<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 0.1.2 .GUID 06dbc814-edfe-4571-a01f-f4091ff5f3c2 .AUTHOR .COMPANYNAME Apteco GmbH .COPYRIGHT (c) 2025 Apteco GmbH. All rights reserved. .TAGS "PSEdition_Desktop", "Windows", "Apteco" .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES WriteLog .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES 0.1.2 Fixed temporary module and script path loading 0.1.1 Improved the missing module load 0.1.0 Improving documentation, adding PATH variables, missing modules will not throw an error anymore 0.0.8 Added a parameter switch to suppress warnings to host 0.0.7 Added a note in the log that a runtime was only possibly loaded 0.0.6 Checking 64bit of OS and process Output last error when using Kernel32 Adding runtime errors to log instead of console 0.0.5 Make sure Get-Package is from PackageManagement and NOT VS 0.0.4 Make sure to reuse a log, if already set 0.0.3 Minor Improvements Status information at the end Differentiation between .net core and windows/desktop priorities 0.0.2 Fixed a problem with out commented input parameters 0.0.1 Initial release of this script .PRIVATEDATA #> #Requires -Module WriteLog <# .SYNOPSIS Imports modules and global/local packages. Local packages are loaded by default from the .\lib folder in the current directory .DESCRIPTION Script to import dependencies from the PowerShell Gallery and NuGet. Please make sure to have the Modules WriteLog and PowerShellGet (>= 2.2.4) installed. .EXAMPLE Import-Dependencies -Module WriteLog, AptecoPSFramework .EXAMPLE Import-Dependencies -GlobalPackage MailKit .EXAMPLE Import-Dependencies -LocalPackage MimeKit, Mailkit .EXAMPLE Import-Dependencies -LocalPackageFolder lib -LoadWholePackageFolder # the default is a lib subfolder, so that does not need to be used .PARAMETER Module Array of modules to install on local machine via PowerShellGallery. .PARAMETER GlobalPackage Array of NuGet packages to install on local machine. .PARAMETER LocalPackage Array of NuGet packages to install in a subfolder of the current folder. Can be changed with parameter LocalPackageFolder. .PARAMETER LocalPackageFolder Folder name of the local package folder. Default is "lib". .PARAMETER InstallScriptAndModuleForCurrentUser By default, the modules and scripts will be installed for all users. If you want to install them only for the current user, then set this parameter to $true. .PARAMETER SuppressWarnings Flag to log warnings, but not put redirect to the host .NOTES Created by : gitfvb .LINK Project Site: #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( #[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String[]]$Script = [Array]@() # Define specific scripts you want to load -> not needed as PATH will be added [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$Module = [Array]@() # Define specific modules you want to load ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$GlobalPackage = [Array]@() # Define specific global package to load ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$LocalPackage = [Array]@() # Define a specific local package to load ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$LocalPackageFolder = "lib" # Where to find local packages ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Switch]$LoadWholePackageFolder = $false # Load whole local package folder ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false # Flag to log warnings, but not put redirect to the host ) #----------------------------------------------- # DEBUG #----------------------------------------------- <# Set-Location -Path "C:\Users\Florian\Downloads\dep2" $Module = [Array]@() # Define specific modules you want to load $GlobalPackage = [Array]@() # Define specific global package to load $LocalPackage = [Array]@() # Define a specific local package to load $LocalPackageFolder = "lib" # Where to find local packages $LoadWholePackageFolder = $true # Load whole local package folder $VerbosePreference = "Continue" #> #----------------------------------------------- # INPUT DEFINITION #----------------------------------------------- # TODO fill out # SETTTINGS FOR LOADING PACKAGES # TODO [ ] Define a priority later for .net versions, but use fixed ones at the moment # These lists will be checked in the defined order $dotnetDesktopVersions = @("net48","net47","net462","netstandard2.1","netstandard2.0","netstandard1.5","netstandard1.3","netstandard1.1","netstandard1.0") $dotnetCoreVersions = @("net6.0","net6.0-windows","net5.0","net5.0-windows","netcore50") $targetFolders = @("ref","lib") $runtimes = @("win-x64","win-x86","win10","win7","win") #----------------------------------------------- # START #----------------------------------------------- # TODO use the parent logfile if used by a module $processStart = [datetime]::now If ( ( Get-LogfileOverride ) -eq $false ) { Set-Logfile -Path ".