
#requires -Version 3.0
function Test-AdWorkstationConnections
      Pulls a list of computers from AD and then 'pings' them.
      Pulls a list of computers from AD based on the searchbase you pass and stores them in a csv file. Then it reads the file and 'pings' each name in the file. If the computer does not respond, it will log it into another csv file report.
      .PARAMETER ADSearchBase
      Defines where you want to search such as - 'OU=Clients-Desktop,OU=Computers,DC=Knarrstudio,DC=net'
      .PARAMETER WorkstationReportFolder
      This is the folder where you want the output to be stored such as - '\\server\share\Reports\WorkstationReport' or 'c:\temp'
      .PARAMETER OutputFileName
      The name of the file. Actually base name of the file. Passing 'AdDesktop' will result in the following file names - '20191112-1851-AdDesktop_List.csv' and '20191112-1851-AdDesktop_Report.csv'
      .PARAMETER Bombastic
      Is a synonym for verose. It doesn't quite do verbose, but gives you an output to the screen. Without it you only the the report. Does you verbose when running as a job.
      Test-AdWorkstationConnections -ADSearchBase Value -WorkstationReportFolder Value -OutputFileName Value -Bombastic
      This will give you two files a list and a report. Plus it will give you a count of the computers found and reported with a link the report file.
      Place additional notes here.
      URLs to related sites
      None other than the parameters
      The default information in the help file will produce the following:
      ------------------ Bombasistic Output ----------
      Total workstations found in AD: 32
      Total workstations not responding: 5
      This test was run by myusername from Workstation-1
      You can find the full report at: \\server\share\Reports\WorkstationReport\20191112-1851-AdDesktop_Report.csv

  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
    $ADSearchBase = 'OU=Clients-Desktop,OU=Computers,DC=Knarrstudio,DC=net',
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
    $WorkstationReportFolder = "$env:temp\Reports\WorkstationReport",

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
    $OutputFileName = 'AdDesktop',
  $i = 1
  $BadCount = 0
  $DateNow = Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d-%H%M
  $OutputFileNameReport = ('{0}\{1}-{2}_Report.csv' -f $WorkstationReportFolder, $DateNow, $OutputFileName)
  $WorkstationSiteList = ('{0}\{1}-{2}_List.csv' -f $WorkstationReportFolder, $DateNow, $OutputFileName)
  if(!(Test-Path -Path $WorkstationReportFolder))
    New-Item -Path $WorkstationReportFolder -ItemType Directory
  if((Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory))
    Get-ADComputer -filter * -SearchBase $ADSearchBase -Properties * |
    Select-Object -Property Name, LastLogonDate, Description |
    Sort-Object -Property LastLogonDate -Descending |
    Export-Csv -Path $WorkstationSiteList -NoTypeInformation
    $OutputFileName = (Get-ChildItem -Path $OutputFileName |
      Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime |
    Select-Object -Last 1).Name
    $WorkstationSiteList = ('{0}\{1}' -f $WorkstationReportFolder, $OutputFileName)
    Write-Warning -Message ('This is being run using the AD report from {0}' -f $OutputFileName)
  $WorkstationList = Import-Csv -Path $WorkstationSiteList -Header Name
  $TotalWorkstations = $WorkstationList.count -1
  if($TotalWorkstations -gt 0)
    foreach($OneWorkstation in $WorkstationList)
      $WorkstationName = $OneWorkstation.Name
      if ($WorkstationName -ne 'Name')
        Write-Progress -Activity ('Testing {0}' -f $WorkstationName) -PercentComplete ($i / $TotalWorkstations*100)
        $Ping = Test-Connection -ComputerName $WorkstationName -Count 1 -Quiet
        if($Ping -ne 'True')
          $BadCount ++
          $WorkstationProperties = Get-ADComputer -Identity $WorkstationName -Properties * | Select-Object -Property Name, LastLogonDate, Description
          if($BadCount -eq 1)
            $WorkstationProperties | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFileNameReport -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation
            $WorkstationProperties | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFileNameReport -NoTypeInformation -Append
  if ($Bombastic)
    Write-Host -Object ('Total workstations found in AD: {0}' -f $TotalWorkstations) -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host -Object ('Total workstations not responding: {0}' -f $BadCount) -ForegroundColor Red
    Write-Host -Object "This test was run by $env:USERNAME from $env:COMPUTERNAME"
    Write-Host -Object ('You can find the full report at: {0}' -f $OutputFileNameReport)

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