function Test-Replication { <# .SYNOPSIS Perform a user based test to ensure Replication is working. You must know at least two of the replication partners .DESCRIPTION Perform a user based test to ensure Replication is working. You must know at least two of the replication partners .PARAMETER FilePath Name of the file to test. Format as a txt file with starting with the '\' .PARAMETER DfsrServers Two or more of the replication partner's Net Bios Name .PARAMETER test Test is a switch that is used for testing the script locally. Will be removed in the future. .EXAMPLE Test-Replication -DfsrServers Server1, Server2, Server3 -FilePath \folder-1\test-date.txt DFSR Replication Test Server1 Status: Good Message Replicated: 2/17/2020 08:16:06 - MyUserName Tested replication of this file from Workstation-11 File Path: \\Server1\Folder-1\test-date.txt Server2 Status: Failed Message Replicated: 2/17/2020 08:16:06 - MyUserName Tested replication of this file from Workstation-11 File Path: \\Server2\Folder-1\test-date.txt Server3 Status: File Missing Message Replicated: 2/17/2020 08:16:06 - MyUserName Tested replication of this file from Workstation-11 File Path: \\Server3\Folder-1\test-date.txt Good: The file has been replicated Failed: The file has not replicated File Missing: is just that The file contents will look like: 12/15/2019 10:01:00 - MyUserName Tested replication of this file from Workstation-11 12/15/2019 10:03:48 - MyUserName Tested replication of this file from Workstation-11 2/17/2020 08:16:06 - MyUserName Tested replication of this file from Workstation-11 .NOTES Place additional notes here. .LINK URLs to related sites The first link is opened by Get-Help -Online Test-Replication .INPUTS List of Server names and file path .OUTPUTS Screen and file #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory ,HelpMessage = 'Enter a file and path name. Example "\Sharename\Filename.log"')] #Reserve for PS ver 6 - [ValidatePattern('(\\[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{1,}){1,}[\$]{0,1}',ErrorMessage = 'The pattern needs to be \Sharename\Filename')] [ValidatePattern('(\\[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{1,}){1,}[\$]{0,1}')] [String]$FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'DFSR path to test files separated by comma', Position = 0)] [ValidateCount(2,5)] [String[]]$DfsrServers, [Switch]$test ) BEGIN { <# Testing $DfsrServers = 'Localhost', 'LENOVA-11' $FilePath = '\Folder-1\test-date.txt' $Server = 'Localhost' Testing #> # Time Delay used for the amount of time to wait for replication to occur [int]$TimeDelay = 30 # Getting the first server in the list $FirstDfsrServer = $DfsrServers[0] # Creating the Path $TestFilePath = ('\\{0}{1}' -f $FirstDfsrServer, $FilePath) # Results storage hash table $Results = [ordered]@{} # Messages hash table $UserMessages = @{ Msg1 = 'Good: The file has been replicated' Msg2 = 'Failed: The file has not replicated' Msg3 = 'File Missing: is just that' OutputTitle = 'DFSR Replication Test' } function Test-ModeNow { <# .SYNOPSIS Test-ModeNow is trigger by the "Test" switch. It is used for testing the script locally. Will be removed in the future. #> $tempfilepath = '.\Folder-2\test-date.txt' if($TestFilePath.Length -gt 0) { #$fileProperty = Get-ItemProperty $TestFilePath | Select-Object -Property * $null = Copy-Item -Path $TestFilePath -Destination $tempfilepath $null = New-Item -Path $TestFilePath -ItemType File -Force } $copiedFile = Get-ItemProperty -Path $tempfilepath | Select-Object -Property * if($copiedFile.Length -gt 0) { $null = Copy-Item -Path $tempfilepath -Destination $TestFilePath -Force } } function Get-TimeStamp { <# .SYNOPSIS Time stamp in format - 2/17/2020 10:56:12 #> Write-Debug -Message 'function Get-TimeStamp' $(Get-Date -Format G) } function Save-Results { <# .SYNOPSIS Consolidated Results #> param ( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $TimeStamp = (Get-TimeStamp), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Server, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Status, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ReplicaStatement, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ServerShareFile ) Write-Debug -Message ('function Save-Results - Server: {0}' -f $Server) Write-Debug -Message ('function Save-Results - Status: {0}' -f $Status) Write-Debug -Message ('function Save-Results - Statement: {0}' -f $ReplicaStatement) Write-Debug -Message ('function Save-Results - File Share Path: {0}' -f $ServerShareFile) $script:Results = @{} $Results.