
#Add required assemblies
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing, WindowsBase, PresentationCore

#Add Win32 API Functions
Add-Type -Namespace Win32API -Name Icon -MemberDefinition @'
    [DllImport("Shell32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
    public static extern int ExtractIconEx(string lpszFile, int nIconIndex, out IntPtr phiconLarge, out IntPtr phiconSmall, int nIcons);
    [DllImport("gdi32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
    public static extern bool DeleteObject(IntPtr hObject);

Function Get-IconFromFile {
    Gets icons from .exe, .dll, and icon files
    Get-IconFromFile retrieves icons from .exe, .dll, and icon files. If the file contains more than one, you can specify the index of the icon with the Index parameter.
    By default the command retrieves the small version of the icons, but it can return the large version, if they exist, by using the LargeIcon switch.
    The path to the file containing the icon to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER Index
    The index of the icon if the file contains more than one.
    .PARAMETER LargeIcon
    Specifies that the large version should be retrieved.
    Get-IconFromFile accepts string objects of file paths to the Path parameter binding to the Path property.
    Get-IconFromFile outputs a System.Drawing.Icon object representing the icon.
    PS C:> Get-IconFromFile -Path setupapi.dll -Index 21
    This command will retrieve the small icon located in the setupapi.dll file located at the 21st index.
    PS C:> Get-IconFromFile -Path setupapi.dll -Index 21 -LargeIcon
    This command will retrieve the large icon located in the setupapi.dll file located at the 21st index.
    The basis for this command came from a post by Kazun on the forum http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/winserverpowershell/thread/16444c7a-ad61-44a7-8c6f-b8d619381a27





    Process {
        foreach ($p in $Path) {
            #Initialize variables for reference conversion
            $large,$small = 0,0

            #Call Win32 API Function for handles
            [Win32API.Icon]::ExtractIconEx($p, $Index, [ref]$large, [ref]$small, 1) | Out-Null

            #If large icon desired store large handle, default to small handle
            $handle = if ($LargeIcon) {$large} else {$small}
            #Get the icon from the handle
            if ($handle) {

            #If the handles are valid, delete them for good memory practice
            $large, $small, $handle | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {[Win32API.Icon]::DeleteObject($_)} | Out-Null

Function Get-AssociatedIcon {
    Gets the icon associated with a program or file.
    Get-AssociatedIcon retrieves the icon that Windows associates with that program or file.
    The path to the file containing the image to retrieve.
    Get-AssociatedIcon accepts string objects of file paths to the Path parameter binding to the Path property.
    Get-AssociatedIcon outputs a System.Drawing.Icon object representing the icon.
    PS C:> Get-AssociatedIcon -Path C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
    This command will retrieve the icon associated with the PowerShell program.



    Process {
        foreach ($p in $Path) {

Function Get-ImageSourceFromFile {
    Gets ImageSource object from a bitmap file to be used as an icon.
    Get-ImageSourceFromFile gets an ImageSource object from a bitmap file to use as an icon. The Path parameter can accept file paths, network shares, or web addresses, as long as the destination is a bitmap image, such as a .png or .ico.
    The path to the file containing the bitmap image to retrieve.
    Get-ImageSourceFromFile accepts string objects of URI paths to the Path parameter binding to the Path property.
    Get-ImageSourceFromFile outputs a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage object representing the bitmap image.
    PS C:> Get-ImageSourceFromFile -Path C:\SomeIconFile.ico
    This command will retrieve the ImageSource object from the bitmap file.



    Process {
        foreach ($p in $Path) {
            New-Object System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage -ArgumentList $p

Function ConvertTo-ImageSource {
    Converts a System.Drawing.Icon into a System.Windows.Interop.InteropBitmap.
    ConvertTo-ImageSource converts a System.Drawing.Icon, which are used in Windows Forms applications, into a System.Windows.InteropBitmap, a descendent of the ImageSource class used by icons for WPF applications.
    The icon to convert into an ImageSource
    ConvertTo-ImageSource accepts System.Drawing.Icon objects to the Icon parameter binding to the Icon property.
    ConvertTo-ImageSource outputs a System.Windows.Interop.InteropBitmap object representing the bitmap image.
    PS C:> ConvertTo-ImageSource -Icon $Form.Icon
    This command will convert the icon used in the Windows Form $Form into an ImageSource derived bitmap image that can be used in WPF applications.
    PS C:> Get-IconFromFile -Path setupapi.dll -Index 21 | ConvertTo-ImageSource
    This command will get the icon at index 21 from the setupapi.dll and then convert it to an ImageSource derived bitmap image that can be used in WPF applications.


    Process {
        foreach ($i in $Icon) {
                (New-Object System.Windows.Int32Rect -Args 0,0,$i.Width, $i.Height),

New-Alias -Name gif -Value Get-IconFromFile
New-Alias -Name gai -Value Get-AssociatedIcon
New-Alias -Name gisf -Value Get-ImageSourceFromFile
New-Alias -Name ctis -Value ConvertTo-ImageSource