@{ RootModule = "Import-WsusUpdate.psm1" ModuleVersion = "2023.8.0" GUID = "9d00434e-7513-40a4-bc3e-8a905e1fa3f8" Author = "AJ Tek Corporation" CompanyName = "AJ Tek Corporation" Copyright = "(c) 2023 AJ Tek Corporation. All Rights Reserved." PowerShellVersion = "4.0" CLRVersion = "4.0" Description = "Import-WsusUpdate provides an alternate way of importing updates from the Microsoft Update Catalog into your local WSUS server." FunctionsToExport = @( "Import-WsusUpdate" ) CmdletsToExport = @() VariablesToExport = @() AliasesToExport = @() FileList = @( "Private\DownloadFilesInParallel.ps1", "Private\DownloadFilesSequentially.ps1", "Private\GetBitsTransferSplatBase.ps1", "Private\GetMUCatalogUpdateInfo.ps1", "Private\GetProxySettingsForUri.ps1", "Private\GetUpdateIDFromKB.ps1", "Private\GetWebRequestSplatBase.ps1", "Private\InitializeProxySettings.ps1", "Private\TestDownloadAvailable.ps1", "Private\TestElevated.ps1", "Public\Import-WsusUpdate.ps1", "Import-WsusUpdate.psd1", "Import-WsusUpdate.psm1", # NOTE: Keep this as license.txt and NOT licence.txt (see "license.txt" ) PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Prerelease = "preview" Tags = @("WSUS", "SUS", "WUS", "Windows", "Server", "Update", "Services", "PSEdition_Desktop") LicenseUri = "" ProjectUri = "" IconUri = "" RequireLicenseAcceptance = $true ReleaseNotes = @" ## 2023.8.0-preview - First (preview) release "@ } } HelpInfoURI = "" } # Copyright (c) 2023 AJ Tek Corporation. All Rights Reserved. |