Function Clear-AdvanceAuthentication { <# .SYNOPSIS Performs Cleanup of actions performed during advance authentication stage .DESCRIPTION Sends request containing module scope variables for SessionID & TenantId to the CleanupAuthentication API. This clears the incomplete authentication session. .EXAMPLE Clear-AdvanceAuthentication Clears the current in-progress authenitcation session .NOTES Pete Maan 2023 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param() Begin { $LogonRequest = @{} } Process { $Body = @{ TenantId = $Script:TenantId SessionId = $Script:SessionId } $LogonRequest['Uri'] = "$Script:tenant_url/Security/CleanupAuthentication" $LogonRequest['Method'] = 'POST' $LogonRequest['Body'] = $Body | ConvertTo-Json if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:SessionId, 'Clear Authentication Session')) { Invoke-IDRestMethod @LogonRequest | Out-Null } } End {} } |