
function Get-SegmentMembers {
    This function gets the current Organization Segment members.
    This function gets the current Organization Segment members for the specified Segment.
    .PARAMETER SegmentName
    Defines the Organization Segment name.
    .PARAMETER ShowOutputLine
    Use this switch to show a small output line to Powershell session.
    PS C:\> Get-SegmentMembers -SegmentName "HR Members"
    Gets the current members for the Organization Segment named 'HR Members'.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Enter Organization Segment Name.")]

    if ( $ShowOutputline ) { Write-PSFHostColor -String "[$((Get-Date).ToString("HH:mm:ss"))] Getting Organization Segment Members." }
    $statusBar.Text = "Running..."
    $array = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    $filter = (Get-OrganizationSegment -Identity $SegmentName).UserGroupFilter
    $array.Add( (Get-EXORecipient -Filter $filter -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object Name,PrimarySMTPAddress,*recipientType* ) )

    $statusBar.Text = "Ready. Members found: $($array.count)"
    return $array