#Requires -Version 5.0 function Convert-FromJsonObject { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSShouldProcess', '', Justification = 'Don''t use ShouldProcess in internal functions.')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '', Justification = 'Invoke-Expression is used to convert GB-notation to an integer-value.')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '', Justification = 'The passwords are coming from a file; conversion is necessary.')] param ( [PSCustomObject]$InputObject, [string]$TypeName, $RootObject, $ParentObject ) if (-not $InputObject) { return } switch ($TypeName) { 'LabEnvironment' { $environment = New-Object LabEnvironment -Property @{ Name = $InputObject.Name Path = $InputObject.Path MachinesPath = $InputObject.MachinesPath FilesPath = $InputObject.FilesPath ConfigurationFilePath = $InputObject.ConfigurationFilePath ConfigurationName = $InputObject.ConfigurationName CertificateFilePath = $InputObject.CertificateFilePath CertificateThumbprint = $InputObject.CertificateThumbprint Properties = Convert-PSObjectToHashtable -InputObject $InputObject.Properties } if ($InputObject.Host) { $environment.Host = Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $InputObject.Host -TypeName 'LabHost' } $environment.Hardware = $InputObject.Hardware | ForEach-Object { Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $_ -TypeName 'LabHardware' -ParentObject $environment } $environment.OperatingSystems = $InputObject.OperatingSystems | ForEach-Object { Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $_ -TypeName 'LabOperationSystem' -ParentObject $environment } $environment.Domains = $InputObject.Domains | ForEach-Object { Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $_ -TypeName 'LabDomain' -ParentObject $environment } $environment.Networks = $InputObject.Networks | ForEach-Object { Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $_ -TypeName 'LabNetwork' -RootObject $environment -ParentObject $environment } $environment.Machines = $InputObject.Machines | ForEach-Object { Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $_ -TypeName 'LabMachine' -RootObject $environment -ParentObject $environment } return $environment } 'LabHost' { $host = New-Object LabHost -Property @{ Name = $InputObject.Name } if ($InputObject.Share) { $host.Share = Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $InputObject.Share -TypeName 'LabHostShare' } return $host } 'LabHostShare' { $hostShare = New-Object LabHostShare -Property @{ Name = $InputObject.Name Path = $InputObject.Path UserName = $InputObject.UserName } if ($InputObject.Password) { try { if ($InputObject.PasswordType -eq 'PlainText') { $hostShare.Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $InputObject.Password -AsPlainText -Force } else { $hostShare.Password = $InputObject.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error reading the host-share password." } } return $hostShare } 'LabOperationSystem' { return New-Object LabOperationSystem -Property @{ Name = $InputObject.Name FilePath = $InputObject.FilePath UnattendFilePath = $InputObject.UnattendFilePath ProductKey = $InputObject.ProductKey Environment = $ParentObject } } 'LabDomain' { $domain = New-Object LabDomain -Property @{ Name = $InputObject.Name NetbiosName = $InputObject.NetbiosName Environment = $ParentObject } if ($InputObject.AdministratorPassword) { try { if ($InputObject.AdministratorPasswordType -eq 'PlainText') { $domain.AdministratorPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $InputObject.AdministratorPassword -AsPlainText -Force } else { $domain.AdministratorPassword = $InputObject.AdministratorPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error reading the domain administrator password." } } return $domain } 'LabDnsServer' { $dnsServer = New-Object LabDnsServer -Property @{ IPAddress = $InputObject.IPAddress } return $dnsServer } 'LabDhcpServer' { $dhcpServer = New-Object LabDhcpServer -Property @{ IPAddress = $InputObject.IPAddress ScopeName = $InputObject.ScopeName ScopeId = $InputObject.ScopeId StartRange = $InputObject.StartRange EndRange = $InputObject.EndRange SubnetMask = $InputObject.SubnetMask