Function Get-OrgSegments { <# .SYNOPSIS This function gets the current Organization Segments in the tenant. .DESCRIPTION This function gets the current Organization Segments in the tenant. .PARAMETER ShowOutputLine Use this switch to show a small output line to Powershell session. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-OrgSegments This function gets the current Organization Segments in the tenant. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")] [OutputType([System.Collections.ArrayList])] [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Switch]$ShowOutputline ) if ( $ShowOutputline ) { Write-PSFHostColor -String "[$((Get-Date).ToString("HH:mm:ss"))] Getting current Organization Segments." } $statusBar.Text = "Running..." $array = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $array.AddRange( (Get-OrganizationSegment | Select-Object Name,UserGroupFilter,CreatedBy,WhenCreated) ) $statusBar.Text = "Ready. Segments found: $($array.count)" return $array } |