Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable Strings -FileName Strings -ErrorAction Ignore # In PowerShell 6 a lot of field names are changed to fit .NET standards. This is why you should # avoid using reflection :) $instancePrefix = '' if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) { $instancePrefix = '_' } [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification='Module scope variable used in other files.')] $FIELD_REFERENCE = @{ adapter = "${instancePrefix}adapter" indexes = "${instancePrefix}indexes" # These haven't been changed yet, but probably will soon. Keeping it here so it's easy to fix. dotNetStaticAdapter = 'dotNetStaticAdapter' readOnly = 'readOnly' writeOnly = 'writeOnly' } # Include all function files. Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot\Public\*.ps1 | ForEach-Object { . $PSItem.FullName } # Export only the functions using PowerShell standard verb-noun naming. # Be sure to list each exported functions in the FunctionsToExport field of the module manifest file. # This improves performance of command discovery in PowerShell. Export-ModuleMember -Function *-* |