
function Get-UnifiedLog {
    Function to get Unified audit logs for InformationBarrierPolicyApplication.
    Function to get Unified audit logs for InformationBarrierPolicyApplication.
    .PARAMETER StartDate
    Date to search audit logs from.
    .PARAMETER EndDate
    Date to search audit logs until.
    InformationBarrierPolicyApplication Identity to search audits for.
    PS C:\> Get-UnifiedLog -StartDate "01/19/2021" -EndDate "02/19/2021" -AppId "74c593f9-beca-45a2-b77e-cbf36fcfbd81"
    The function will search for all logs about InformationBarrierPolicyApplication related to AppId "74c593f9-beca-45a2-b77e-cbf36fcfbd81" between "01/19/2021" and "02/19/2021".

    Param (
    Write-PSFHostColor -String "[$((Get-Date).ToString("HH:mm:ss"))] Searching Unified Audit Logs."
    $statusBar.Text = "Running..."
    $records = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -RecordType InformationBarrierPolicyApplication -ResultSize 5000 -ObjectIds $AppId
    if ($null -ne $records) {
        $array = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        $array.AddRange( ($records.auditdata | convertfrom-json | Select-Object CommandId, CommandStarted, CommandType, CreationTime, EndTime, GalChangeType, Id, ObjectId, Operation, OrganizationId, policyChangeType, recipientId, RecordType, StartTime, UserId, UserKey, UserType, Version, Workload) )
        $statusBar.Text = "Ready. Records found: $($records.Count)"
        return $array
    else {
        $statusBar.Text = "Ready. No records found"