$Server = [ordered]@{} $Results.Item($Server).Add('Status',$Status) $Results.Item($Server).Add('Time',$ReplicaStatement) $Results.Item($Server).Add('Path',$ServerShareFile) } } PROCESS { Write-Debug -Message ('Time: {0}' -f $TimeDelay) $TimeStamp = Get-TimeStamp Write-Debug -Message ('Date Time: {0}' -f $TimeStamp) $ReplicaStatement = ('{0} - {1} initiated the replication test of this file from {2}' -f $TimeStamp, $env:username, $env:COMPUTERNAME) Write-Debug -Message ('Date Time User Stamp: {0}' -f $ReplicaStatement) #$ReplicaStatement = ('{0} - {1}' -f $DateTime, $env:username) $ReplicaStatement | Out-File -FilePath $TestFilePath -Append #Single host testing if ($test) { Test-ModeNow } foreach($Server in $DfsrServers) { $i = 0 Write-Debug -Message ('foreach Server Loop - Server: {0}' -f $Server) Write-Debug -Message ('foreach Server Loop - File path: {0}' -f $FilePath) Write-Debug -Message ('foreach Server Loop - Reset $i to: {0}' -f $i) $ServerShareFile = ('\\{0}{1}' -f $Server, $FilePath) Write-Debug -Message ('foreach Server Loop - Server Share File: {0}' -f $ServerShareFile) If(Test-Path -Path $ServerShareFile) { $StopTime = (Get-Date).AddSeconds($TimeDelay) while($((Get-Date) -le $StopTime)) { Write-Progress -Activity ('Testing {0}' -f $FilePath) -PercentComplete ($i / $TimeDelay*100) Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $i++ #Single host testing if ($test) { Test-ModeNow } $FileTest = $(Get-Content -Path $ServerShareFile | Select-String -Pattern $ReplicaStatement) Write-Debug -Message ('File test returns: {0}' -f $FileTest) If($FileTest) { break } } if($FileTest) { $TimeStamp = Get-TimeStamp Save-Results -TimeStamp $TimeStamp -Server $Server -Status Good -ReplicaStatement $ReplicaStatement -ServerShareFile $ServerShareFile } else { $TimeStamp = Get-TimeStamp Save-Results -TimeStamp $TimeStamp -Server $Server -Status Failed -ReplicaStatement $ReplicaStatement -ServerShareFile $ServerShareFile } } Else { $TimeStamp = Get-TimeStamp Save-Results -TimeStamp $TimeStamp -Server $Server -Status 'File Missing' -ReplicaStatement $ReplicaStatement -ServerShareFile $ServerShareFile } } } END { Write-Output -InputObject ("{1} - {0}`n" -f $UserMessages.OutputTitle, $TimeStamp) foreach($DfsrPartner in $Results.Keys) { $Server = $Results[$DfsrPartner] " {0}`n - Status: {1} `n - Replicated Statement: {2}`n - File Path: {3}`n`n" -f $DfsrPartner, $Server.Status, $Server.Time, $Server.Path } Write-Output -InputObject ("{0}`n{1}`n{2}" -f $UserMessages.Msg1, $UserMessages.Msg2, $UserMessages.Msg3) } } # Test-Replication -DfsrServers 'Localhost', $env:COMPUTERNAME -FilePath \Folder-1\test-date.txt -test -Debug # SIG # Begin signature block # MIID/AYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIID7TCCA+kCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUgyXWqei1X4FQIGO0LTXj7WVR # mj2gggIRMIICDTCCAXagAwIBAgIQapk6cNSgeKlJl3aFtKq3jDANBgkqhkiG9w0B # AQUFADAhMR8wHQYDVQQDDBZLbmFyclN0dWRpb1NpZ25pbmdDZXJ0MB4XDTIwMDIx # OTIyMTUwM1oXDTI0MDIxOTAwMDAwMFowITEfMB0GA1UEAwwWS25hcnJTdHVkaW9T # aWduaW5nQ2VydDCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEAxtuEswl88jvC # o69/eD6Rtr5pZikUTNGtI2LqT1a3CZ8F6BCC1tp0+ftZLppxueX/BKVBPTTSg/7t # f5nkGMFIvbabMiYtfWTPr6L32B4SIZayruDkVETRH74RzG3i2xHNMThZykUWsekN # jAer+/a2o7F7G6A/GlH8kan4MGjo1K0CAwEAAaNGMEQwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYB # BQUHAwMwHQYDVR0OBBYEFGp363bIyuwL4FI0q36S/8cl5MOBMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQE # AwIHgDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOBgQBkVkTuk0ySiG3DYg0dKBQaUqI8aKssFv8T # WNo23yXKUASrgjVl1iAt402AQDHE3aR4OKv/7KIIHYaiFTX5yQdMFoCyhXGop3a5 # bmipv/NjwGWsYrCq9rX2uTuNpUmvQ+0hM3hRzgZ+M2gmjCT/Pgvia/LJiHuF2SlA # 7wXAuVRh8jGCAVUwggFRAgEBMDUwITEfMB0GA1UEAwwWS25hcnJTdHVkaW9TaWdu # aW5nQ2VydAIQapk6cNSgeKlJl3aFtKq3jDAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoHgwGAYKKwYBBAGC # NwIBDDEKMAigAoAAoQKAADAZBgkqhkiG9w0BCQMxDAYKKwYBBAGCNwIBBDAcBgor # BgEEAYI3AgELMQ4wDAYKKwYBBAGCNwIBFTAjBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxFgQUwz1xrGDt # IotC6bQYnHzW0+xPTpowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEgYAN9d9ktKntCjo/3Kh0naXG # DhPLv+R49TMe/3vrbj6r7ZGo3/A72/LB0imjbdDK+XrUQnjhwPiob6AuwEMPlZDg # 3KYzJ3UI9En6olWY8UrWD20oFh8zRmr0ysJ4AqNfRNQ57wT2pCZeg+ZPoKQ+hBgg # QkmznBAShUcfxlBEu9RDVA== # SIG # End signature block |