enum LogLevel { Information = 0 Warning = 1 Error = 2 } enum ChannelType { File = 0 EventLog = 1 } class Channel { hidden [ChannelType] $ChannelType Channel([ChannelType]$ChannelType) { $this.ChannelType = $ChannelType } [Void] WriteInformation([System.String]$Source, [int32]$ID, [System.String]$Message) { $this.Log($Source, [LogLevel]'Information', $ID, $Message) } [Void] WriteWarning([System.String]$Source, [int32]$ID, [System.String]$Message) { $this.Log($Source, [LogLevel]'Warning', $ID, $Message) } [Void] WriteError([System.String]$Source, [int32]$ID, [System.String]$Message) { $this.Log($Source, [LogLevel]'Error', $ID, $Message) } [System.String] ToString() { return ('{0} Log Channel' -f $this.ChannelType) } } class FileLogChannel : Channel { [System.String] $FilePath [System.String] $FileLogFormat # Default setting is being handled in cmdlet # FileLogChannel ([System.String]$FilePath) : base ([ChannelType]'File') { # $this.FileLogFormat = '{0:yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.fff} - {1} [{2}] ({3}): {4}' # $this.FilePath = $FilePath # } FileLogChannel ([System.String] $FilePath, [System.String]$FileLogFormat) : base ([ChannelType]'File') { if(-not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath)){ throw 'FilePath does not exist' } $this.FilePath = $FilePath $this.FileLogFormat = $FileLogFormat } hidden [Void] Log([System.String]$Source, [LogLevel]$Level, [int32]$ID, [System.String]$Message) { Out-File -FilePath $this.FilePath -InputObject ($this.FileLogFormat -f (Get-Date),$Source, $Level, $ID, $Message) -Encoding unicode -Append } } class EventLogChannel : Channel { [System.String] $EventLogSourceName [System.String] $EventLogName EventLogChannel ([System.String] $EventLogName, [System.String]$EventLogSourceName) : base ([ChannelType]'EventLog') { # If either the EventLog or the EventSource dont't exist admin permissions will be required try{ $sourceExists = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($EventLogSourceName) } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] { $sourceExists = $false } if (-not (($EventLogName -in ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::GetEventLogs() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Log)) -and $sourceExists ) ) { throw 'EventLog and/or EventSource does not exist' # Logic is being handled in the cmdlet # try { # If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { # $param = @{ # 'FilePath' = 'powershell.exe' # 'WorkingDirectory' = $pwd # 'Verb' = 'RunAs' # 'ArgumentList' = ('-Command &{{New-EventLog -LogName {0} -Source {1} | Out-Null}}' -f $EventLogName, $EventLogSourceName) # } # Start-Process @param #-FilePath 'powershell.exe' -WorkingDirectory $pwd -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList ('-Command &{New-EventLog -LogName {0} -Source {1} | Out-Null}' -f $EventLogName,$EventLogSourceName) # } else { # New-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $EventLogSourceName | Out-Null # } # Write-Information ('{0} has been created as EventLog and {1} as it''s source.' -f $EventLogName, $EventLogSourceName) # } catch { # Write-Error 'Could not create EventLog and Source' # throw $_.Exception # } } $this.EventLogSourceName = $EventLogSourceName $this.EventLogName = $EventLogName } hidden [Void] Log([System.String]$Source, [LogLevel]$Level, [int32]$ID, [System.String]$Message) { $param = @{ 'LogName' = $this.EventLogName 'Source' = $this.EventLogSourceName 'EntryType' = [System.String]$Level 'EventId' = $ID 'Message' = ("Source: " + $Source + "`nMessage: " + $Message) } Write-EventLog @param } } |