#convert selected text into a multi-line comment Function ConvertTo-MultiLineComment { [CmdletBinding()] Param([String]$Text = $psISE.CurrentFile.Editor.SelectedText) if ($text -match '^<#' -AND $text -match '#>$') { Write-Warning 'Selected text already appears to be a multiline comment' } elseif ($text -match '^#') { #strip off # in text $text = $text.Replace('#', '') $replace = "<#`n$text`n#>" } else { $replace = @" <# $Text #> "@ } #else if ($replace) { $psISE.CurrentFile.editor.InsertText($replace) } } #end function Function ConvertFrom-MultiLineComment { [CmdletBinding()] Param([String]$Text = $psISE.CurrentFile.Editor.SelectedText) #trim off leading and trailing spaces $MyText = $Text.Trim() if ($MyText.StartsWith('<#') -AND $MyText.EndsWith('#>')) { #get everything between the first 2 and last 2 characters $replace = $myText.Substring(2, $MyText.length - 4) #insert a #character [string[]]$newText = $replace.split("`n") | Select-Object -Skip 1 -First ($MyText.Split("`n").count - 2) | ForEach-Object { ("#$_").Trim() } $psISE.CurrentFile.editor.InsertText(($newText.trim() | Out-String)) } else { Write-Warning 'Could not detect that selected text is a multiline comment' } } #end function |