function Unprotect-Answer { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts securestrings collected to satisfy authentication challenges to plain text .DESCRIPTION During the authetication process, any input from the user is protected as a securestring value. To send these to the API in a format in which they can be read, they must be converted from the secure string value. This command allows this conversion to happen. .PARAMETER SecureString A SecureString value to convert .PARAMETER Hashtable A hashtable, containing securestring values to convert .EXAMPLE Unprotect-Answer $Answer Converts the securestring value contained in the $Answer variable .NOTES Pete Maan 2023 #> [CmdLetBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $False, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'SecureString' )] [System.Security.SecureString]$SecureString, [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $False, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Hashtable' )] [hashtable]$Hashtable ) Begin {} Process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'SecureString' { ConvertTo-InsecureString -SecureString $SecureString } 'Hashtable' { foreach ($key in @($Hashtable.keys)) { $Hashtable[$key] = ConvertTo-InsecureString -SecureString $Hashtable[$key] } $Hashtable } } } End {} } |