############################################################################## # Export Mapi Permissions # V0.1 04.10.2021 - Initial Version - Andres Bohren # V0.2 10.03.2022 - Updates and Cleaning Code - Andres Bohren # V0.3 28.12.2022 - Updates and Cleaning Code - Andres Bohren ############################################################################## Function Export-MAPIPermission { <# .SYNOPSIS Simple way for Exporting MAPI Permissions to a CSV File (with ";" separator) .DESCRIPTION Export MAPI Permissions Export-MAPIPermission -Mailbox john.doe@yourdomain.com -FilePath C:\temp\john.doe.txt .PARAMETER Mailbox The MAPI Permission for all Folders of the Mailbox will be exportet .PARAMETER FilePath Full File Path to a File "C:\temp\john.doe.txt" .EXAMPLE Export-MAPIPermission -Mailbox john.doe@yourdomain.com -FilePath C:\temp\john.doe.txt #> param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$Mailbox, [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$FilePath ) #Check Exchange Online Connection $Return = Test-ExchangeConnection If ($Return -eq $false) { Write-host "Not connected to Exchange or Exchange Online. Please connect first to Exchange or Exchange Online." -ForegroundColor Red Break } #Check PARAMETER Filepath $Directory = Split-Path $filepath -Parent If ((Test-Path $Directory )-eq $false) { Write-Host "Filepath Directory does not exist" -ForegroundColor Red Break } else { #Check if File exists If ((Test-Path $filepath) -eq $true) { #File alredy Exists Write-Host "File already exists." -ForegroundColor Yellow $readhost = Read-Host "Do you like to overwrite the File? (y/n)[n]?" if ($readhost -eq "n") { #Stop Script Break } } } #Check if Mailbox Exists If ($Null -eq (Get-Mailbox -Identity $Mailbox -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { #No Mailbox found Write-Host "Mailbox not found" -ForegroundColor Red Break } #Get the Mailboxfolders Write-Host "Getting folders..." $folderstats = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $Mailbox | Where-Object {$_.FolderType -ne "Audits" -AND $_.FolderType -ne "CalendarLogging" -AND $_.FolderType -NotLike "Recoverable*"} #Create file to write in $sw = new-object system.IO.StreamWriter($FilePath,0) $sw.writeline("Mailbox;Trustee;AccessRights") foreach ($Line in $folderstats) { #If the Folder is in the root directory if ($Line.FolderType -eq "Root") { $foldername = $Line.Identity.replace($Line.Identity, $Mailbox + ":\") } else { $foldername = $Line.Identity.replace($Mailbox,$Mailbox +":") } [string]$foldername = $foldername -replace([char]63743,"/") Write-Host "Working on Folder: $foldername" $folderpermissions = Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "$foldername" foreach ($fp in $folderpermissions) { #if default user if ($Null -eq $fp.user.adrecipient) { $Trustee = $fp.user.DisplayName $accessrights = $fp.accessrights } else { $Trustee = $fp.user.adrecipient.userprincipalname $accessrights = $fp.accessrights } #Write into File $sw.writeline("$foldername;$Trustee;$accessrights") } } #Cleanup $sw.close() $sw.dispose() $readhost = Read-Host "Do you like to open the exported File? (y/n)[n]?" if ($readhost -eq "y") { Invoke-Item $FilePath } Else { Write-Host "Please check $FilePath" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } |