Function Complete-SamlAuthentication { <# .SYNOPSIS Completes a saml authentication request .DESCRIPTION Complete the SAML authentication session against CyberArk Identity. This request utilizes the cookies returned after Start-SamlAuthentication. The CyberArk ISPSS tenant should respond and set additional cookies that are used for subsequent authentication. .PARAMETER LogonRequest The LogonRequest created via New-IDSession .EXAMPLE $LogonRequest | Complete-SamlAuthentication Complete the SAML authentication process, started by Start-SamlAuthentication. .NOTES Pete Maan 2023 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [hashtable]$LogonRequest ) process { #Setup request. This command will return html, so supress output/html error detection $Script:ExpectHtml = $true $LogonRequest['Method'] = 'GET' $LogonRequest['Uri'] = "$($ISPSSSession.tenant_url)/login" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ISPSSSession.tenant_url, 'Send Assertion')) { try { #Perform Start Authentication $IDSession = Invoke-IDRestMethod @LogonRequest #Output IDSession $IDSession } catch { throw $PSItem } } $Script:ExpectHtml = $false #TODO: Check if sucesful auth or error } } |