\dependencies_import.log" Write-Log -message "----------------------------------------------------" -Severity VERBOSE } # Remember the current processID $processId = Get-ProcessId $writeToHost = $true If ( $SuppressWarnings -eq $true ) { $writeToHost = $false } #----------------------------------------------- # DOING SOME CHECKS #----------------------------------------------- # Check if this is Pwsh Core $isCore = ($PSVersionTable.Keys -contains "PSEdition") -and ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Desktop') Write-Log -Message "Using PowerShell version $( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() ) and $( $PSVersionTable.PSEdition ) edition" # Decide which lib priority to use If ( $isCore -eq $true ) { $dotnetVersions = $dotnetCoreVersions + $dotnetDesktopVersions } else { $dotnetVersions = $dotnetDesktopVersions } # Check the operating system, if Core if ($isCore -eq $true) { $os = If ( $IsWindows -eq $true ) { "Windows" } elseif ( $IsLinux -eq $true ) { "Linux" } elseif ( $IsMacOS -eq $true ) { "MacOS" } else { throw "Unknown operating system" } } else { # [System.Environment]::OSVersion.VersionString() # [System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem $os = "Windows" } Write-Log -Message "Using OS: $( $os )" # Check elevation if ($os -eq "Windows") { $identity = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $principal = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]::new($identity) $isElevated = $principal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator) Write-Log -Message "User: $( $identity.Name )" Write-Log -Message "Elevated: $( $isElevated )" } else { Write-Log -Message "No user and elevation check due to OS" } # Check environment and process Write-Log -Message "OS is 64bit: $( [System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem )" Write-Log -Message "Process is 64bit: $( [System.Environment]::Is64BitProcess )" #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD SCRIPTS #----------------------------------------------- # Not needed here as they will be loaded through the PATH environment variable # Make sure to have PowerShellGet >= 2.2.4 so the PATH for the scripts is set or add it like <# $scriptPath = @( $Env:Path -split ";" ) + @( "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles") )\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts" "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)") )\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts" "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") )\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts" ) $Env:Path = ( $scriptPath | Select-Object -unique ) -join ";" #> #----------------------------------------------- # ADD MODULE PATH, IF NOT PRESENT #----------------------------------------------- $modulePath = @( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath") -split ";" ) + @( "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles") )\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)") )\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") )\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") )\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules" ) # Add the 64bit path, if present. In 32bit the ProgramFiles variables only returns the x86 path If ( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables().keys -contains "ProgramW6432" ) { $modulePath += "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramW6432") )\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" } # Add pwsh core path If ( $isCore -eq $true ) { If ( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables().keys -contains "ProgramW6432" ) { $modulePath += "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramW6432") )\powershell\7\Modules" } $modulePath += "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles") )\powershell\7\Modules" $modulePath += "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)") )\powershell\7\Modules" } # Add all paths # Using $env:PSModulePath for only temporary override $Env:PSModulePath = @( $modulePath | Sort-Object -unique ) -join ";" #----------------------------------------------- # ADD SCRIPT PATH, IF NOT PRESENT #----------------------------------------------- #$envVariables = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables() $scriptPath = @( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path") -split ";" ) + @( "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles") )\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts" "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)") )\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts" "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") )\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts" ) # Add the 64bit path, if present. In 32bit the ProgramFiles variables only returns the x86 path If ( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables().keys -contains "ProgramW6432" ) { $scriptPath += "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramW6432") )\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts" } # Add pwsh core path If ( $isCore -eq $true ) { If ( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables().keys -contains "ProgramW6432" ) { $scriptPath += "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramW6432") )\powershell\7\Scripts" } $scriptPath += "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles") )\powershell\7\Scripts" $scriptPath += "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)") )\powershell\7\Scripts" } # Using $env:Path for only temporary override $Env:Path = @( $scriptPath | Sort-Object -unique ) -join ";" #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD MODULES #----------------------------------------------- $modCount = 0 $successfulModules = [Array]@() $failedModules = [Array]@() $Module | ForEach-Object { $mod = $_ try { Write-Verbose "Loading $( $mod )" Import-Module -Name $mod -ErrorAction Stop $successfulModules += $mod $modCount += 1 } catch { $failedModules += $mod Write-Warning -Message "Failed loading module '$( $mod )'" -Verbose #-Severity WARNING } } #----------------------------------------------- # INITIATE LOGGING #----------------------------------------------- Set-ProcessId -Id $processId Write-Log -Message "Loaded $( $modCount ) modules" #-Severity VERBOSE Write-Log -Message " Success: $( $successfulModules -join ", " )" #-Severity VERBOSE Write-Log -Message " Failed: $( $failedModules -join ", " )" #-Severity VERBOSE #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD KERNEL32 FOR ALTERNATIVE DLL LOADING #----------------------------------------------- $kernel32Loaded = $false If ( ( $LocalPackage.Count -gt 0 -or $GlobalPackage.Count -gt 0 -or $LoadWholePackageFolder -eq $true ) -and $os -eq "Windows" ) { Add-Type -Language CSharp -TypeDefinition @" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public static class Kernel32 { [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lpFileName); public static string GetError() { return Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString(); } public static bool GetEnv() { return Environment.Is64BitProcess; } } "@ $kernel32Loaded = $true # Log Kernel32 environment Write-Log -Message "[kernel32] is 64bit: $( [Kernel32]::GetEnv() )" } Write-Log "[kernel32] loaded: $( $kernel32Loaded )" # Taken from <# function Preload-Assembly { param ( [string] $AssemblyDirectory ) if($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop' -and (Test-Path $AssemblyDirectory -ErrorAction Ignore)) { try { Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction Stop -Path $AssemblyDirectory -Filter "*.dll" | ForEach-Object { try { Add-Type -Path $_.FullName -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null } catch { Write-Verbose $_ } } } catch {} } } #> #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD LIB FOLDER (DLLs AND ASSEMBLIES) #----------------------------------------------- $successCounter = 0 $failureCounter = 0 $runtimeSuccessCounter = 0 $runtimePossibleSuccessCounter = 0 $runtimeFailureCounter = 0 If ( $LocalPackage.Count -gt 0 -or $GlobalPackage.Count -gt 0 -or $LoadWholePackageFolder -eq $true) { Write-Log -message "Loading libs..." # Load the packages we can find If ( $LocalPackage.Count -gt 0 -or $LoadWholePackageFolder -eq $true) { $localPackages = PackageManagement\Get-Package -Destination $LocalPackageFolder } $globalPackages = PackageManagement\Get-Package -ProviderName NuGet # Filter the packages $packagesToLoad = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $packagesToLoad.AddRange( @( $globalPackages | Where-Object { $_.Name -in $GlobalPackage } )) # Decide whether to load all local packages or just a selection If ( $LoadWholePackageFolder -eq $true ) { $packagesToLoad.AddRange( @( $localPackages )) } else { $packagesToLoad.AddRange( @($localPackages | Where-Object { $_.Name -in $LocalPackage } )) } Write-Log -Message "There are $( $packagesToLoad.Count ) packages to load" # Load through the packages objects instead of going through the folders $i = 0 $packagesToLoad | ForEach-Object { # This is the whole path to the