@{ RootModule = 'ICMP.psm1' ModuleVersion = '1.0.3' GUID = 'ab314616-6aad-4a19-a81d-7404bf32d167' Author = 'David CLEMENT' CompanyName = 'Dawan' Copyright = '(c) 2022 David CLEMENT @ dawan.fr' Description = 'Ping with .Net Framework. Fatest ping.' # PowerShellVersion = '' # PowerShellHostName = '' # PowerShellHostVersion = '' # DotNetFrameworkVersion = '' # CLRVersion = '' # ProcessorArchitecture = '' # RequiredModules = @() # RequiredAssemblies = @() ScriptsToProcess = 'init.ps1' TypesToProcess = 'ICMP.type.ps1xml' FormatsToProcess = 'ICMP.format.ps1xml' # NestedModules = @() FunctionsToExport = 'Test-ICMP' CmdletsToExport = @() # VariablesToExport = @() AliasesToExport = @() # DscResourcesToExport = @() # ModuleList = @() FileList = 'ICMP.format.ps1xml', 'ICMP.psd1', 'ICMP.psm1', 'ICMP.type.ps1xml', 'init.ps1' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = 'System','Network','ICMP','Ping' LicenseUri = 'http://www.wtfpl.net/' ProjectUri = 'https://www.dawan.fr' IconUri = 'https://www.dawan.fr/build/images/dawan-logo.png' ReleaseNotes = 'Test de publication' # ExternalModuleDependencies = '' } # End of PSData hashtable } # End of PrivateData hashtable # HelpInfoURI = '' # DefaultCommandPrefix = '' } |