
Function Hide-SecretValue {
    Hide a secret value by converting it to "******"

    Matches a pattern in a JSON formatted string which is expected to contain a secret value.
    Replaces all secret values with "******", and returns a sanitised string.
    Enables a request body to be included in debug/verbose streams without exposing secret values.

    .PARAMETER InputValue
    JSON body of API request

    .PARAMETER SecretsToRemove
    Any additional JSON properties which should be sanitised.

    .PARAMETER Secrets
    Default JSON properties known to contain secrets

    Remove Secret Values from $String

    $String = [pscustomobject]@{
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    Hide-SecretValue -InputValue $String

        "Property": "Value",
        "Password": "******",
        "Secret": "******",
        "NewCredentials": "******",
        "NewPassword": "******",
        "BindPassword": "******",
        "InitialPassword": "******",
        "InnocentProperty": "SomeValue"


            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

            Mandatory = $false)]
        [array]$SecretsToRemove = @(),

            Mandatory = $false)]
        [array]$Secrets = @(

    BEGIN {



        $OutputValue = $InputValue

        #Combine base parameters and any additional parameters to remove
        ($SecretsToRemove + $Secrets) |

            ForEach-Object {

                #todo Refactor to support hide of answer hashtable
                $OutputValue = $OutputValue -replace "(`"$_`":).+(`",?)", "`$1 `"******`$2"



    END {

        #Return Output