nupkg, but we can use the parent directory $pkg = Get-Item -Path $_.source $package = $pkg.Directory # Counters $packageLoaded = 0 $loadError = 0 # Check the package ref folder If ( ( Test-Path -Path "$( $package.FullName )/ref" ) -eq $true ) { $subfolder = "ref" $dotnetVersions | ForEach-Object { $dotnetVersion = $_ #"Checking $( $dotnetVersion )" $dotnetFolder = "$( $package.FullName )/$( $subfolder )/$( $dotnetVersion )" If ( (Test-Path -Path $dotnetFolder) -eq $true -and $packageLoaded -eq 0) { Get-ChildItem -Path $dotnetFolder -Filter "*.dll" | ForEach-Object { $f = $_ #"Loading $( $f.FullName )" try { Write-Verbose -Message "Loading package ref '$( $f.FullName )'" [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($f.FullName) $packageLoaded = 1 #"Loaded $( $dotnetFolder )" } catch { Write-Verbose -Message "Failed! Loading package ref '$( $f.FullName )'" $loadError = 1 } } } } } # Check the package lib folder if ( ( Test-Path -Path "$( $package.FullName )/lib" ) -eq $true -and $packageLoaded -eq 0) { $subfolder = "lib" $dotnetVersions | ForEach-Object { $dotnetVersion = $_ #"Checking $( $dotnetVersion )" $dotnetFolder = "$( $package.FullName )/$( $subfolder )/$( $dotnetVersion )" If ( (Test-Path -Path $dotnetFolder) -eq $true -and $packageLoaded -eq 0) { Get-ChildItem -Path $dotnetFolder -Filter "*.dll" | ForEach-Object { $f = $_ #"Loading $( $f.FullName )" try { Write-Verbose -Message "Loading package lib '$( $f.FullName )'" [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($f.FullName) $packageLoaded = 1 #"Loaded $( $dotnetFolder )" } catch { Write-Verbose -Message "Failed! Loading package lib '$( $f.FullName )'" $loadError = 1 } } } } } # Output the current status If ($packageLoaded -eq 1) { $successCounter += 1 #"OK lib/ref $( $f.fullname )" } elseif ($loadError -eq 1) { #"ERROR lib/ref $( $f.fullname )" $failureCounter += 1 } else { #$notLoadedCounter += 1 #"Not loaded lib/ref $( $package.fullname )" } # Check the runtimes folder $runtimeLoaded = 0 $runtimePossiblyLoaded = 0 $runtimeLoadError = 0 #$useKernel32 = 0 if ( ( Test-Path -Path "$( $package.FullName )/runtimes" ) -eq $true -and $runtimeLoaded -eq 0) { $subfolder = "runtimes" $runtimes | ForEach-Object { $runtime = $_ #"Checking $( $dotnetVersion )" $runtimeFolder = "$( $package.FullName )/$( $subfolder )/$( $runtime )" If ( (Test-Path -Path $runtimeFolder) -eq $true -and $runtimeLoaded -eq 0) { Get-ChildItem -Path $runtimeFolder -Filter "*.dll" -Recurse | ForEach-Object { $f = $_ #"Loading $( $f.FullName )" try { Write-Verbose -Message "Loading package runtime '$( $f.FullName )'" [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($f.FullName) $runtimeLoaded = 1 #"Loaded $( $dotnetFolder )" } catch [System.BadImageFormatException] { # Try it one more time with LoadLibrary through Kernel, if the kernel was loaded If ( $kernel32Loaded -eq $true ) { Write-Log -Severity "WARNING" -Message "Failed! Using kernel32 for loading package runtime '$( $f.FullName )'" -WriteToHostToo $writeToHost [void][Kernel32]::LoadLibrary($f.FullName) Write-Log -Severity "WARNING" -Message "Last kernel32 error: $( [Kernel32]::GetError() )" -WriteToHostToo $writeToHost # Error list: #Write-Log "$( [Kernel32]::GetEnv() )" $runtimePossiblyLoaded = 1 } #$useKernel32 = 1 } catch { $runtimeLoadError = 1 } } } } } # Log stats If ( $runtimeLoaded -eq 1 ) { $runtimeSuccessCounter += 1 } elseif ( $runtimePossiblyLoaded -eq 1 ) { $runtimePossibleSuccessCounter += 1 } elseif ( $runtimeLoadError -eq 1 ) { $runtimeFailureCounter += 1 } else { } # Write progress Write-Progress -Activity "Package load in progress" -Status "$( [math]::Round($i/$packagesToLoad.Count*100) )% Complete:" -PercentComplete ([math]::Round($i/$packagesToLoad.Count*100)) $i += 1 } } #----------------------------------------------- # STATUS #----------------------------------------------- Write-Log -Message "Load status:" Write-Log -Message " Modules loaded: $( $modCount )" #-Severity VERBOSE Write-Log -Message " Lib/ref loaded: $( $successCounter )" Write-Log -Message " Lib/ref failed: $( $failureCounter )" Write-Log -Message " Runtime loaded: $( $runtimeSuccessCounter )" Write-Log -Message " Runtime possibly loaded: $( $runtimePossibleSuccessCounter )" Write-Log -Message " Runtime failed: $( $runtimeFailureCounter )" #Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security #----------------------------------------------- # FINISHING #----------------------------------------------- $processEnd = [datetime]::now $processDuration = New-TimeSpan -Start $processStart -End $processEnd Write-Log -Message "Done! Needed $( [int]$processDuration.TotalSeconds ) seconds in total" -Severity INFO |