
function Write-ErrorResponse($ErrorResponse) {

    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
        if ($ErrorResponse.Exception.Response) {
            $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($ErrorResponse.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream())
            $Reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
            $ResponseBody = $Reader.ReadToEnd()
            if ($ResponseBody.StartsWith('{')) {
                $ResponseBody = $ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json
            Write-Host ("{0}: {1}" -f $ErrorResponse,$ResponseBody) -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host $ErrorResponse -ForegroundColor Red
    else {
        Write-Host $ErrorResponse.ErrorDetails.Message -ForegroundColor Red

Function Test-JSON{
    This function is used to test if the JSON passed to a REST Post request is valid
    The function tests if the JSON passed to the REST Post is valid
    Test if the JSON is valid before calling the Graph REST interface

    Param (

    try {
        $TestJSON = ConvertFrom-Json $JSON -ErrorAction Stop
        $validJson = $true

    catch {
        $validJson = $false

    Return $validJson


Function Set-IDMResourceFriendlyName{



    If($LicenseType){$FriendlyName = $Name + ' (' + (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($LicenseType) + ')'}Else{ $FriendlyName = $Name}

        '#microsoft.graph.deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration' {$FriendlyName = ('(WHfB) ' + $Name)}
        '#microsoft.graph.windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration' {$FriendlyName = ('(ESP) ' + $Name)}
        #'#microsoft.graph.windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration' {$FriendlyName = ('(WUfB) ' + $Name)}
        default { $FriendlyName = $Name}

        return $FriendlyName
        return $Name

Function Set-IDMResourceFriendlyType{


        'advancedThreatProtectionOnboardingStateSummary' {$FriendlyType = 'Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Onboarding'}
        'windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles' {$FriendlyType = 'Autopilot Deployment Profile'}
        'windowsFeatureUpdateProfiles' {$FriendlyType = 'Feature Updates'}
        'roleScopeTags' {$FriendlyType = 'Role Tags'}
        #'deviceEnrollmentConfigurations' {$FriendlyType = 'deviceEnrollment'}
        'windowsInformationProtectionPolicies' {$FriendlyType = 'Windows Information Protection'}
        'deviceManagementScripts' {$FriendlyType = 'PowerShell Scripts'}
        'mdmWindowsInformationProtectionPolicies' {$FriendlyType = 'Windows Information Protection'}
        'deviceCompliancePolicies' {$FriendlyType = 'Compliance Policy'}
        'deviceHealthScripts' {$FriendlyType = 'Endpoint Analytics (Proactive Remediation)'}
        'windowsQualityUpdateProfiles' {$FriendlyType = 'Quality Updates'}
        'mobileApps' {$FriendlyType = 'Apps'}
        'deviceConfigurations' {$FriendlyType = 'Configuration Profile'}
        'policysets' {$FriendlyType = 'Policy Set'}
        default {$FriendlyType = $Category}


        '#microsoft.graph.azureADWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Azure AD)')}
        '#microsoft.graph.activeDirectoryWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Hybrid Join)')}
        '#microsoft.graph.deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestrictionsConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = 'Device Restrictions'}
        '#microsoft.graph.deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = '(Autopilot) Windows Hello For Business'}
        '#microsoft.graph.windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = '(Autopilot) Enrollment Status Page'}
        '#microsoft.graph.deviceComanagementAuthorityConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = '(Autopilot) Co-Management Setting'}
        '#microsoft.graph.deviceEnrollmentLimitConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = 'Device Limitation'}
        '#microsoft.graph.windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = 'Windows Update for Business'}
        '#microsoft.graph.windows10CustomConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Custom)')}
        '#microsoft.graph.windowsDomainJoinConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Hybrid Domain Join)')}
        '#microsoft.graph.windows10DeviceFirmwareConfigurationInterface' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (DFCI)')}
        '#microsoft.graph.windowsKioskConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Kiosk)')}
        '#microsoft.graph.sharedPCConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Shared PC)')}
        '#microsoft.graph.editionUpgradeConfiguration' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Edition Upgrade)')}
        '#microsoft.graph.webApp' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Web Link)')}
        '#microsoft.graph.officeSuiteApp' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Office 365)')}

    #Common named OData Types
    Switch -wildcard ($ODataType){
        '*ScepCertificateProfile' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (SCEP)')}
        '*TrustedRootCertificate' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Certificate)')}
        '*PkcsCertificateProfile' {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (PKCS Certificate)')}
        '*MicrosoftEdgeApp'     {$FriendlyType = ($FriendlyType + ' (Microsoft Edge)')}

    return $FriendlyType

function Split-IDMRequests {
    Split an array into groups
    .PARAMETER CollectionUri
    Provide Uri in array format
    .PARAMETER GroupOf
    Set the amount each grouped array will consist of. Graph Batch process cap is 20.
     $Uri = @(
    $Uri | %{ $_.uri + '/' + $ + '/assignments'} |
                Split-IDMRequests -GroupOf 20 | ForEach-Object { $_ | Invoke-IDMGraphBatchRequests -Verbose:$VerbosePreference}


        [ValidateRange(1, 20)]
        [int] $GroupOf = 20
    begin {
        $Ctr = 0
        $Array = @()
        $TempArray = @()
    process {
        foreach ($e in $CollectionUri) {
            if (++$Ctr -eq $GroupOf) {
                $Ctr = 0
                $Array += , @($TempArray + $e)
                $TempArray = @()
            $TempArray += $e
    end {
        if ($TempArray) { $Array += , $TempArray }
        return $Array

Function ConvertFrom-GraphHashtable{



        $GraphObject = @()

        #$hashtable = @{}
        Foreach($Item in $graphData)
            $hashtable = @{}
            #foreach( $property in $ )
            If(Test-Hashtable $Item)
                foreach( $property in $Item.GetEnumerator() )
                    #$hashtable[$property] = $Item.$property
                    $hashtable[$property.Name] = $property.Value
                    $ItemURI = ($ResourceUri + '/' + $ + "/" + $ResourceAppend).Trim('/')
                    $hashtable['uri'] = $ItemURI
                #$hashtable['type'] = (Split-Path $Element.'@odata.context' -Leaf).replace('$metadata#','')
                $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hashtable
                $GraphObject += $Object
                    $Item | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'uri' -Value ($ResourceUri + '/' + $ + "/" + $ResourceAppend).Trim('/')
                $GraphObject += $Item


        return $GraphObject

#test if object is a hashtable
function Test-Hashtable{

        $isHashtable = $false
        if($Object -is [hashtable]){
            $isHashtable = $true
        return $isHashtable