

    CyberArk Identity API PowerShell Module

    IdentityCommand is a PowerShell module that provides a set of easy-to-use commands,
    allowing you to interact with the API for a CyberArk Identity tenant from within the PowerShell environment.

    IdentityCommand enables a user to issue commands to be executed against CyberArk Identity from either a PowerShell console or script.


    An example command to initiate authentication to a specified tenant is shown here:

    PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential
    PS C:\> New-IDSession -tenant_url https://some.tenant.cyberark.cloud -Credential $Credential

    This allows initial authentication to progress as well as selection and answer of any required MFA challenges.

    Once successfully authenticated, all IdentityCommand module commands which require an authenticated session can be used from within the same PowerShell session.

    #### GetBearerToken Method

    You may have a scenario where you want to use APIs for which we have not yet developed, built or published module commands.

    The GetBearerToken method of the object returned on successful authentication can be invoked to obtain a bearer token to be used for further requests.

    PS C:\> $Session = New-IDSession -tenant_url https://some.tenant.cyberark.cloud -Credential $Credential
    PS C:\> $Session.GetBearerToken()

    Name Value
    ---- -----
    Authorization Bearer eyPhbSciPiJEUzT1NEIsInR5cCI6IkpXYZ...

    GetWebSession Method

    The GetWebSession method can be used in a similar way to GetBearerToken, but the websession object for the authenticated session is returned instead of a Bearer token.

    PS C:\> $Session = New-IDSession -tenant_url https://some.tenant.cyberark.cloud -Credential $Credential
    PS C:\> $session.GetWebSession()

    Headers : {[accept, */*], [X-IDAP-NATIVE-CLIENT, True]}
    Cookies : System.Net.CookieContainer
    UseDefaultCredentials : False
    Credentials :
    Certificates :
    UserAgent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0; en-GB) WindowsPowerShell/5.1.22621.1778
    Proxy :
    MaximumRedirection : -1

    The Websession can be used for any further requests you require.

    PS C:\> $Websession = $session.GetWebSession()
    PS C:\> Invoke-RestMethod -WebSession $websession `
    -Method Post `
    -Uri https://somedomain.id.cyberark.cloud `
    -Body @{SomeProperty = 'SomeValue'} | ConvertTo-Json

