function Invoke-IISRFBaseline { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes the IIS Request Filtering Baseline module. .DESCRIPTION Builds Logparser query files based on input parameters and stores them in the WorkingDirectory as lp_query_RF-Setting.sql. Logparser query files are then launched with the results stored in the WorkingDirectory as lp_results_RF-Setting.csv. Output files are in CSV allowing easy import to spreadsheets, scripting languages, or charting apps. .md files correspond to each setting providing details. .EXAMPLE Invoke-IISRFBaseline -WorkingDirectory 'D:\WorkingFolder\' -IISLogPath 'D:\inetpub\Logfiles\logs\' -WebsiteContentPath '\\server.contoso.com\website\' -Sitename 'W3SVC3' .EXAMPLE Invoke-IISRFBaseline -LogparserPath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\' -WorkingDirectory 'D:\WorkingFolder\' -IISLogPath 'D:\inetpub\Logfiles\logs\' -WebsiteContentPath '\\server.contoso.com\website\' -Sitename 'W3SVC3' .INPUTS None. .LINK https://github.com/phbits/IISRFBaseline #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('System.IO.File')] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -LiteralPath $_})] [System.String] # Path to working directory (Read/Write Access). $WorkingDirectory , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] # Path to IIS logs (Read Access). $IISLogPath , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] # Path to Website Content (Read Access) $WebsiteContentPath , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] # IIS Website Sitename (Example: W3SVC). See FAQ for details. $Sitename , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch] # Exclude HTTP response codes 300, 301, and 302 from results. $ExcludeRedirects , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] # Folder where Logparser.exe and Logparser.dll resides (Read/Exec). $LogparserPath ) Write-Verbose -Message 'Begin input validation' $InputOK = $false if(Validate-WorkingDirectory -WorkingDir $WorkingDirectory) { if(Validate-LogParser -Path $LogparserPath) { if(Validate-Sitename -Sitename $Sitename) { if(Validate-WebsiteContentPath -Path $WebsiteContentPath) { $InputOK = Validate-IISLogs -Path $IISLogPath } } } } if($InputOK) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Input validation succeeded.' Write-Verbose -Message 'Variables set:' if($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'].IsPresent) { $GlobalVariables = Get-Variable -Name "IISRFB_*" | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String [string[]]$GlobalVariablesArray = $GlobalVariables.Split([System.Environment]::NewLine,[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) foreach($item in $GlobalVariablesArray) { Write-Verbose -Message " $($item.TrimEnd())" } } [int]$global:IISRFB_MaxStatusCode = 303 if($ExcludeRedirects -eq $true){ $global:IISRFB_MaxStatusCode = 300 } $n = 0 do { $n++ switch($n) { 1 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building allowDoubleEscaping query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileAllowDoubleEscaping -Sitename $global:IISRFB_Sitename -LogDir $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory Write-Verbose -Message 'Building allowDoubleEscaping results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:IISW3C -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } 2 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building allowHighBitCharacters-FS query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileAllowHighBitCharactersFS -ContentDir $global:IISRFB_WebsiteContentPath -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory Write-Verbose -Message 'Building allowHighBitCharacters-FS results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:FS -preserveLastAccTime:ON -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } 3 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building allowHighBitCharacters-IIS query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileAllowHighBitCharactersIIS -Sitename $global:IISRFB_Sitename -LogDir $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory Write-Verbose -Message 'Building allowHighBitCharacters-IIS results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:IISW3C -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } 4 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building fileExtensions-FS query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileFileExtensionsFS -ContentDir $global:IISRFB_WebsiteContentPath -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory Write-Verbose -Message 'Building fileExtensions-FS results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:FS -preserveLastAccTime:ON -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } 5 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building fileExtensions-IIS query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileFileExtensionsIIS -Sitename $global:IISRFB_Sitename ` -LogDir $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath ` -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory ` -MaxHttp $global:IISRFB_MaxStatusCode Write-Verbose -Message 'Building fileExtensions-IIS results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:IISW3C -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } 6 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building maxAllowedContentLength query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileMaxAllowedContentLength -Sitename $global:IISRFB_Sitename ` -LogDir $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath ` -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory ` -MaxHttp $global:IISRFB_MaxStatusCode Write-Verbose -Message 'Building maxAllowedContentLength results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:IISW3C -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } 7 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building maxQueryString query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileMaxQueryString -Sitename $global:IISRFB_Sitename ` -LogDir $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath ` -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory ` -MaxHttp $global:IISRFB_MaxStatusCode Write-Verbose -Message 'Building maxQueryString results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:IISW3C -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } 8 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building maxUrl-FS query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileMaxUrlFS -ContentDir $global:IISRFB_WebsiteContentPath -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory Write-Verbose -Message 'Building maxUrl-FS results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:FS -preserveLastAccTime:ON -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } 9 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building maxUrl-IIS query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileMaxUrlIIS -Sitename $global:IISRFB_Sitename ` -LogDir $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath ` -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory ` -MaxHttp $global:IISRFB_MaxStatusCode Write-Verbose -Message 'Building maxUrl-IIS results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:IISW3C -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } 10 { Write-Verbose -Message 'Building verbs query file.' $QueryFile = New-RFLpFileVerbs -Sitename $global:IISRFB_Sitename ` -LogDir $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath ` -OutputDir $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory ` -MaxHttp $global:IISRFB_MaxStatusCode Write-Verbose -Message 'Building verbs results file.' & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:IISW3C -o:CSV file:$($QueryFile) } default { Write-Verbose -Message "Writing output files to console." $lpFiles = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory -Filter "lp_*" -File Write-Host "LogParser Query Files:" -fore Green $lpFiles | ?{ $_.Name.ToString().StartsWith('lp_query_') -eq $true } | %{ Write-Host "`t$($_.FullName)"} Write-Host "Result Files:" -fore Green $lpFiles | ?{ $_.Name.ToString().StartsWith('lp_results_') -eq $true } | %{ Write-Host "`t$($_.FullName)"} Write-Host "IISRFBaseline finished." -fore Green $n = 0 } } } while($n -ne 0) } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Input validation failed.' } } # End function Invoke-IISRFBaseline function Validate-Sitename { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates IIS Website Sitename. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] # IIS Website Sitename $Sitename ) Write-Verbose -Message "Begin function Validate-Sitename." if($Sitename -notmatch "^(?i)(w3svc)[0-9]{1,12}$") { Write-Error -Message "Invalid Sitename." ` -RecommendedAction 'Example: W3SVC99' -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 120 return $false } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Sitename is a valid sitename." $global:IISRFB_Sitename = $Sitename.ToUpper() return $true } } # End function Validate-Sitename function Validate-WebsiteContentPath { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates Website Content Path input parameter. .EXAMPLE Validate-WebsiteContentPath -Path D:\WorkingFolder\ #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] # Path to Website Content Path $Path ) Write-Verbose -Message 'Begin function Validate-WebsiteContentPath' $HasErrors = $false $global:IISRFB_WebsiteContentPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Path) + '\*' $lpResult = '' try { $lpQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $global:IISRFB_WebsiteContentPath" Write-Verbose -Message "Using Logparser query: $lpQuery" [string]$lpResult = & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -e:-1 -recurse:-1 -preserveLastAccTime:ON -iw:ON -headers:OFF -q:ON -i:FS -o:NAT $lpQuery if($lpResult.Trim() -eq 'Task aborted.') { Write-Error -Message "Failed to query Website Content Path with