#Requires -Modules Pester # Obtain name of this module by parsing name of test file (ITGlueAPI\Tests\ITGlueAPI.Tests.ps1) $ThisModule = $PSCommandPath -replace '\.Tests\.ps1$' $ThisModuleName = $ThisModule | Split-Path -Leaf # Obtain path of the module based on location of test file (ITGlueAPI\Tests\ITGlueAPI.Tests.ps1) $ThisModulePath = Split-Path (Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath) -Parent # Make sure one or multiple versions of the module are not loaded Get-Module -Name $ThisModuleName | Remove-Module # Credit - borrowed with care from http://www.lazywinadmin.com/2016/05/using-pester-to-test-your-manifest-file.html and modified as needed # Manifest file path $ManifestFile = "$ThisModulePath\$ThisModuleName.psd1" # Import the module and store the information about the module $ModuleInformation = Import-module -Name $ManifestFile -PassThru # Internal Files $InternalDirectoryFiles = ( 'APIKey.ps1', 'BaseURI.ps1', 'ModuleSettings.ps1' ) # Resource Files $ResourceDirectoryFiles = ( 'Attachments.ps1', 'ConfigurationInterfaces.ps1', 'Configurations.ps1', 'ConfigurationStatuses.ps1', 'ConfigurationTypes.ps1', 'Contacts.ps1', 'ContactTypes.ps1', 'Countries.ps1', 'Documents.ps1', 'Domains.ps1', 'Expirations.ps1', 'FlexibleAssetFields.ps1', 'FlexibleAssets.ps1', 'FlexibleAssetTypes.ps1', 'Groups.ps1', 'Locations.ps1', 'Manufacturers.ps1', 'Models.ps1', 'OperatingSystems.ps1', 'Organizations.ps1', 'OrganizationStatuses.ps1', 'OrganizationTypes.ps1', 'PasswordCategories.ps1', 'Passwords.ps1', 'Platforms.ps1', 'Regions.ps1', 'UserMetrics.ps1', 'Users.ps1' ) # Manifest Elements $ManifestFileElements = ( 'RootModule', 'Author', 'CompanyName', 'Description', 'Copyright', 'PowerShellVersion', 'NestedModules', 'HelpInfoURI' ) Describe "Module Tests" { Context "Test $ThisModuleName Module" { It "has the root module $ThisModuleName.psm1" { "$ThisModulePath\$ThisModuleName.psm1" | Should Exist } Context "Test Manifest File (.psd1)"{ It "Should pass Test-ModuleManifest" { $errors = $null $errors = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ThisModulePath\$ThisModuleName.psd1 -ErrorAction Stop $errors.Count | Should Be 1 } # Credit - borrowed with care from http://www.lazywinadmin.com/2016/05/using-pester-to-test-your-manifest-file.html and modified as needed ForEach ($ManifestFileElement in $ManifestFileElements) { It "Should contains $ManifestFileElement"{ $ModuleInformation.$ManifestFileElement | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } } } It "$ThisModuleName\Resources directory has functions" { "$ThisModulePath\Resources\*.ps1" | Should Exist } # TODO - Only checking one file currently It "$ThisModuleName is valid PowerShell code" { $psFile = Get-Content -Path "$ThisModulePath\$ThisModuleName.psm1" -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psfile, [ref]$errors) $errors.Count | Should Be 0 } } # Check that Internal files exist ForEach ($InternalFile in $InternalDirectoryFiles) { Context "Test $InternalFile Internal File in .\Internal directory" { It "$InternalFile should exist" { "$ThisModulePath\Internal\$InternalFile" | Should Exist } It "$InternalFile is valid PowerShell code" { $psFile = Get-Content -Path "$ThisModulePath\Internal\$InternalFile" -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psfile, [ref]$errors) $errors.Count | Should Be 0 } # Test for test files $InternalFileTest = $InternalFile -replace '\.ps1$' It "$InternalFileTest.Tests.ps1 should exist" { "$InternalFileTest.Tests.ps1" | Should Exist } } } # Check that Resource files exist ForEach ($ResourceFile in $ResourceDirectoryFiles) { Context "Test $ResourceFile Resource File in .\Resources directory" { It "$ResourceFile should exist" { "$ThisModulePath\Resources\$ResourceFile" | Should Exist } It "$ResourceFile is valid PowerShell code" { $psFile = Get-Content -Path "$ThisModulePath\Resources\$ResourceFile" -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psfile, [ref]$errors) $errors.Count | Should Be 0 } } # TODO - add tests to check for tests files } Context "PowerShell $ThisModuleName Import Test" { # Credit - borrowed with care from https://github.com/TheMattCollins0/MattTools/blob/master/Tests/ModuleImport.Tests.ps1 and modified as needed It "Should import PowerShell $ThisModuleName succesfully" { Import-Module -Name $ThisModulePath -ErrorVariable ImportError $ImportError | Should Be $null } } } |