function Assert-ServiceConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks current connection status for SCC, EXO and AzureAD .DESCRIPTION Checks current connection status for SCC, EXO and AzureAD .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Assert-ServiceConnection Checks current connection status for SCC, EXO and AzureAD #> [OutputType([System.Collections.ArrayList])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Parameters ) $Sessions = Get-PSSession $ServicesToConnect = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList" # Check if SCC connection if ( -not ($Sessions.ComputerName -match "") ) { $null = $ServicesToConnect.add("SCC") } # Check if EXO connection if ( $Sessions.ComputerName -notcontains "" ) { $null = $ServicesToConnect.add("EXO") } # Connecting to AzAccount $azContext = Get-AzContext if ( -not($null -eq $azContext) ) { Write-PSFHostColor -String "[$((Get-Date).ToString("HH:mm:ss"))] Azure context is connected with: $($azcontext.Account). If it is not correct, click on the button 'Change AzContext Account'" -DefaultColor Yellow } else { $null = $ServicesToConnect.add("AzAccount") } return $ServicesToConnect } |