0}:{1}" -f $startAddress, $ws.Dimension.End.Address $ws.Cells[$range].AutoFilter=$true } if($FreezeTopRow) { $ws.View.FreezePanes(2,1) } if($BoldTopRow) { $range=$ws.Dimension.Address -replace $ws.Dimension.Rows, "1" $ws.Cells[$range].Style.Font.Bold=$true } if($AutoSize) { $ws.Cells.AutoFitColumns() } $pkg.Save() $pkg.Dispose() if($Show) {Invoke-Item $Path} } } function ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet { <# .Synopsis Reads an Excel file an converts the data to a delimited text file .Example ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data Reads each sheet in TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt .Example ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data sheet?0 Reads and outputs sheets like Sheet10 and Sheet20 form TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Path, [String] $OutputPath = '.\', [String] $SheetName="*", [string] $Encoding = 'UTF8', [string] $Extension = '.txt', [string] $Delimiter = ';' ) $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path $xl = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $Path $workbook = $xl.Workbook $targetSheets = $workbook.Worksheets | Where {$_.Name -like $SheetName} $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters $params.Remove("OutputPath") $params.Remove("SheetName") $params.NoTypeInformation = $true Foreach ($sheet in $targetSheets) { Write-Verbose "Exporting sheet: $($sheet.Name)" $params.Path = "$OutputPath\$($Sheet.Name)$Extension" Import-Excel $Path -Sheet $($sheet.Name) | Export-Csv @params -Encoding $Encoding } $xl.Dispose() } function Export-MultipleExcelSheets { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [hashtable]$InfoMap, [string]$Password, [Switch]$Show, [Switch]$AutoSize ) $parameters = @{}+$PSBoundParameters $parameters.Remove("InfoMap") $parameters.Remove("Show") $parameters.Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) foreach ($entry in $InfoMap.GetEnumerator()) { Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting" -Status "$($entry.Key)" $parameters.WorkSheetname=$entry.Key & $entry.Value | Export-Excel @parameters } if($Show) {Invoke-Item $Path} } |