LeaseDurationDays = $InputObject.LeaseDurationDays DefaultGateway = $InputObject.DefaultGateway } return $dhcpServer } 'LabHardware' { $hardware = New-Object LabHardware -Property @{ Name = $InputObject.Name ProcessorCount = $InputObject.ProcessorCount Environment = $ParentObject } if ($InputObject.StartupMemory) { $hardware.StartupMemory = Invoke-expression -Command $InputObject.StartupMemory } if ($InputObject.StartupMemory) { $hardware.MinimumMemory = Invoke-expression -Command $InputObject.MinimumMemory } if ($InputObject.StartupMemory) { $hardware.MaximumMemory = Invoke-expression -Command $InputObject.MaximumMemory } return $hardware } 'LabNetwork' { $network = New-Object LabNetwork -Property @{ Name = $InputObject.Name SwitchName = $InputObject.SwitchName SwitchType = $InputObject.SwitchType SwitchNetAdapterName = $InputObject.SwitchNetAdapterName AddressFamily = $InputObject.AddressFamily PrefixLength = $InputObject.PrefixLength HostIPAddress = $InputObject.HostIPAddress Environment = $ParentObject } $network.Domain = ($RootObject.Domains | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $InputObject.Domain } | Select-Object -First 1) if ($InputObject.DnsServer) { $network.DnsServer = Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $InputObject.DnsServer -TypeName 'LabDnsServer' } if ($InputObject.DhcpServer) { $network.DhcpServer = Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $InputObject.DhcpServer -TypeName 'LabDhcpServer' } return $network } 'LabMachine' { $machine = New-Object LabMachine -Property @{ Name = $InputObject.Name TimeZone = $InputObject.TimeZone Role = $InputObject.Role FilesPath = $InputObject.FilesPath Properties = Convert-PSObjectToHashtable -InputObject $InputObject.Properties Environment = $ParentObject } if ($InputObject.AdministratorPassword) { try { if ($InputObject.AdministratorPasswordType -eq 'PlainText') { $machine.AdministratorPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $InputObject.AdministratorPassword -AsPlainText -Force } else { $machine.AdministratorPassword = $InputObject.AdministratorPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error reading the machine administrator password." } } $machine.AllProperties = @{} if ($RootObject) { foreach ($propertyKey in $RootObject.Properties.Keys) { $machine.AllProperties[$propertyKey] = $RootObject.Properties.$propertyKey } } foreach ($propertyKey in $machine.Properties.Keys) { $machine.AllProperties[$propertyKey] = $machine.Properties.$propertyKey } $machine.Hardware = ($RootObject.Hardware | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $InputObject.Hardware } | Select-Object -First 1) $machine.Disks = ($InputObject.Disks | ForEach-Object { Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $_ -TypeName 'LabDisk' -RootObject $RootObject }) $machine.NetworkAdapters = ($InputObject.NetworkAdapters | ForEach-Object { Convert-FromJsonObject -InputObject $_ -TypeName 'LabNetworkAdapter' -RootObject $RootObject }) return $machine } 'LabDisk' { $disk = New-Object LabDisk -Property @{ DifferencingDisk = $InputObject.DifferencingDisk UseEnvironmentCopy = $InputObject.UseEnvironmentCopy Size = $(if ($InputObject.Size) { Invoke-expression -Command $InputObject.Size }) Shared = $InputObject.Shared ImageFilePath = $InputObject.ImageFilePath } $disk.OperatingSystem = ($RootObject.OperatingSystems | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $InputObject.OperatingSystem } | Select-Object -First 1) [LabDiskType]$type = [LabDiskType]::HardDisk if (-not [LabDiskType]::TryParse($InputObject.Type, [ref]$type)) { if ($disk.OperatingSystem) { $type = [LabDiskType]::OperatingSystem } elseif ($disk.ImageFilePath) { $type = [LabDiskType]::DVDDrive } else { $type = [LabDiskType]::HardDisk } } $disk.Type = $type return $disk } 'LabNetworkAdapter' { $networkAdapter = New-Object LabNetworkAdapter -Property @{ StaticMacAddress = $InputObject.StaticMacAddress StaticIPAddress = $InputObject.StaticIPAddress } $networkAdapter.Network = ($RootObject.Networks | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $InputObject.Network } | Select-Object -First 1) return $networkAdapter } } } |