
# Localized data for en-US

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
CompareOpProgressCompleted=Compare operation completed!
CompareOpProgressMessage=Comparing file hash, source: {0}
DiscoveringFilesProgressCompleted=Discovering files completed!
DiscoveringFilesProgressMessage=Discovering files, from '{0}'
ErrorBasePathNotFound=Cannot find base path '{0}' because it does not exist.
ErrorInvalidArgument={0} parameter value is not valid
ErrorLoadingScript=There was an error loading '{0}': {1}
ErrorPathNotFound=Cannot find path '{0}' because it does not exist.
ErrorUtilityParameterRequired=To use {0} mode, the {1} parameter must be set correctly
ErrorUtilityPathNotFound={0} mode was selected, but path '{1}' does not exists!
ErrorUtilityPathNotValidFile={0} mode was selected, but path '{1}' is not a valid file!
ErrorUtilityValidateFileNotFound=File does not exist at this path: {0}
GenerateOpCounterProgressStatus=File {0} of {1}
GenerateOpProgressCompleted=Generate operation completed!
GenerateOpProgressMessage=Generating checksum, source: '{0}'
OpCompleted=Operation Complete!
PrintChecksumProgressCompleted=Printing the checksums completed!
PrintChecksumProgressMessage=Printing the checksums
ValidateOpProgressCompleted=Validate operation completed!
ValidateOpProgressMessage=Validating checksum file, source: '{0}'
ValidateOpProgressStatus=Running {0}
ValidationFailed=[ Fail ] {0} (Hash: {1}, Expected: {2})
ValidationPassed=[ Pass ] {0}
VerboseLoadingScript=Loading script file '{0}'.
VerboseMoreInfo=For more information use the -Verbose flag