Logparser.exe" ` -RecommendedAction "Manually run this query: & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -i:FS -o:NAT $lpQuery" ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 150 $HasErrors = $true } else { [int]$Records = 0 if([System.Int32]::TryParse($lpResult.Trim(), [ref]$Records) -eq $false) { Write-Error -Message "Failed to query Website Content Path with Logparser.exe" ` -RecommendedAction "Manually run this query: & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -i:FS -o:NAT $lpQuery" ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 151 $HasErrors = $true } else { if($Records -gt 0) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Records files/folders found in $global:IISRFB_WebsiteContentPath" } else { Write-Error -Message "Failed to query files/folders from Website Content Path with Logparser.exe" ` -RecommendedAction "Manually run this query: & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -i:FS -o:NAT $LpQuery" ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 152 return $false } } } } catch { $e = $_ Write-Error -Message "Failed to query Website Content Path with Logparser.exe. $e.Exception.Message" ` -RecommendedAction 'Review exception.' -Category $e.CategoryInfo.Category -ErrorId 153 $HasErrors = $true } if($HasErrors) { return $false } else { return $true } } # End function Validate-WebsiteContentPath function Validate-IisLogs { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates IIS logs input parameter. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] # Path to IIS logs $Path ) Write-Verbose -Message 'Begin function Validate-IisLogs' $i = 0 $HasErrors = $false $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath = $Path $lpResult = '' do{ $i++ switch($i) { 1 { # add asterisk if not present. if($global:IISRFB_IISLogPath.ToString().Contains('*') -eq $false) { Write-Verbose -Message "Adding suffix to path: $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath" try { $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Path) + '\*.log' } catch { $e = $_ Write-Error -Message "Failed to update IIS log path. $e.Exception.Message" ` -RecommendedAction 'Review exception.' -Category $e.CategoryInfo.Category -ErrorId 140 $HasErrors = $true } } } 2 { # run logparser against Write-Verbose -Message "Running Logparser.exe against IIS log path: $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath" try { $LpQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $global:IISRFB_IISLogPath WHERE s-sitename LIKE `'$global:IISRFB_Sitename`'" Write-Verbose -Message "Using Logparser query: $LpQuery" [string]$lpResult = & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -e:-1 -iw:ON -headers:OFF -q:ON -i:IISW3C -o:NAT $lpQuery if($lpResult.Trim() -eq 'Task aborted.') { Write-Error -Message "Failed to query IIS logs with Logparser.exe" ` -RecommendedAction "Manually run this query: & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -i:IISW3C -o:NAT $LpQuery" ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 141 return $false } else { [int]$IisRecords = 0 if([System.Int32]::TryParse($lpResult.Trim(), [ref]$IisRecords) -eq $false) { Write-Error -Message "Failed to query IIS logs with Logparser.exe" ` -RecommendedAction "Manually run this query: & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -i:IISW3C -o:NAT $LpQuery" ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 142 return $false } else { if($IisRecords -gt 0) { Write-Verbose -Message "$IisRecords IIS log records found for $global:IISRFB_Sitename" } else { Write-Error -Message "Failed to return IIS logs with Logparser.exe" ` -RecommendedAction "Manually run this query: & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -i:IISW3C -o:NAT $LpQuery" ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 143 return $false } } } } catch { $e = $_ Write-Error -Message "Failed to get file details. $e.Exception.Message" ` -RecommendedAction 'Review exception.' -Category $e.CategoryInfo.Category -ErrorId 144 $HasErrors = $true } } default { return $true } } if($HasErrors -eq $true) { return $false } }while($i -lt 10) } # End function Validate-IisLogs function Validate-Logparser { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates Logparser version and that it can be launched. .EXAMPLE Validate-Logparser -Path D:\WorkingFolder\logparser.exe #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] # Path to Logparser $Path ) Write-Verbose -Message 'Begin function Validate-Logparser' $i = 0 $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath = $Path $LpExeObj = '' $HasErrors = $false do{ $i++ switch($i) { 1 { # Search for Logparser.exe if not provided. if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($global:IISRFB_LogparserPath)) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Searching for Logparser.exe' [string]$SearchFolders = $env:Path + ';' + $pwd.Path $lpProgramFilesx86 = Join-Path -Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} -ChildPath 'Log Parser 2.2' if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $lpProgramFilesx86) { $SearchFolders = $lpProgramFilesx86 + ';' + $SearchFolders } $lpProgramFiles = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath 'Log Parser 2.2' if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $lpProgramFiles) { $SearchFolders = $lpProgramFiles + ';' + $SearchFolders } if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory) -eq $false) { $SearchFolders = $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory + ';' + $SearchFolders } [string[]]$SearchFoldersArray = $SearchFolders.Split(';') for($n=0; $n -lt $SearchFoldersArray.Count; $n++) { if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SearchFoldersArray[$n]) -eq $false) { $TestLpLocation = Join-Path -Path $SearchFoldersArray[$n] -ChildPath 'Logparser.exe' Write-Verbose -Message "Checking $TestLpLocation" if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $TestLpLocation) { $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath = $TestLpLocation $n = $SearchFoldersArray.Count Write-Verbose -Message "Found $TestLpLocation" } } } } if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($global:IISRFB_LogparserPath)) { Write-Error -Message 'Cannot find Logparser.exe.' -RecommendedAction 'Use -LogparserPath switch.' ` -Category ObjectNotFound -ErrorId 130 $HasErrors = $true } } 2 { # get file details of Logparser.exe Write-Verbose -Message "Getting file details for $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath" try { $LpObj = Get-Item -LiteralPath $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -ErrorAction Stop if($LpObj.PSIsContainer) { $LpPath = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -ChildPath 'LogParser.exe' $LpExeObj = Get-Item -LiteralPath $LpPath -ErrorAction Stop $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath = $LpExeObj.FullName } else { $LpExeObj = $LpObj } if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LpExeObj) -eq $true) { Write-Error -Message 'Failed to get file details for Logparser.exe.' ` -RecommendedAction 'Use -LogparserPath switch.' -Category ObjectNotFound -ErrorId 131 $HasErrors = $true } } catch { $e = $_ Write-Error -Message $('Failed to get file details. {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) ` -RecommendedAction 'Use -LogparserPath switch.' -Category $e.CategoryInfo.Category -ErrorId 132 $HasErrors = $true } } 3 { # verify file details of Logparser.exe Write-Verbose -Message "Verifying file details of $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath" try { if($LpExeObj.VersionInfo.FileVersion -ne '') { Write-Error -Message $('Invalid Log Parser Version {0}' -f $LpExeObj.VersionInfo.FileVersion) ` -RecommendedAction 'Get Log Parser Version 2.2.10' -Category InvalidResult -ErrorId 133 $HasErrors = $true } else { $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath = $LpExeObj.FullName } } catch { $e = $_ Write-Error -Message $('Error getting Logparser.exe file details. {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) ` -RecommendedAction 'Check exception message.' -Category $e.CategoryInfo.Category -ErrorId 134 $HasErrors = $true } } 4 { # test launch of Logparser.exe Write-Verbose -Message "Test launch of $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath" try{ $lpQuery = "`"SELECT FileVersion FROM `'$($global:IISRFB_LogparserPath)`'`"" Write-Verbose -Message "Using Logparser query: $lpQuery" [string]$lpFileVersion = & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -e:-1 -iw:ON -headers:OFF -q:ON -i:FS -o:NAT $lpQuery if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($lpFileVersion) -eq $false) { if($lpFileVersion.Trim() -eq 'Task aborted.') { Write-Error -Message "Failed to launch $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath" ` -RecommendedAction "Manually run this query: & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -i:FS -o:NAT $lpQuery" ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 135 $HasErrors = $true } elseif($lpFileVersion.Trim().StartsWith('2.2.10') -eq $false){ Write-Error -Message $('Invalid Log Parser Version {0}' -f $lpFileVersion) ` -RecommendedAction 'Install Log Parser Version 2.2.10' -Category InvalidResult -ErrorId 136 $HasErrors = $true } } else { Write-Error -Message "Failed to launch $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath" ` -RecommendedAction "Manually run this query: & $global:IISRFB_LogparserPath -i:FS -o:NAT $lpQuery" ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 137 $HasErrors = $true } } catch { $e = $_ Write-Error -Message $('Failed to launch Logparser.exe. {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) ` -RecommendedAction 'Check exception message.' -Category $e.CategoryInfo.Category -ErrorId 138 $HasErrors = $true } } default { return $true } } if($HasErrors -eq $true) { return $false } }while($i -lt 10) } # End function Validate-Logparser function Get-IISRFBaselineHelp { <# .SYNOPSIS Outputs markdown help file for the specified setting. .DESCRIPTION Best viewed on GitHub. Acceptable values are: allowDoubleEscaping allowHighBitCharacters-FS allowHighBitCharacters-IIS FAQ fileExtensions-FS fileExtensions-IIS maxAllowedContentLength maxQueryString maxUrl-FS maxUrl-IIS OtherSettings README verbs .