Function Get-ASTProfile { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Enter the path of a PowerShell script")] [ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})] [ValidatePattern( "\.(ps1|psm1|txt)$")] [String]$Path = $(Read-Host "Enter the filename and path to a PowerShell script"), [ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})] [Alias("fp", "out")] [String]$FilePath = "$env:userprofile\Documents\WindowsPowerShell" ) Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #region setup profiling #need to resolve full path and convert it $Path = (Resolve-Path -Path $Path).Path | Convert-Path Write-Verbose "Analyzing $Path" Write-Verbose "Parsing File for AST" New-Variable $AstTokens -force New-Variable astErr -force $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Path, [ref]$AstTokens, [ref]$astErr) #endregion #region generate AST data #include PowerShell version information Write-Verbose "PSVersionTable" Write-Verbose ($PSVersionTable | Out-String) if ($AST.ScriptRequirements) { $requirements = ($AST.ScriptRequirements | Out-String).Trim() } else { $requirements = "-->None detected" } if ($AST.ParamBlock.Parameters ) { Write-Verbose "Parameters detected" $FoundParams = $(($AST.ParamBlock.Parameters | Select-Object Name, DefaultValue, StaticType, Attributes | Format-List | Out-String).Trim() ) } else { $FoundParams = "-->None detected. Parameters for nested commands not tested." } #define the report text $report = @" This is an analysis of a PowerShell script or module. Analysis will most likely NOT be 100% thorough. "@ Write-Verbose "Getting requirements and parameters" $report += @" REQUIREMENTS $requirements PARAMETERS $FoundParams "@ Write-Verbose "Getting all command elements" $commands = @() $unresolved = @() $genericCommands = $AstTokens | Where-Object {$_.TokenFlags -eq 'commandname' -AND $_.kind -eq 'generic'} $aliases = $AstTokens | Where-Object {$_.TokenFlags -eq 'commandname' -AND $_.kind -eq 'identifier'} Write-Verbose "Parsing commands" foreach ($command in $genericCommands) { Try { $commands += Get-Command -Name $command.text -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $unresolved += $command.Text } } foreach ($command in $aliases) { Try { $commands += Get-Command -Name $command.text -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { #get the resolved command Get-Command -Name $_.Definition } } Catch { $unresolved += $command.Text } } Write-Verbose "All commands" $report += @" ALL COMMANDS All possible PowerShell commands. This list may not be complete or even correct. $(($Commands | Sort-Object -Unique | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim()) "@ Write-Verbose "Unresolved commands" if ($unresolved) { $UnresolvedText = $Unresolved | Sort-Object -Unique | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String } else { $UnresolvedText = "-->None detected" } $report += @" UNRESOLVED These commands may be called from nested commands or unknown modules. $UnresolvedText "@ Write-Verbose "Potentially dangerous commands" #identify dangerous commands $danger = "Remove", "Stop", "Disconnect", "Suspend", "Block", "Disable", "Deny", "Unpublish", "Dismount", "Reset", "Resize", "Rename", "Redo", "Lock", "Hide", "Clear" $danger = $commands | Where-Object {$danger -contains $_.verb} | Sort-Object Name | Get-Unique if ($danger) { $DangerCommands = $($danger | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() } else { $DangerCommands = "-->None detected" } #get type names, some of which may come from parameters Write-Verbose "TypeNames" $TypeTokens = $AstTokens | Where-Object {$_.TokenFlags -eq 'TypeName'} if ($TypeTokens ) { $foundTypes = $TypeTokens | Sort-Object @{expression = {$_.text.ToUpper()}} -unique | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Text | ForEach-Object { "[$_]"} | Out-String } else { $foundTypes = "-->None detected" } $report += @" TYPENAMES These are identified .NET type names that might be used as accelerators. $foundTypes "@ $report += @" WARNING These are potentially dangerous commands. $DangerCommands "@ #endregion Write-Verbose "Display results" #region create and display the result #create a help topic file using the script basename $basename = (Get-Item $Path).basename #stored in the Documents folder $reportFile = Join-Path -Path $FilePath -ChildPath "ABOUT_$" Write-Verbose "Saving report to $reportFile" #insert the Topic line so help recognizes it @" TOPIC about $basename profile "@ |Out-File -FilePath $reportFile -Encoding ascii #create the report @" SHORT DESCRIPTION Script Profile report for: $Path "@ | Out-File -FilePath $reportFile -Encoding ascii -Append @" LONG DESCRIPTION $report "@ | Out-File -FilePath $reportFile -Encoding ascii -Append #view the report with Notepad Notepad $reportFile #endregion Write-Verbose "Profiling complete." } #end of function |