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS System.String[] .EXAMPLE PS> Get-IISRFBaselineHelp -Setting allowHighBitCharacters-IIS .EXAMPLE PS> Get-IISRFBaselineHelp -Setting maxAllowedContentLength .LINK https://github.com/phbits/IISRFBaseline #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('allowDoubleEscaping','allowHighBitCharacters-FS','allowHighBitCharacters-IIS','fileExtensions-FS','fileExtensions-IIS','maxAllowedContentLength','maxQueryString','maxUrl-FS','maxUrl-IIS','verbs','FAQ','OtherSettings','README')] [System.String] # IISRFBaseline Help File $HelpFile ) $HelpFileLocation = '' switch ($Setting.ToUpper()) { 'ALLOWDOUBLEESCAPING' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-allowDoubleEscaping.md' } 'ALLOWHIGHBITCHARACTERS-FS' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-allowHighBitCharacters-FS.md' } 'ALLOWHIGHBITCHARACTERS-IIS' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-allowHighBitCharacters-IIS.md' } 'FAQ' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'FAQ.md' } 'FILEEXTENSIONS-FS' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-fileExtensions-FS.md' } 'FILEEXTENSIONS-IIS' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-fileExtensions-IIS.md' } 'MAXALLOWEDCONTENTLENGTH' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-maxAllowedContentLength.md' } 'MAXQUERYSTRING' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-maxQueryString.md' } 'MAXURL-FS' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-maxUrl-FS.md' } 'MAXURL-IIS' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-maxUrl-IIS.md' } 'OTHERSETTINGS' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'OtherSettings.md' } 'README' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'README.md' } 'VERBS' { $HelpFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $global:IISRFB_BasePath -ChildPath 'IISRFBaseline-verbs.md' } default { Write-Error 'Unknown `"-Setting`" parameter. Try, Get-Help Get-IISRFBaselineHelp -Full' } } if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($HelpFileLocation) -eq $false) { try { [string[]]$HelpFileContent = Get-Content -LiteralPath $HelpFileLocation return $HelpFileContent } catch { $e = $_ Write-Error -Message "$($e.Exception.Message)" } } } # End function Get-IISRFBaselineHelp function Validate-WorkingDirectory { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates Read/Write Access to Working Directory #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] # Path to Working Directory $WorkingDir ) Write-Verbose -Message 'Begin function Validate-WorkingDirectory' Write-Verbose -Message "Validating IsFolder: $WorkingDir" $WorkingDirItem = Get-Item -LiteralPath $WorkingDir if($WorkingDirItem.PSIsContainer -eq $false) { Write-Error -Message "`"$WorkingDir`" is not a valid Working Directory." ` -RecommendedAction "Specify a folder for the `'-WorkingDirectory`' switch." ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 161 return $false } Write-Verbose -Message "Validating Read/Write access to $WorkingDir" $TestFilePath = Join-Path -Path $WorkingDir -ChildPath 'tmp-test-write.txt' if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $TestFilePath) { Write-Error -Message "$TestFilePath already exists. Must delete before proceeding." ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 162 return $false } try { Write-Verbose -Message "Writing temp file to $TestFilePath" $TestFile = New-Item -Path $WorkingDir -Name 'tmp-test-write.txt' -ItemType File -Value 'TestWrite' -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message "Reading temp file at $TestFilePath" $TestFileContent = Get-Content -LiteralPath $TestFilePath -ErrorAction Stop if($TestFileContent -ne 'TestWrite') { Write-Error -Message "Failed to read temp file $TestFilePath" ` -RecommendedAction "Verify a minimum of Read/Write permission on $WorkingDir" ` -Category NotSpecified -ErrorId 163 return $false } } catch { $e = $_ Write-Error -Message "$($e.Exception.Message)" return $false } Write-Verbose -Message "Validated Read/Write access to $WorkingDir" if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $TestFilePath) { try { Write-Verbose -Message "Removing temp file $TestFilePath" Remove-Item -LiteralPath $TestFilePath } catch { Write-Verbose -Message "Failed to remove temp file $TestFilePath. Not critical. Continuing." } } Write-Verbose -Message "Valid working directory $WorkingDir" $global:IISRFB_WorkingDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($WorkingDir) + '\' return $true } # End function Validate-WorkingDirectory # set module root to variable $global:IISRFB_BasePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($psscriptroot) + '\' |